Title: Right Wing Politics and the
1Right Wing Politics and the Anti-Immigration
Cause Diamond
2Proposition 187 Designed to deny public services
to undocumented immigrants and welfare to
undocumented aliens Despite Pete Wilsons
victory with Proposition 187, there was a
diversity of viewpoints among the Right with
Respect to immigration Policy. Unresolved
questions Regulating the flow of cheap labor
across the border Redressing economic inequality
vs. hands off approach Preserving cultural
homogeneity of the White, native born Family
3Empower America, a leading Republican Think Tank
(Kemp) Opposed Proposition 187 and urged
Republicans to embrace diversity in party
ranks Christian Coalition agnostic on
anti-immigration And attempted to recruit
conservative African Americans and Latinos Pat
Buchanan Illegal immigration became targeted
(Buchanan fence) He blamed the Mexican government
for immigration and won 25-33 of the GOP
primary votes. The anti-immigrant theme, when too
racist, ran counter to the big tent
inclusiveness of the Republicans. Organized
anti-immigrant platforms AIC, FAIR
4Paleoconservatives heirs of the Old
Right Non-intervention of the state in economy
and foreign affairs View of society as
inherently unequal and undemocratic (against UN,
against equal opportunity) Libertarians
welcomed cheap labor Paleconservatives rejected
economic arguments for immigration (Chronicle of
Culture) Arguments against liberals Liberals
want to create new underclass through immigration
so that the role of govt. can be increased. US
English Tanton homo progenitiva Camp of Saints
5Short Term opportunists anti-immigration
rightists Far-sighted pragmatists winning
electoral coalitions around issues of traditional
morality Brimelow Alien Nation Cultural
arguments against immigration
6The Immigration Crisis Detention as an Emerging
Mechanism of Social Control Welch
7Detention of undocumented immigrants Varick
Street facility in New York - p. 194 Motel
Kafka Krome Detention Center Physical abuse,
sexual harassment Guantanamo Bay over 30,000
Cubans Haitians Operation Gatekeeper Illegal
aliens are stripped of civil rights Tony Epken
Ebibillo tranquilized and deported Undocumented
8Detention, control, and the New
Penology Specialists recommend strategies to
control High risk and dangerous groups and
establish more reliance on imprisonment Instead
of justice and reform, it concentrates on
maximizing social control (identify and manage
unruly groups) does not seek to eliminate crime
but to manage it New penology resists efforts to
reintegrate impoverished people of color and
undocumented workers into the community
9April 24, 2005More Police Agencies Join
Immigration Enforcement ProgramMore state and
county police agencies are participating in a
federal program that would allow police officers
to check the immigration status of a suspect in
jail or under criminal investigation. The program
was introduced in 1996 as part of an immigration
bill. Only since 2002, police officers have
actually participated in the program, the first
ones being from state and local police agencies
in Florida.
10May 05, 2005H-1B Regulations PublishedOn May 5,
2005 the Federal Register published the rules and
regulations for the additional 20,000 H-1B visas.
Employers can file their petitions beginning
Thursday May 12, 2005. Only alien workers "who
have received a master's or higher degree from a
U.S. institution of higher education" can apply
for the visa. Once the cap of 20,000 is reached,
all applicants that were not considered for the
2005 fiscal year will automatically be entered in
the 2006 visa pool.
11 May 10, 2005Real ID Act Faces
OppositionSeveral states are threatening law
suits or even disobedience should the Real ID Act
bill be signed by the President and come into
effect. The Real ID Act requires states to ask
driver's license applicants for a birth
certificate, a photo ID, proof of Social Security
number, and a document with full name and home
address. Illegal aliens who won't be able to show
all the proof could still get a driver's license,
but it will be marked with different colors or
have a different design. This type of license
can't be used as an ID to board a plane or enter
a federal building.
12The states' main complaint is the additional
expenses and work the new system will create. It
will leave the individual states with a huge bill
and will make getting a driver's license for
law-abiding applicants more difficult. The irony
of this new rule is that everybody agrees on a
better and safer system of identification with
driver's licenses, but how to actually put the
system in place seems to be a insoluble problem.