Title: Thinking About Peace
1Thinking About Peace
and, end of surrogate wars
- Yet militarism and violence persist
- What is the New World Order?
why might peace be affected by it?
- positive versus negative peace
2 the inevitability of war...
promotion of social justice
Human Rights
Peace studies is the systematic study of the
causes of war and violence and the conditions of
3From Conflict to Community
- Why has the decade been described as marked by
- chaos, confusion, rejection, and self-protection?
- relationship between democracy and world-wide
- electronic communication
- Why is it that political systems seem unable or
- unwilling to build the conditions for peace as
- enthusiastically as they prepare the weapons of
- destruction?
4- social injustice caused by the traditional
growth - economy conflicting with the limitations of the
- biosphere
- pollution and population
- http//www.census.gov/ftp/pub/ipc/www/worldpop.htm
l - http//www.undp.org/popin/popin.htm
- http//www.yahoo.com/Society_and_Culture/Environme
nt - _and_Nature/Pollution/
- Why do some people think that violence is an
- inevitable part of human nature?
5- What is the Globalization of world society?
- Boutros Boutros-Ghali, An Agenda for Peace
- http//www.un.org/Docs/SG/agpeace.html
- http//www.un.org/Docs/SG/agsupp.html
- http//www.un.org/Docs/SG/agdev.html
- A new definition of security
- http//www.cgg.ch/cgg_home.htm
- The non-military sources of instability in the
- economic, social and humanitarian and ecological
- fields have become threats to peace and security.
6- The search for human security
- - poverty
- - environmental degradation
- - absence of democratic values
- Social Development
- http//www.iisd.ca/linkages/wssd.html
- The Concept of positive peace
- - Human Rights
- - political and civil
- - economic, social cultural
7Peace Studies and its subfields
- The traditional topics
- violence and warfare
- militarism
- nuclear weapons
- global conflict and cooperation
- racism and sexism
- class and underdevelopment
- human rights and repression
- global movements
- social change
8The New Topics
- common security
- economic justice
- racial and ethnic conflict
- nuclear proliferation
- military conversion
- violence against women
- cultural violence
- North-South and South-South conflicts
- interrelationships the bomb, debt, rainforest
- gender, militarism, development
9The methods of peace studies
- promotion of critical thinking
- consideration of competing perspectives
- questioning of conventional wisdom
- multidisciplinary and global
- celebrate cross-cultural linkages and
differences - emphasize the inter-connectedness of the worlds
- peoples and problems
Peace studies should promote
- social responsibility
- sense of global citizenship
- motivation toward service and public
- participation
10The Social and Cultural Roots of Insecurity
- Do current conflicts spring from structural
reasons - that divide national societies, are they the
result of an - implementation of emerging political powers or
are they - a recycling of old political powers that are
seeking to - adapt to a new order? (Paris UNESCO Seminar
12-14 June, 1996)
11Conditions of the Security of Development
- Since peace is inseparable from development, why
not propose - a culture of development program that would
permit a remedy - for the poor development factors witnessed in
Africa by the - World Bank
- - the single party adopted after independence,
which - is the source of a deadlock in social dialogue
- - dictatorial ultra-presidential regimes
- - corruption
- (Lamine Fofana, Major-General, Senegalese Army)
12A Culture of Peace
- Peace is a mode of behaviour (UNESCO,
Yamoussoukro, Côte dIvoire, 1989) - Peace is a Process, a way of solving problems (
John F. Kennedy, 1963) - The foundations of peace are to be constructed in
the minds of men (UNESCO Constitution)
- Peace is a value to be realized in conditions of
justice, equity, respect for human rights,
non-violent conflict resolution, tolerance of
diversity, human harmony with the biosphere, and
democratic procedures for achieving these
conditions. - These values form a Culture of Peace
14The Realist Perspective
Is the realist assumption that hostility
and aggressivity are inevitable a valid one?
What is the role of popular culture in promoting
power through military prestige?
15The Realist Perspective
Is the realist assumption that hostility
and aggressivity are inevitable a valid one?
What is the role of popular culture in promoting
power through military prestige?
16- Global Security Issues
- soil erosion
- deforestration
- desertification
- depletion of fresh water
- overpopulation
- poverty
- disease
- famine
- debt
- adverse conditions of trade