Title: CSS Benefits of Web Standards
1CSS Benefits of Web Standards
- Daniel M. Frommelt
- Sean Sieg
- University of Wisconsin - Platteville
2CSS Benefits of Web Standards
- Presentation and documentation are online _at_
- http//www.uwplatt.edu/web/webstandards
3CSS Benefits of Web Standards
- Concept of Web Standards
- Concept of DIV skeleton structure
- Concept of CSS skins markup
- Reasons to make the switch
4Web Standards?
Web Standard Basics
5So what are Web Standards?
Web Standard Basics
- XHTML 1.0 or higher
- CSS Level 1 CSS Level 2
- DOM Level 1 DOM Level 2
- ECMAScript 262 (current JavaScript)
- http//www.webstandards.org/about/
Web Recommendations Standards
6What the heck is XHTML?
Web Standard Basics
- The Extensible HyperText Markup Language
(XHTML) is a family of current and future
document types and modules that reproduce,
subset, and extend HTML, reformulated in XML.
XHTML Family document types are all XML-based,
and ultimately are designed to work in
conjunction with XML-based user agents. XHTML is
the successor of HTML, and a series of
specifications has been developed for XHTML. - http//www.w3.org/MarkUp/
7How do I convert to XHTML?
Web Standard Basics
- Declare the DOCTYPE
- Tag and attributes in lower case
- Attributes must have quoted values
- All tags must have an end tag (ltbr /gt)
- Nest tags correctly
- Validate the page (http//validator.w3.org)
8Any Benefits to XHTML?
Web Standard Basics
- More Accessible
- Eliminates silly mistakes in code
- Renders more accurately in browsers
- Backward AND forward compatible
- First step toward Web Standards
9XHTML is the Future
Web Standard Basics
- XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- XHTML 1.0 Strict
- XHTML 1.1
- XHTML 2.0 (W3C Working Draft)
- No more development of HTML!
10Table Design
DIV skeleton structure
- Tables can build a nice layout
- Tables are predictable
- However,
- Tables bloat the code
- Can we eliminate tables?
11Table Purpose
DIV skeleton structure
- Tables should not be used purely as a means to
layout document content as this may present
problems when rendering to non-visual media.
Additionally, when used with graphics, these
tables may force users to scroll horizontally to
view a table designed on a system with a larger
display. To minimize these problems, authors
should use style sheets to control layout rather
than tables. - http//www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/tables.htmlh-11
12Alternative Design Method
DIV skeleton structure
- DIVs can be an alternate to lttablegt
- DIVs are a container like a table cell
- CSS can position the DIV
- ltdiv id"article"gtxxxlt/divgt
- article
- width250px
- padding5px
- floatright
13DIV Design
DIV skeleton structure
- Use DIVs to create the skeleton of the page.
- There should be no display-specific information
in the XHTML - The Goal separate the information from the
layout / presentation of the page - Layout is entirely controlled by CSS
14DIV Design
DIV skeleton structure
- Identify major sections of the page
- Masthead (Logo and Title)
- Menu
- Content
- Search
- Footer
- Dont overuse the DIVs!
- Dont worry about positioning in the XHTML!
15(No Transcript)
16DIV Structure?
Current Topics
- Learning curve of DIV
- Future of browsers is uncertain
- WYSIWYG Editors
17(No Transcript)
18Skinning Concept
CSS skinning
- The skin is the design placed over the skeleton
structure - Its like a cell phone
- Model of phone is the skeleton
- Face plates are the skins
- You can swap face plates
19Skinning Concept
CSS skinning
- Like a cell phone, web pages can have face
plates (skins) that are changeable - The CSS skins have nothing to do with the XHTML
markup - External CSS file
- Easily modifiable
- Faster Redesign
20Overview of New Structure
CSS skinning
- XHTML DIVs are like the parts of the phone
(antenna, buttons, speaker, etc.) - Layout CSS is like the different models of phones
(where parts are positioned) - Skin CSS is like the face plates
21CSS Zen Garden
CSS Skinning Topics
- The best example showing the power of CSS
skinning! - http//www.csszengarden.com
- Web Standards dont have to be ugly!
22CSS Skinning Topics
23CSS Skinning Topics
24CSS Skinning Topics
25CSS Skinning Topics
26CSS Skinning Topics
27How do I build this?
Developing Skins
- Style sheets for a skinnable website
- Base CSS simple structure
- Advanced CSS final structure _at_import
- Skin CSS design/presentation _at_import
- Fonts CSS
- Printer Friendly CSS
28Why so many CSS files?
Developing Skins
- Setting the stage for forward AND backward
compatibility - _at_import - fix non-standard browsers
- Layout CSS separate from Skin
- Fonts can now be adjusted quickly
- Printer Friendly without the hassle!
- Its just too cool! ?
29(No Transcript)
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31Emphasis on Information
Reasons to follow Web Standards
- In 1995, Al Gore coined the phrase
- Information Superhighway
- Design Superhighway
- http//www.nortropic.com/lis341/cgold/superway.htm
32Emphasis on Information
Reasons to follow Web Standards
- Web is about delivering information
- Design must be secondary
- You cannot control what user agent will open the
page, so you must be ready - Backward and forward compatibility is essential
33Backward Compatibility
Reasons to follow Web Standards
- Compliant with older browser without having to
make a separate set of pages - Design fails gracefully Its not pretty, but
the information is there!
34Reasons to follow Web Standards
35Forward Compatibility
Reasons to follow Web Standards
- More compliant user agents get better designed /
presented information - Not committed to one platform / browser
- Ready for what the future brings
- Cell phone
- TV
- Screenreaders
36Reasons to follow Web Standards
37Reasons to follow Web Standards
38Bandwidth Savings
Reasons to follow Web Standards
- Using web standards saves on bandwidth
- Code reduction with limited markup provides
cleaner and simpler code - CSS files are cached
39Slashdot Example
Reasons to follow Web Standards
- Slashdot is a well known site
- Copied the index on July 22, 2003
- HTML 3.2 code
- Table driven design
40Slashdot Example Stages
Reasons to follow Web Standards
- There are four stages (folders)
- Original file as of July 22, 2003
- XHTML with no markup
- Re-structured XHTML identify data
- Web Standards Version
- Additional information and example zip file is
online at - http//www.uwplatt.edu/web/webstandards/slashdot.
41Reasons to follow Web Standards
42Slashdot Bandwidth Savings
Reasons to follow Web Standards
- Actual savings per page
- Without caching CSS 2KB
- With caching CSS 9KB
- Thats not a lot,
- however it adds up!
43Slashdot Bandwidth Savings
Reasons to follow Web Standards
- Slashdot serves 50 million pages a month, which
is 18 pages per second. - (http//slashdot.org/faq/slashmeta.shtmlsm300)
- Savings per day
- Without caching CSS 3.15 GB
- With caching CSS 14.0 GB
44Personal Bandwidth Story
Reasons to follow Web Standards
- Over a year ago we made the leap.
- Saved a few KB, and thought big deal.
- Network team PANICKED because of unexpected drop
in server load. - Everyone is much happier / wiser now!
45In Conclusion
Web Standards
- Web Standards is a journey
- Not a quick fix, so dont expect it
- Major benefits!
- Forward / Backward compatible
- Bandwidth savings
- Easier transitions for future updates
- Printer Friendly!
46Dont Panic
Web Standards
47Presentation Documentation Info _at_
CSS Benefits of Web Standards