Title: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)
1Session 57
- Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
(IPEDS) - Jan Plotczyk
- IPEDS and Federal Student Aid
- 2006-07 data collection
- Race/ethnicity
- Current projects of interest
- IPEDS data use tools
- New COOL (!!!)
- Influences on the future
- Wrap up QA
3IPEDS and Federal Student Aid
4Mandatory completion of IPEDS
- Completion of all IPEDS surveys, in a timely and
accurate manner, is mandatory for all
institutions that participate in or are
applicants for participation in any Federal
financial assistance program authorized by Title
IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as
amended. - 20 U.S.C. 1094, Section 487(a)(17)
- Program Participation Agreement (PPA)
5What does this mean?
- Completion of ALL applicable IPEDS components
within the appropriate data collection period - Enter data into the web-based data collection
system - Edit and clean the data
- Lock the data
6Penalties for noncompliance
- Institution can be fined up to 27,500 per
violation - Institutions eligibility to participate in Title
IV programs can be suspended
7Noncompliant institutions
- Each year, NCES is required to forward a list of
noncompliant institutions to the Office of
Federal Student Aid (FSA)
FSA Noncompliance Actions Number of institutions fined, warned FSA Noncompliance Actions Number of institutions fined, warned FSA Noncompliance Actions Number of institutions fined, warned FSA Noncompliance Actions Number of institutions fined, warned FSA Noncompliance Actions Number of institutions fined, warned
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06
Fined 78 1,241,000 39 370,000 39 175,500 10 57,000
Warned 350 30 12 12
Total 428 69 51 22
9IPEDS Data Collection 2006-07
10Fall Collection
Surveys Institutional Characteristics (IC) Completions (C)
Collection open September 6
Institution close October 18
Coordinator close November 1
11Winter Collection
Surveys Human Resources (HR) Enrollment (EF) (available) Finance (F) (available)
Collection open December 6
Institution close January 24
Coordinator close February 7
12Spring Collection
Surveys Enrollment (EF) Finance (F) Student Financial Aid (SFA) Graduation Rates (GRS)
Collection open March 7
Institution close April 18
Coordinator close May 2
13Followup Schedule
- Email to KH (collection open) Open
- Letter to CEO (no reg KH) Close 4wks
- Email to KH (no data) Close 4wks
- Phone to CEO (no reg KH) Close 3wks
- Phone to CEO/KH (no data) Close 2wks
- Email to KH (no data) Close 2wks
- Email to KH (not locked) Close 2wks
- Email to KH (no data) Close 1wk
- Email to KH (not locked) Close 1wk
14Data Collection System Rewrite
- Data Collection System has been rewritten for
2006-07 using .NET and SQL2005 - Supposed to result in increased efficiency,
ability to do more cool stuff - Technology is so new that our developers are
bleeding from being on the cutting edge - Thanks for your patience during fall collection
as we went operational
15New IC item -- Preliminary Early Estimate of Fall
- IPEDS enrollment data collected in winter and
spring are not released until the following
summer - Many requests from data users for earlier
enrollment data - Will not be displayed in IPEDS COOL, but will be
available through IPEDS Peer Analysis System
- Clearly identified as early estimates, so data
can be different from what will be reported on EF
16New IC item -- Preliminary Early Estimate of Fall
Level of Student Full time Part time Total
Undergraduate R R CV
First-time undergrad R R CV
Graduate R R CV
First-professional R R CV
Grand total estimated Fall 2006 enrollment Grand total estimated Fall 2006 enrollment Grand total estimated Fall 2006 enrollment CV
R reported value. CV calculated value.
17New IC item System, corporate affiliation
- Write-in item to capture affiliation with
institutional system, corporate entity - Relocated from Finance
- Will be pulled forward in subsequent years
- Will be used in project to aggregate IPEDS data
to system/corporation level
18New IC item Program length
- For institutions that report price of attendance
data by program - Report program length in either credit hours or
contact hours - Report average number of months it takes to
complete programs - Clarification for IPEDS COOL
19New Enrollment item Transfers in
- Degree-granting institutions
- New column
- Transfers into the institution (first-time at
institution) - Full time and part time
20Fall Enrollment Transfers In
Full-time undergraduate students Full-time undergraduate students Full-time undergraduate students Full-time undergraduate students Full-time undergraduate students Full-time undergraduate students
Degree/certificate-seeking Degree/certificate-seeking Degree/certificate-seeking Degree/certificate-seeking Non-degree/ non-certif-seeking Total
First-time Trans-fers in Other Total Non-degree/ non-certif-seeking Total
R reported value CV calculated value
21New Human Resources items
- 4-yr degree-granting institutions
- Add tenure status of instructional staff back to
SA section - Institutions with lt15 full-time employees
- Will do short Fall Staff section (collects data
by primary occupational activity, by
race/ethnicity and gender)
22(No Transcript)
- Proposed Dept of ED guidance on Maintaining,
Collecting, and Reporting Data on Race and
Ethnicity posted in Federal Register 8/7/06 - For implementing 1997 OMB standards
- Public could submit comments until 9/21/06
- Final guidance to be posted after comment period
25Proposed Guidance
- Calls for implementation no later than Fall 2009,
with data regarding 2009-10 academic year - Covers 2 separate issues
- Collection of R/E data by institutions
- Reporting of aggregate data to US Dept of ED
26Collection by institutions
- Two-question format
- Is respondent Hispanic/Latino?
- Respondent selects one or more races
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian
- Black or African American
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
- White
- Standards strongly encourage self-identification
of race/ethnicity rather than third-party
observer identification - Dept of ED encourages institutions to allow
current students and staff to re-identify their
race and ethnicity
28Reporting aggregate data 9 categories in IPEDS
- For non-Hispanics only
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian
- Black or African American
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
- White
- 2 or more races
- Nonresident aliens
- Hispanics of any race
- Race/ethnicity unknown
29Race/Ethnicity Technical Review Panel
- IPEDS will hold R/E TRP in Fall 2006 to discuss
implementation issues, such as - How do we implement the new aggregate categories
in IPEDS? - GRS and C students are no longer at the
institution, so how to report? - If data are collected in 2 formats for several
years, how do we release data?
30Current projects of interest
31First-professional degree classification
- After 2 TRPs and 2 suggestion postings and 2
comment periods - Final plan was posted in Whats New last week
http//nces.ed.gov/ipeds/whatsnew.asp - Optional reporting
- 2008-09 for IC, Enrollment
- 2009-10 for C (awards granted 7/1/08 - 6/30/09)
- Mandatory reporting
- 2009-10 for IC, Enrollment
- 2010-11 for C (awards granted 7/1/09 6/30/10)
- Eliminate First-professional degree category
report in appropriate degree level category as
follows - Masters degrees
- Doctors degrees research/scholarship
- Doctors degrees professional practice
- Doctors degrees other
- Eliminate First-professional certificate
category report in Postmasters certificate
33XML Upload Option Coming
- Currently working on XML data upload option for
2007-08 IPEDS - Will be another data submission option, along
with - keying data into screens
- fixed file upload
- key value file upload
34Data Feedback Report 2006
- Was emailed to keyholders and coordinators in
late September 2006 - Was mailed to CEOs in early October
- Is available through Executive Peer Tool (ExPT)
http//nces.ed.gov/ipedspas/ - Few changes from 2005 report
- Keyholders were able to upload custom comparison
groups for their 2006 report through 6/30/06 in
the data collection system
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37Data Feedback Report 2007
- 2007 report will incorporate changes suggested by
TRP - New figures
- Optional figures in ExPT
- Custom comparison group upload for 2007 report
will open with spring data collection - Instructions for comparison group upload at
383 Data Quality Validity Studies
- Currently doing study comparing IPEDS Finance
data with data reported by institutions to EZ
Audit - Also doing study to compare IPEDS HR data with
non-IPEDS sources - Compared original 2002-03 IPEDS data to revised
2002-03 data and non-IPEDS sources - http//nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid20
- AIR IPEDS developing new modularized training
materials, delivery modes, to supplement workshop
format - Webinars
- Tutorials
- Online courses
- Covering both data submission and data use
(beginning and advanced)
- Done live, then posted to AIR website
- http//airweb.org/
- Click IPEDS, then On-demand IPEDS Training
- Available now New Keyholders, IC, C, Finance
- Available soon HR, student surveys
41Web Resources
- Dont forget to check IPEDS Whats New
http//nces.ed.gov/ipeds/whatsnew.asp - Reports on recent TRPs
- Reports on implementation of TRP suggestions
- In-depth discussion of other timely issues
- Links to other documents on the web
42IPEDS Data Use Tools
43IPEDS Tool News
- New COOL (!!!)
- College Opportunities Online Locator
- IPEDS Executive Peer Tool (ExPT) for 2006
- IPEDS Peer Analysis System (PAS)
- Report Templates
- New interface (!!!)
- IPEDS Data Analysis System (DAS)
- Tables Library
44New COOL - Background
- Revisions based on work of 2005 AIR/NCES Senior
Fellow - Purpose of project -- enhance ongoing development
and improvement of COOL - Included
- Comparative review of COOL and other college
search sites - Interviews/focus groups with high school
students, parents, counselors
- Change URL
- Old http//nces.ed.gov/ipeds/cool
- New http//collegesearch.nces.ed.gov
- Improve search options, include
- Map of USA to search by location
- Quick search function
- Search by major/program
46More Recommendations
- Modify language/terminology
- Revise page header to emphasize COOL
- Modify and relocate page navigation
- Incorporate compare function
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49Slide with graphs
50Executive Peer Tool (ExPT)
- 2006 version now available
- http//nces.ed.gov/ipedspas/Expt/
- Download .pdf of IPEDS Data Feedback Report
- Recreate the graphs using your comparison group
or a different group of schools
51New Peer Tool Interface
52New Features
- New look, new navigation
- Choose multiple years for same variables
- Search for variables
- Built-in trend reports
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59PAS - New variables
- Institution category
- New 2005 Carnegie Classifications
- Updated degree of urbanization
- Institution size category
- Land grant institution
- Combined data allocation factors, methods
60Institution Category (instcat)
- Degree-granting
- Baccalaureate or above
- 1 - Grad w/ no undergrad degrees
- 2 - Primarily bacc or above
- 3 - Other bacc granting
- 4 - Associate's certificates
- Nondegree-granting
- 5 - Above bacc certificates
- 6 - Sub-bacc certificates
61Carnegie Classification
- 2000 Carnegie still available
- 2005 codes
- Basic
- Undergraduate instructional program
- Graduate instructional program
- Undergraduate profile
- Enrollment profile
- Size and setting
62Degree of Urbanization
- Urban-centric locale
- City Suburb
- Large, midsize, small
- Town Rural
- Fringe, distant, remote
63Institution size category
- Under 1000
- 1000 4999
- 5000 9999
- 10,000 19,999
- 20,000 and above
64Combined data allocation
- Allocation factors and methods for 2004 have been
added to PAS (response status information) - Variables allow allocation of combined IPEDS data
among parent reporters and children - Goal to make IPEDS data more usable
- Keyholders were contacted for input
65PAS - Forms Facsimiles, Report Templates
- PAS Reports Stats
- Forms Facsimiles
- IC now available 2001-2005
- Report Templates
- Pre-formatted reports for focus institution and
comparison group - TRP defined 40 that will be added on a flow
66(No Transcript)
- Table generator
- Available now at http//nces.ed.gov/dasol/
- Create tables using 2002, 2003, 2004 IPEDS data
- View and download output
- Save and modify Table Parameter Files (TPFs)
- Tables library
- http//nces.ed.gov/das/library/
- Contains hundreds of tables (will be expanded to
thousands) - Already created -- just click
- ED Tab tables
- Compendium tables
- State tables
69Influences on the Future
70HEA Reauthorization
- Current HEA was extended in late September for 9
months - In the 109th Congress, both House and Senate
introduced bills that differed but both focused
on consumer info and accountability - Wait and see what will happen in 110th Congress
71Commission on the Future of Higher Ed
- Attempt to answer questions such as
- What skills will students need to succeed in the
21st century? - How can we make sure America stays the world's
leader in academic research? - And, how can we make sure opportunities for
quality higher education and best jobs are open
to all students?
72Commission Report
- Potential to have major implications for IPEDS
- Final Report released in late September
- A Test of Leadership Charting the Future of
U.S. Higher Education - To download report or for more info, see
Commission web site - http//www.ed.gov/about/bdscomm/list/hiedfuture/i
ndex.html - IPEDS-related recommendations include
73Recommendation 1
- The creation of a consumer-friendly information
database on higher education - useful, reliable information on institutions
- search engine to enable students, parents,
policymakers and others to weigh and rank
comparative institutional performance - Implication possible expansion of COOL
74Recommendation 2
- Develop a privacy-protected higher education
information system that collects, analyzes and
uses student-level data as a vital tool for
accountability, policy-making, and consumer
choice - privacy-protected system
- would not include individually identifiable
information such as student names or Social
Security numbers at the federal level - Implication Uncertain reopens unit record
75Recommendation 3
- Creation of timely annual public reports on
college revenues and expenditures, including
analysis of the major changes from year to year,
at the sector and state level. Data should be
consumer-friendly and not require a sophisticated
understanding of higher education finance - Implication possible changes to IPEDS Finance
(TRP being planned for January 2007)
76Contact us.
- We appreciate your feedback and comments.
- I can be reached at
- Phone 202-502-7459
- Email janice.plotczyk_at_ed.gov
- IPEDS Help Desk can be reached at
- Phone 877-225-2568
- Email ipedshelp_at_rti.org