Title: Cardinals Guide to the Media Center
1Cardinals Guide to the Media Center
- General Information
- Information Desk
- Catalog
- Resources
- Computers
- Presentation Production
- Staff and Student Groups
2Media Center Hours Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. 7
am to 4 pm Wed. and Fri. 7 am to 3 pm
3Food and drink (except plain water) are
prohibited in the Media Center.
4Each Media Specialist has subject expertise and
works closely with specific departments.
5Information Desk
- Checking Out Materials
- Returning Materials
- Textbook Loan
- Supplies
- Copier
- Catalog
6Books are checked out for 2 weeks. Videos/DVDs
are checked out overnight. A GHS ID Card is
needed to borrow materials.
7Return materials in the Information Desk book
return slot or the book drop bins around the
8Many course textbooks are available to sign out
for use in the Media Center.
9Index cards are for sale and paper, tissues and
other supplies are available at the Information
10 Copier makes letter and legal size copies, one
or two sided, 10 cents a side.
11An IOU for photocopying can be obtained at the
Information Desk.
12Computers open to the online catalog of materials
are located by the entrance and near the subject
areas of the Media Center.
One Search is a good way to access our databases.
Best strategy to find materials is by keyword,
title or author search.
13Number of copies available for check-out
Call number to locate on the shelf
- Books
- Reference Area
- Encyclopedias
- Dictionaries
- Magazines and Newspapers
- Databases
- Videos/DVDs
- Art Prints
- Works Consulted
- GHS/Media Center Website
- College and Career Info Center
15Encyclopedias and other reference books are
located on the low shelves in the center section.
16Dictionaries and thesauruses are found on spinner
racks on top of the reference book shelves.
17Magazines and newspapers are located in the
Periodical area. Current magazines are on
display behind the seating area by the entrance.
18More than 4000 magazines and newspapers are
included in ProQuest . plusHistorical New York
Times and Psychology databases accessed through
GHS Applications on school computers.
Pull down menu to see all our ProQuest databases
19Other databases with information useful for
English, Social Studies, Science and Math
research can be accessed from the GHS
Applications screen.
20Our databases can be used from home computers.
Get the home use password from your teacher or
at the Media Center Information Desk. Just one
for all!
21Videos and DVDs are located next to the
Periodical section.
22Art prints and slides are located beside the door
to Meeting Room 2 and may be checked out by staff
or students.
23Format sheets for Students Guide to Works
Consulted is in your Planner and at the
Information Desk.
24Useful information including publications and
subject links is found on the GHS Media Center
25College and Career Center
- College catalogs and videos - Career
information - SAT Review books and forms -
Financial Aid Information
26To access school computers
USER NAME Student Number exactly as it is on
your ID card
PASSWORD Students birthdate mddyyyy (no lead
zero no slashes) Then reset password
Media Center floor computers are available for
individual use. Computer labs are used for
scheduled classes.
27Most Media Center computers print to Draft
Printer on recycled paper. (Select Final
Printer if you want clean backed paper)
Take what you print!
Check Print Preview first. Save Paper !
28To transfer documents between school and home
computers, use email attachment with web based
email addresses such as yahoo or hotmail.
You may also want to consider purchasing a flash
29Presentation and Production
- Slide Show software
- TV Production
30PowerPointand other presentation software are
available for creating slide shows for class
31TV Production department on lower level of Media
Center wing offers scheduled classes and time
for individual students to work on class
Stop by to schedule work or help time.
32Student and Staff Groups
- Student Book Discussion Group
- Staff Book Discussion Group
- TV Production Club
Check Student Bulletin or our website for meeting
33Visit the Media Center often!