Title: Common Medical Emergencies
1Chapter 13
- Common Medical Emergencies
2Objectives (1 of 5)
- Identify the signs and symptoms of the acute
abdomen and the necessity for immediate transport
of patients with these symptoms. - Identify the patient taking diabetic medications
with altered mental status and the implications
of a history of diabetes.
3Objectives (2 of 5)
- State the steps in the emergency care of the
patient taking diabetic medicine with an altered
mental status and a history of diabetes. - Recognize the patient experiencing an allergic
4Objectives (3 of 5)
- Describe the emergency care of the patient with
an allergic reaction. - Describe the mechanisms of allergic response and
the implications for airway management. - List the signs and symptoms associated with
5Objectives (4 of 5)
- Describe the steps in the emergency care for the
patient with suspected poisoning. - Perform a rapid gentle assessment of the abdomen.
- Demonstrate the steps in the emergency care for
the patient taking diabetic medicine with an
altered mental status and a history of diabetes.
6Objectives (5 of 5)
- Demonstrate the emergency care of the patient
experiencing an allergic reaction. - Demonstrate the steps in the emergency care for
the patient with suspected poisoning
7Physiology of the Abdomen (1 of 2)
The Acute Abdomen
- Acute abdomen
- Sudden onset of abdominal pain
- Peritoneum
- Thin membrane lining the entire abdomen
- Colic
- Severe, intermittent cramping pain
8Physiology of the Abdomen (2 of 2)
The Acute Abdomen
- Referred pain
- Perceived pain at a distant point of the body
caused by irritation of the visceral peritoneum - Peritonitis
- Irritation of the peritoneum caused by illness or
9Signs and Symptoms of Acute Abdomen (1 of 3)
The Acute Abdomen
- Abdominal pain and/or tenderness
- Quiet patient guarding the abdomen (shock)
- Rapid and shallow breathing
- Referred (distant) pain
- Anorexia, nausea, vomiting
10Signs and Symptoms of Acute Abdomen (2 of 3)
The Acute Abdomen
- Loss of bowel sounds
- Tense, often distended abdomen
- Sudden constipation or bloody diarrhea
- Tachycardia
- Hypotension
- Fever
11Signs and Symptoms of Acute Abdomen (3 of 3)
The Acute Abdomen
- Rebound tenderness
- Indigestion/heartburn
- Colic (severe painful spasms)
- Difficulty swallowing
- Jaundice
12Examining the Abdomen
The Acute Abdomen
- Explain what you are about to do.
- Position the patient supine with legs drawn up
and knees flexed. - Observe the patient.
- Gently palpate the abdomen.
- Determine if the patient can relax the abdominal
wall on command. - Determine if abdomen is tender when palpated.
13Causes of Acute Abdomen
The Acute Abdomen
- Substances lying in or adjacent to the abdominal
cavity - Other common causes
- Appendicitis
- Perforated gastric ulcer
- Cholecystitis
- Diverticulitis
14Uterus and Ovaries
The Acute Abdomen
- Always consider a gynecological problem with
women having abdominal pain. - Causes of pain
- Menstrual cycle
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Ectopic pregnancy
15Other Organ Systems
The Acute Abdomen
- Aneurysm
- Weakness in aorta
- Pneumonia
- May cause ileus and abdominal pain
- Hernia
- Protrusion through a hole in the body wall
16Emergency Medical Care (1 of 2)
The Acute Abdomen
- Do not delay transport.
- Do not attempt to diagnose.
- Clear and maintain the airway.
- Anticipate vomiting.
- Administer high-flow oxygen.
- Give nothing by mouth.
17Emergency Medical Care (2 of 2)
The Acute Abdomen
- Document all pertinent information.
- Anticipate the development of hypovolemic shock.
- Make the patient comfortable.
- Monitor vital signs.
18Defining Diabetes (1 of 2)
Diabetic Emergencies
- Diabetes mellitus
- Metabolic disorder in which the body cannot
metabolize glucose - Usually due to a lack of insulin
- Glucose
- One of the basic sugars in the body
- Along with oxygen, it is a primary fuel for
cellular metabolism
19Defining Diabetes (2 of 2)
Diabetic Emergencies
- Insulin
- Hormone produced by the pancreas
- Enables glucose to enter the cells
- Without insulin, cells starve
- Hormone
- Chemical substance produced by a gland
- Has special regulatory effects on other body
organs and tissues
20Type I Diabetes
Diabetic Emergencies
- Insulin-dependent diabetes
- Patient does not produce any insulin
- Insulin injected daily
- Onset usually in childhood
21Type II Diabetes
Diabetic Emergencies
- Noninsulin-dependent diabetes
- Patient produces inadequate amounts of insulin
- Disease may be controlled by diet or oral
22Role of Glucose and Insulin
Diabetic Emergencies
- Glucose is the major source of energy for the
body. - Constant supply of glucose needed for the brain.
- Insulin acts as the key for glucose to enter
Diabetic Emergencies
- Lack of insulin causes glucose to build up in
blood in extremely high levels. - Kidneys excrete glucose.
- This requires a large amount of water (3 Ps).
- Without glucose, body uses fat for fuel.
- Ketones are formed.
- Ketones can produce diabetic ketoacidosis.
24Signs and Symptoms of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetic Emergencies
- Vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Kussmaul respirations
- Unconsciousness
25Blood Glucose Monitors
Diabetic Emergencies
- Test strips
- Normal range 80-120 mg/dL
- Glucometer
26Diabetic Coma (Hyperglycemia)
Diabetic Emergencies
27Signs of Diabetic Coma
Diabetic Emergencies
- Kussmaul respirations
- Dehydration
- Fruity breath odor
- Rapid, weak pulse
- Normal or slightly low blood pressure
- Varying degrees of unresponsiveness
28Insulin Shock (Hypoglycemia)
Diabetic Emergencies
29Signs of Insulin Shock
Diabetic Emergencies
- Altered mental status
- Aggressive or confused behavior
- Hunger
- Fainting, seizure, or coma
- Weakness on one side of the body
- Normal or rapid respirations
- Pale, moist skin
- Sweating
- Dizziness, headache
- Rapid pulse
- Normal to low blood pressure
30Diabetes and Alcohol Abuse
Diabetic Emergencies
- Patients may appear intoxicated.
- Suspect hypoglycemia with any altered mental
status. - Be alert to the similarity in symptoms of acute
alcohol intoxication and diabetic emergencies.
31Emergency Medical Care (1 of 2)
Diabetic Emergencies
- Ask a patient with known diabetes
- Do you take insulin or any pills to lower blood
sugar? - Have you taken your usual dose of insulin (or
pills) today? - Have you eaten normally today?
- Have you had any illness, unusual amount of
activity, or stress today?
32Emergency Medical Care (2 of 2)
Diabetic Emergencies
- Perform initial assessment.
- Obtain baseline vital signs and SAMPLE history.
- Check for emergency medical identification
symbol. - Always do a full, careful assessment.
- Ask patient or family about last meal or insulin
dose. - DO NOT administer anything to an unconscious
33Administering Oral Glucose(1 of 2)
Diabetic Emergencies
- Names
- Glutose
- Insta-Glucose
- Dose equals one tube
- Glucose should be given to a patient with
diabetes and a decreased level of consciousness. - DO NOT give glucose to a patient with the
inability to swallow or who is unconscious.
34Administering Oral Glucose (2 of 2)
Diabetic Emergencies
35Complications of Diabetes
Diabetic Emergencies
- Heart disease
- Visual disturbances
- Renal failure
- Stroke
- Ulcers
- Infections of the feet and toes
- Seizures
- Altered mental status
Diabetic Emergencies
- Consider hypoglycemia as the cause.
- Use appropriate BLS measures for airway
management. - Arrange for prompt transport.
37Altered Mental Status
Diabetic Emergencies
- Altered mental status is often caused by
complications of diabetes. - Ensure that airway is clear.
- Be prepared to ventilate and suction.
- Arrange for prompt transport.
38Allergic Reactions
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Allergic reaction
- Exaggerated immune response to any substance
- Histamines and leukotrienes
- Chemicals released by the immune system
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Extreme allergic reaction
- Involves multiple organs
- Can rapidly result in death
- Most common signs
- Wheezing
- Urticaria (hives)
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
41Five General Allergen Categories
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Insect bites and stings
- Medications
- Plants
- Food
- Chemicals
42Insect Bites and Stings
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Death from insect stings outnumber those from
snake bites. - Venom is injected through stinging organ.
- Some insects and ants can sting repeatedly.
43Signs and Symptoms
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Sudden pain, swelling, and redness at site
- Itching and sometimes a wheal
- Sometimes dramatic swelling
44Removing Stingers
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
45Anaphylactic Reactions to Stings
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- 5 of all people are allergic to bee, hornet,
yellow jacket, and wasp stings. - Anaphylaxis accounts for approximately 200 deaths
a year. - Most deaths occur within half an hour of being
46Signs and Symptoms of Allergic Reaction
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Chest tightness and coughing
- Dyspnea
- Anxiety
- Abdominal cramps
- Hypotension
- Itching and burning
- Widespread urticaria
- Wheals
- Swelling of the lips and tongue
- Bronchospasm and wheezing
47Patient Assessment
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Allergic symptoms are almost as varied as
allergens themselves. - Assessment should include evaluations of
- Respiratory system
- Circulatory system
- Mental status
- Skin
48Emergency Medical Care (1 of 2)
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Give oxygen.
- Perform a focused history and physical
examination. - Find out if the patient has a history of
allergies. - Obtain baseline vital signs and a SAMPLE history.
49Emergency Medical Care (2 of 2)
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Inform medical control.
- Find out if the patient has a prescribed
auto-injector. - Be prepared to use standard airway procedures.
- Assist the patient with the auto-injector if
50Using an Auto-Injector
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Receive order from medical direction.
- Follow BSI precautions.
- Make sure the prescription is for the patient.
- Make sure the medication is not discolored or
51Administering an Auto-Injector
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Remove the safety cap.
- Place tip of the injector against the lateral
side of the patients thigh. - Push the injector firmly and hold until all of
the medication is injected. - Remove the injector.
- Record the time and dose.
- Reassess and record vital signs every 2 minutes.
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
53Epinephrine Side Effects
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Tachycardia
- Pallor
- Dizziness
- Chest pain
- Headache
- Nausea
- Vomiting
54Black Widow
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Found in all states except Alaska
- Venom poisonous to nerve tissue
- Requires patient transport as soon as possible
55Brown Recluse
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Mostly in Southern and Central US
- Venom causes local tissue damage
- Requires patient transport as soon as possible
56Snake Bites
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- 40,000 to 50,000 reported snake bites in the US
annually. - 7,000 bites in the US come from poisonous snakes.
- Death from snake bites is rare.
- About 15 deaths occur each year in the US.
57Four Types of Poisonous Snakes in the US
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
Coral snake
58Pit Vipers
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cotton mouths
- Store poison in pits behind nostrils
- Inject poison to victim through fangs
59Signs and Symptoms of aPit Viper Bite
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Severe burning at the bite site
- Swelling and bluish discoloration
- Bleeding at various distant sites
- Other signs may or may not include
- Weakness Fainting
- Sweating Shock
60Caring for Pit Viper Bites (1 of 2)
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Calm the patient.
- Locate bite and cleanse the area.
- Do not apply ice.
- Splint area to minimize movement.
- Watch out for vomiting caused by anxiety.
- Do not give anything by mouth.
61Caring for Pit Viper Bites (2 of 2)
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- If the patient is bitten on the trunk, lay the
patient supine and arrange for prompt transport. - Monitor patients vital signs.
- Mark the swollen area with a pen.
- Care for shock if signs and symptoms develop.
- Arrange for snake to be brought to the hospital
if it has been killed.
62Coral Snakes
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Small snake with red, yellow, and black bands
- Red on yellow will kill a fellow, red on black,
venom will lack. - Injects venom with teeth, using a chewing motion
that leaves puncture wounds - Causes paralysis of the nervous system
63Caring for Coral Snake Bites (1 of 2)
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Quiet and reassure the patient.
- Flush the area with 1 to 2 quarts of warm, soapy
water. - Do not apply ice.
- Splint the extremity.
- Check and monitor baseline vital signs.
64Caring for Coral Snake Bites (2 of 2)
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Keep the patient warm and elevate the lower
extremities to help prevent shock. - Give supplemental oxygen if needed.
- Arrange for prompt transport. Give advance notice
to EMTs of coral snake bite. - Give the patient nothing by mouth.
65Scorpion Stings
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Venom gland and stinger found in the tail end.
- Mostly found in southwestern US
- With one exception, the Centruroides
sculpturatus, most stings are only painful. - Provide emergency care and arrange for transport.
66Tick Bites (1 of 3)
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Ticks attach themselves to the skin.
- Bite is not painful, but potential exposure to
infecting organisms is dangerous. - Ticks commonly carry Rocky Mountain spotted fever
or Lyme disease.
67Tick Bites (2 of 3)
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Rocky Mountain spotted fever develops 7 to 10
days after bite. - Symptoms include
- Nausea, vomiting
- Headache
- Weakness
- Paralysis
- Possible cardiorespiratory collapse
68Tick Bites (3 of 3)
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Lyme disease is the second fastest growing
infectious disease next to AIDS in US - Lyme disease symptoms may begin 3 days after the
bite. - Symptoms include
- Rash
- Painful swelling of the joints
69Caring for a Tick Bite
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Do not attempt to suffocate or burn tick.
- Use fine tweezers to grasp tick by the body and
pull it straight out. - Cover the area with disinfectant and save the
tick for identification. - Provide any necessary supportive emergency care
and arrange for transport.
70Dog Bites and Rabies (1 of 2)
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- All dog bites should be considered infected until
proven otherwise. - Place a dry, sterile dressing over the wound and
arrange for prompt transport. - Rabies, an acute viral infection to the central
nervous system, is a major concern.
71Dog Bites and Rabies (2 of 2)
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Rabies can be treated with a series of vaccine
injections. - A bitten patient can avoid shots only if the dog
can be identified and tested for rabies. - Remember scene safety the dog may still be loose
when you arrive on the scene.
72Caring for Human Bites
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Remember, human bites that penetrate the skin can
be serious injuries. - Promptly immobilize the area.
- Apply a dry, sterile dressing.
- Arrange for transport.
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Responsible for more envenomations than any other
marine life animal - Has stinging cells called nematocysts
- Results in very painful, reddish lesions
- Symptoms include headache, dizziness, muscle
cramps, and fainting.
74Caring for Stings
Allergic Reactions and Envenomations
- Limit further discharge by minimizing patient
movement. - Inactivate nematocysts by applying alcohol.
- Remove the remaining tentacles by scraping them
off. - Arrange for transport.
75Substance Abuse and Poisoning
Poison vs. Substance Abuse
- Poison
- Any substance whose chemical action can damage
body structures or impair body functions. - Substance Abuse
- The knowing misuse of any substance to produce a
desired effect.
76Identifying the Patient and the Poison
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- If you suspect poisoning, ask the patient the
following questions - What substance did you take?
- When did you take it or (become exposed to it)?
- How much did you ingest?
- What actions have been taken?
- How much do you weigh?
77Determining the Natureof the Poison
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Give suspicious materials, containers, vomitus to
EMS. - Provide key information on
- Name and concentration of the drug
- Specific ingredients
- Number of pills originally in bottle
- Name of manufacturer
- Dose that was prescribed
78Poison Control Centers
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Information on most substances
- Information on emergency treatments and antidotes.
79Ingested Poison
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Poison enters the body by mouth.
- Accounts for 80 of poisonings
- May be accidental or deliberate
- Activated charcoal will bind to poison in stomach
and carry it out of the body. - Assess ABCs.
80Activated Charcoal
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
81Inhaled Poisons
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Wide range of effects
- Some inhaled agents cause progressive lung
damage. - Move to fresh air immediately, they may require
supplemental O2. - All patients require immediate transport.
82Injected Poisons
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Usually result of drug overdose
- Impossible to remove or dilute poison once
injected - Arrange for prompt transport
83Absorbed Poisons
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Many substances will damage the skin, mucous
membranes, or eyes. - Substance should be removed from patient as
rapidly as possible. - If substance is in the eyes, they should be
irrigated. - Do not irrigate with water if substance is
reactive, i.e. sodium or phosphorus.
84Emergency Medical Care
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- External decontamination is important.
- Care focuses on support assessing and
maintaining ABCs. - You may be permitted to give activated charcoal
for ingested poisons per your local protocol.
85Specific Poisons
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Tolerance
- Need for increased amount of drug to have same
desired effect - Addiction
- Overwhelming desire or need to continue using an
86Alcohol (1 of 3)
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Most commonly abused drug in the US
- Kills more than 200,000 people a year
- Alcohol is a powerful CNS depressant.
- Acts as a sedative and hypnotic
- A person who appears intoxicated may have a
medical problem.
87Alcohol (2 of 3)
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Intoxicated patients should be transported and
seen by a physician. - If patient shows signs of serious CNS depression,
provide respiratory support. - A patient with alcohol withdrawal may experience
delirium tremens (DTs).
88Alcohol (3 of 3)
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Patients with DTs may experience
- Agitation and restlessness
- Fever
- Sweating
- Confusion and/or disorientation
- Delusions and/or hallucinations
- Seizures
89Opioids (1 of 2)
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Drugs containing opium
- Most of these, such as codeine, Darvon,
Oxycontin, and Percocet, have medicinal purposes. - The exception is heroin, which is illegal.
- Opioids are CNS depressants causing severe
respiratory distress.
90Opioids (2 of 2)
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Care includes supporting airway and breathing.
- You may try to wake patients by talking loudly or
shaking them gently. - Always give supplemental oxygen and prepare for
91Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- These drugs are CNS depressants and alter level
of consciousness. - Patients may have severe respiratory depression
and even coma. - The main concern is respiratory depression and
airway clearance, ventilatory support, and
92Abused Inhalants (1 of 2)
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Common household products inhaled by teenagers
for a high - Effects range from mild drowsiness to coma
- May often cause seizures
93Abused Inhalants (2 of 2)
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Patient is at high risk for sudden cardiac
arrest. - Try to keep patient from struggling or exerting
self. - Give oxygen and use a stretcher to move patient.
- Prompt transport is essential.
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- CNS stimulants cause hypertension, tachycardia,
and dilated pupils. - Amphetamines and methamphetamines are commonly
taken by mouth. - Cocaine can be taken in many different ways.
- Can lead to seizures and cardiac disorders
- Be aware of personal safety.
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Smoked by 20 million people daily in the US
- Produces euphoria, relaxation, and drowsiness
- Impairs short-term memory and ability to work
- Transport to hospital is rarely needed.
- Marijuana can be used as vehicle for other drugs,
ie, can be coated with PCP or crack.
96Hallucinogens (1 of 2)
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Alter an individuals sense of perception
- LSD and PCP are potent hallucinogens.
- Sometimes, people experience a bad trip.
- Patients typically are hypertensive, tachycardic,
anxious, and paranoid.
97Hallucinogens (2 of 2)
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Use a calm, professional manner and provide
emotional support. - Only restrain if danger of injury exists.
- Watch the patient carefully during evacuation and
while awaiting EMS.
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Hot as a hare, blind as a bat, dry as a bone,
red as a beet, and mad as a hatter - Block the parasympathetic nerves
- Patient may go from normal to seizure to death
within 30 minutes. - Arrange for ALS transport.
99Cholinergic Agents
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Commonly used as nerve agents for warfare
- Overstimulate body functions controlled by the
parasympathetic nervous system - Organophosphate insecticide or wild mushrooms are
also cholinergic agents.
100Signs and Symptoms of Cholinergic Poisoning
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- D Defecation
- U Urination
- M Miosis
- B Bronchorrhea
- E Emesis
- L Lacrimation
- S Salivation
- S Salivation
- L Lacrimation
- U Urination
- D Defecation
- G GI irritation
- E Eye constriction
101Care for Cholinergic Poisoning
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Main concern is to avoid exposure
- May require field decontamination
- Priority after decontamination is to decrease the
secretions in the mouth and trachea. - Provide airway support.
- May be treated as a HazMat incident
102Aspirin Overdose
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Signs and symptoms
- Nausea/vomiting
- Hyperventilation
- Ringing in ears
- Confusion
- Seizures
- Arrange for prompt transport to the hospital.
103Acetaminophen Overdose
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Overdosing is common.
- Generally not very toxic
- Symptoms may not appear until it is too late.
- Liver failure may not be apparent for a full
week. - Gathering information at the scene is very
104Other Alcohols
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Methyl alcohol and ethylene glycol are more toxic
than ethyl alcohol. - May be taken by people with chronic alcoholism
who cannot obtain drinking alcohol - More often taken by someone attempting suicide
- Immediate transport is essential.
105Food Poisoning
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Salmonella bacterium causes severe GI symptoms
within 72 hours. - Staphylococcus is a common bacteria that grows in
foods kept too long. - Botulism often results from improperly canned
106Caring for Food Poisoning
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Try to obtain as much history as possible.
- Arrange for prompt transport.
- If two or more persons have the same illness,
give some of the suspected food to EMS, if
107Plant Poisoning
Substance Abuse and Poisoning
- Several thousand cases of plant poisonings occur
each year. - If you suspect plant poisoning
- Assess the patients airway and vital signs.
- Notify poison control center.
- Give the plant to EMS to take to the hospital.
- Arrange for prompt transport.