Title: SCI 3750 Computer Graphics and Animation
1SCI 3750 Computer Graphics and Animation
Lecturer Dr. P C Yuen, RRS 723 Text Intera
ctive Computer Graphics Angel, Edward Addison
Wesley 2000 ISBN 0-201- 38597-X Website
2Computer Graphics
Computer graphics is the discipline concerned
with all aspects of producing pictures or images
using a computer. Interactive computer graphics
implies user is in the loop of feedback process
Graphics System
React to Change
Change Image
Input Device
3History of Computer Graphics
- Computer Aided Design (CAD) 1965 -
- Simulators (1975-)
- Bitmap graphical user interfaces (late 70s)
- Interactive raster graphics (80s)
- Virtual reality (late 80s - )
- Computer animation
- Visualization
- Computer art
- Web/Internet based graphics
4Applications of Computer Graphics
- Display of Information
- Medicine, Scientific Visualization
- Design
- Simulation
- Flight simulators, Virtual reality, Entertainment
applications - User Interface
- GUI, Augmented reality, Games interface
5Computer Graphics vs Image Processing
- Image Processing
- Input a real image
- Output objects model
- Computer Graphics
- Input objects model
- Output realistic image
A sequence of images (frames)
Pictures that move
Computer Animation
Video Processing
6Goals in Computer Graphics and Animation
- Computer Graphics To generate photo-realistic
images - 2D graphics, Modeling, rendering, colour,
Projection etc - Computer Animation To generate motion-realistic
video - 3D modeling, Geometric transformation, motion etc
7The Synthetic-camera Model
9Graphics Conceptual Model
Real Light
Human Eye
Real Object
Human Eye
Graphics System
10The Human Visual System vs The Pinhole camera
Visible Spectrum
Human Visual System
Pinhole camera
11Ray Tracing with Single Point Source
12Ray Tracing with Multiple Light Sources
13Pixels and Image
14Graphics Hardware
- Display
- Hardware Display Card
- Direct access to hardware
- Accelerator
- Memory double buffering, RGBA,
- Support driver, API
15Modeling-Rendering Pipeline
16Computer Graphics Terminology
- Rasterization
- Convert the mathematical description of objects
and their associated colour information to pixels
on the screen - Rendering
- A process by which a computer creates images from
models - The models, or objects, are constructed from
geometric primitives, such as points, lines and
polygons, which are specified by vertices. - The rendered image consists of pixels drawn on
the screen.
17Geometry Pipeline