Title: Internet Tips and Tricks
1Internet Tips and Tricks
2Search Engines
- Google www.google.com biggest, best
- AlltheWeb alltheWeb.com also a very large
database - Alta Vista www.av.com wildcards (ie.
Small) - Vivisimo www.vivisimo.com categorized results
- Ask Jeeves www.ask.com ask questions, natural
language - Yahoo www.yahoo.com.au human compiled, well
respected - HotBot www.hotbot.com finds most popular
sites - Dogpile www.dogpile.com aggregates smaller SE
33. How do they work?
- Search engines for the Web do not really search
the World Wide Web directly. Instead, what they
do is - search a database of the full text of Web
pages - selected and built by computer robot programs
called spiders. - Spiders find the pages to include in their
databases by following the links on pages that
already are there - If a Web page is new and never linked to by any
other pages, a spider cannot find it
4Use to add things together
- pandas endangered animals
- IBM ThinkPad
- chocolate chip cookies recipes
- Seattle hotels reservations
5Use - symbol to subtract
- Mao Tse Tung Jiang Qing
- In other words, youre telling the search
engine to find Web pages on Mao Tse Tung but to
exclude any pages where his fourth wife Jiang
Qing is mentioned.
6Use to denote searched-for phrase
- If you use pandas endangered animals it is
possible the words could appear anywhere on the
page instead of in a phrase! - Doing a phrase search avoids this problem.
- This helps you to multiply the words!
7Getting clever
- If you want to get really clever, you can combine
all the symbols! - You could use chocolate cake cookie
- New York Times on the Web http//www.nytimes.com/
all the news daily from the New York Times - CNN Webspace Search Engine http//www.cnn.com/SEA
RCH/index.html - The Age http//www.theage.com.au
- The ABC http//www.abc.net.au
- The BBC http//www.bbc.net.uk
- Homework help page
- Typing Tutor
- Math Drills
- Dictionary
- Searchable
- Shakespeare
- Bible
- Brick Testament
- Add things, request things, just click the
comments link at the bottom of any page.
Also, http//www.staugustineschool.org/teacherpage
- Open Source encyclopedia
- Built, edited and monitored by volunteers
- Anyone who views it can edit it
- Disagreements get taken into an open discussion
which anyone can read - Contributors strive to keep content scholarly,
but not always as dependable as, say - Britannica.com.
- Content is NOT filtered for children
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
11Babel Fish
- Programmatic Translation site
- Words or phrases it does pretty well
- Enter a Web page url and this application will
attempt to render it with the text translated.
This is usually pretty entertaining. - http//babelfish.altavista.com/
12Google Tips n Tricks 101
- This is intended to help you use Google more
productively and to be able to show off for your
friends. - It will highlight key tips and tricks, as well as
introduce you to some of the newer features of
Google. - It is by no means comprehensive. Google is
everywhere. We are Google. Kumbayah. - Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
13Google Advanced Search Operators -- define
- define
- Query provides basic definition of the query
- Example insanity
14Google Advanced Search Operators -- related
- related
- Query lists Web pages similar to a specified
Web page - Which one of these pages is just like the other?
15Google Advanced Search Operators allintitle
- allintitle
- Query will restrict results to those with all of
the query words in the title of the page - Example allintitle lotus support will
identify any pages with Lotus AND support in
the title - Very useful for narrowing down a search
16Google Advanced Search Operators -- link
- link
- Lists Web pages that have links to a specified
Web page (very useful for link analysis) - Note No space between the link and the URL
- In this example, there were 73,400 estimated
pages linking to www.ibm.com
17Google Advanced Search Operators -- cache
- cache
- Type cachewww.staugustineschool.org Shows
version of site that Google has in its cache - Type cachewww.staugustineschool.org staff
- Shows cached content with the word staff in
that page
18Google Advanced Search Operators -- site
- site
- Query will restrict results to those Websites in
the given domain - Example support sitewww.ibm.com will identify
support-related Websites on the IBM domain
19Google Advanced Search
- that contain ALL the search terms you type in
- that contain the exact phrase you type in
- that contain at least one of the words you type
in - that do NOT contain any of the words you type in
- written in a certain language
- created in a certain file format
- that have been updated within a certain period of
time - that contain numbers within a certain range
- within a certain domain, or website
- that don't contain "adult" material
20Google Advanced Search Domain
- Domain searching allows you to only or dont
return results from a specific domain - Ex. Search ThinkPad and only return results
from domain www.lenovo.com
21Google Advanced Search Find results
- Find results option allows you to delimit the
search to include the following - With all of the words
- With the exact phrase
- With at least one of the words
- Without the words
22Google Advanced Search Language and File Format
- Language allows you to return pages against a
query in 36 languages - File Format allows you to
- Only or dont
- Return results of the file format
- .PS
- .DOC
- .XLS
- .PPT
- .RTF
- Particularly helpful using Googles Desktop
Search (for finding files you know part of the
name of, but not sure where it is)
23Google Advanced Search Date/Numeric Range and
- Date range allows you to search for Web pages
updated within a specified time range - Anytime
- Past 3 months
- Part 6 months
- Past year
- Occurrences returns results where terms occur
- Anywhere in the page
- In the title of the page
- In the text of the page
- In the URL
- In links to that page
24Google Advanced Search Searching for Numbers
- Search By Number
- Parcel tracking IDs, patents and other
specialized numbers can be entered into Google's
search box for quick access to information about
them. - For example, typing a FedEx tracking number will
return the latest information on your package.
Other special search by number types include - UPS tracking numbers
- Example search "1Z9999W99999999999
- FedEx tracking numbers
- Example search "999999999999
- USPS tracking numbers
- Example search "9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 99"
- Vehicle ID (VIN) numbers
- Example search "AAAAA999A9AA99999
- UPC codes example search "073333531084
- Telephone area codes
- Example search "650
- Patent numbers
- Example search "patent 5123123 (Remember to put
the word "patent" before your patent number) - FAA airplane registration numbers
- Example search "n199ua (An airplane's FAA
registration number is typically printed on its
tail) - FCC equipment
25Google Advanced Search Searching for Phone
- Search By
- first name (or first initial), last name, city
(state is optional) - first name (or first initial), last name, state
- first name (or first initial), last name, area
code - first name (or first initial), last name, zip
code - last name, city, state
- last name, zip code
- phone number, including area code !
Query Todd Watson, Austin, TX
26Google Advanced Search Searching for Books,
Movies, and Music
- Books
- Ex. books about space
- Then click book results for books about space
at top of pageor whatever your query is - Movies
- To find reviews and showtimes for movies playing
near you, type movie or showtimes or the name
of a current film into Google - If youve saved your location previously with
Google Local, the top searches will display
showtimes for nearby theatres for the movie
youve chosen - Cant remember the title of a movie. Search
movie name of movie or actor or director or
subject - movie mafia don Guess what it presented as
the top result? - Music
- Type in music name of artist to get links
about the artist, discography, artist websites,
latest news, photos, discussion groups
27How to Do Your Shopping via Google in 10 Minutes
or Less
- Catalogs.google.com features products from more
than 6,000 paper catalogs in a searchable index. - Froogle.com indexes products from online stores
- Froogle allows you to
- Search prices between X and Y
- Find products near a certain location
- Find products with occurrences of a word in the
product name or description - Look at products within a certain category
- Provide a list or grid view for easy viewing and
comparison shopping
http//catalogs.google.com http//www.froogle.com
28Google Advanced News Search
- Google Advanced News Search allows you to easily
search past news stories and specify by - News source
- Location
- Occurrences where appeared (anywhere, headline,
body, or URL) - When published
- Anytime
- Date Range
29Google Alerts
- Google Alerts enable you to monitor keyword
activity on the Internet and proactively notify
you via email of mentions of those terms - Type News, Web, Groups, Blogs, Comprehensive
- Frequency once a day, as-it-happens, once a week
- Other search operators apply
- Ex. allintitle IBM Software
30Google Reader
- Google Reader is a Web-based RSS reader that
enables you to subscribe, read, and filter RSS
feeds - You can import existing OPML files so you dont
have to start over - Advantage over client-based RSS feed readers
- You can get to your feeds on any machine into
which you can sign on to the Web via a browser! - Google continues to evolve and add new features
- Easy text-based key commands for navigating the
feeds - Sharing feeds
- Starring feeds
- Emailing feeds
31Google Trends
- Compare any two search terms
- Limit by time period
- Limit by location
- Kids love this
- Google.com/trends
32Google Home Page
- Google Personalized home page allows you to drag
and drop RSS widgets and customized content - Provides a single view into many resources, and
is highly customizable - Tab-based nav allows you to set up multiple
desktops (one for work, personal, etc.)
33Google Mobile
- Google Mobile allows you to access numerous
Google resources via your mobile device - You can also SMS basic commands to Google at
46645 - Ex. weather NYC
- sushi 78704
- dallas cowboys
- Go to second URL below and play with
browser-based SMS before running up your phone
34Google Reference Google Cheat Sheet
- Google Cheat Sheet provides quick view into key
operators and commands to help you with your
searches, and includes useful examples.
35Google Reference Google Guide
- Google Cheat Sheet provides quick view into key
operators and commands to help you with your
searches, and includes useful examples.
36Google Reference Simply Google
- Everything you wanted to know about Google but
were afraid to search for. - The Professional Googlers Google Index
37Google Moon
- Google can even take you to the moon and to Mars
- No rockets or spacesuits required.
http//moon.google.com http//mars.google.com