Title: IT development and career in Hong Kong
1IT development and career in Hong Kong
IT for Youth 2006 School Visit Holy Trinity
- Sin Chung Kai
- Legislative Councillor (IT)
- 8 January 2008
- Part 1
- IT is everywhere
- What can IT help in the future?
- Part 2
- Hong Kong as a World Digital City
- Local industry outlook
- Part 3
- IT as a profession
3IT is surrounding all of us!!!
4Realize your dreams with IT
Shrek 3(2007)
Shrek 2 (2004)
Shrek (2001)
Raman Hui (???) Co-director of Sherk 3
Antz (1998)
A Computer Animator graduated from the Hong Kong
Polytechnic University in 1984
5Entering the YOU Era with IT
6IT brings convenience to your lives
- Anywhere, Anytime, Interactive, With anybody
Source Toward the Realization of a
Japan-Initiated Ubiquitous Society , NEC Journal
of Advanced Technology, Vol. 1
7IT rewrites the worlds rules
8IT makes things to think
- Part 1
- IT is everywhere
- What can IT help in the future?
- Part 2
- Hong Kong as a World Digital City
- Local industry outlook
- Part 3
- IT as a profession
10E-readiness rankings 2007
Source The 2007 e-readiness rankings Raising the
bar, Economist Intelligence Unit
11In Asia-Pacific Region
Source The 2007 e-readiness rankings Raising the
bar, Economist Intelligence Unit
12Our weakness
- HK scored gt 8.5 among 5 categories
- Except for one
- Social and cultural environment
- ? 6.8 only
- It shows that ICT sector is facing human shortage
Source The 2007 e-readiness rankings Raising the
bar, Economist Intelligence Unit
13Increasing trend in use of IT in business
Source Report on 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
2006 Annual Survey on Information Technology
Usage and Penetration in the Business Sector, and
Hong Kong as Information Society 2007, Census
and Statistics Department, HKSAR
14Increasing trend in IT adoption in business
Revenue generated via e-commerce
Source Report on 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
2006 Annual Survey on Information Technology
Usage and Penetration in the Business Sector,
Hong Kong as an Information Society, Census and
Statistics Department, HKSAR
15IT industry the Four economic pillars
Source 1) Census and Statistics Department,
2) Hong Kong as an Information
Society 2006 , (Dec 2006), Census and Statistics
Department, HKSARG
16Overview of Hong Kongs ICT industry
- NO international definition on ICT sector.
- In HK, ICT sector covers 5 groups of economic
Source Hong Kong as an Information Society 2006
(Dec 2006), Census and Statistics Department,
17Key business scopes of the IT sector
- The Manufacturers
- Specialized in computer peripherals, electronic
parts components - mostly served for overseas markets
- The Distributors
- Specialized in office automation, security
- Focus on local market
- maintenance
- The services providers
- Major services offered software design
development, application support maintenance,
IT consultancy, system integration - Focus on local market
Source Hong Kong IT industry Study 2005, (Nov
2005), Hong Kong Productivity Council
18Hong Kong IT Services Sector
- Mainly composed of SMEs
- Geographic markets served
- Hong Kong (78.2), Mainland (12.7), Other
economies (9.1) - Major IT services specialized
Source Study on Hong Kong IT Services Sector
2006 , (Mar 2007), Hong Kong Productivity
19IT - Serving the other sectors
- Banking and finance
- Electronic off-platform trading system of HKs
Stock Exchange, interbank real time gross
settlement system, online/wireless investment,
electronic money - Trading
- Tradelink to facilitate transaction management
on import and export shipments
20IT - Serving the other sectors
- Transportation
- Octopus
- Manufacturing
- Computer-aided design/manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
- Shipping, freight forwarding and logistics
- Electronic data interchange (EDI), RFID and GPS
to support supply chain activities
21IT - Serving the other sectors
- E-Government
- Smart ID card
Entertainment industry
Source Yahoo! Hong Kong Limited
22IT - Serving the other sectors
Multiple answers allowed
Source Hong Kong IT industry Study 2005, (Nov
2005), Hong Kong Productivity Council
23China - Business Opportunities
- One of the biggest domestic market with gt 1.3
billion people - GDP
- doubled 1987-1995 again 1995-2003
- growth rate maintained at 10 2003-2006
- Business opportunities since China opened up its
Telecom and Internet services in phases to
foreign investment after WTO entry
100 million yuan
Source Nationl Bureau of Statistics of China
(Feb 2007)
24Being a gateway to Mainland market
- Proficiency in adapting foreign software to suit
the Mainland market - Substantial experience and connections in the
Mainland - Language and cultural advantages
- Taking a tripartite partnerships among Mainland,
foreign and Hong Kong players
Our special ticket The Closer Economic
Partnership Arrangement between Hong Kong and the
Mainland (CEPA)
25Asia Market Outlook
- Total demand for staff with networking skills
across Asia
Source International Data Corp (Oct 2006)
26Local Market Outlook
- Number of IT employees employed
- Steady increase over the past 6 years
No. of IT employees employed
Source 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006 Manpower Survey
Report , Committee on Information Technology
Training and Development, Vocational Training
27Local Market Outlook
- Significant increase in computer operations
managers and supervisors in companies engaged in
various business services sector and the
community - Employers forecast in 2007
- Overall annual growth rate on the number of IT
posts is 2.5
Source 2006 Manpower Survey Report on IT Sector
today , (Feb 2007), The Committee on Information
Technology Training and Development of the
Vocational Training Council
28Local Market Outlook
- Gentle growth in the industry
- Projected manpower growth in the next 12 months
- ??Hong Kong (5.2) Mainland (8.8) Overseas
(7.9) - Projected revenue growth in 2006
- ??Hong Kong (11.6) Mainland (10.8) Overseas
(10.1) - Market expansion
- 72.4 were interested in developing the Mainland
market - 54.4 expressed intention to set up overseas
branch offices
Source Study on Hong Kong IT Services Sector
2006 , (Mar 2007), Hong Kong Productivity
- Part 1
- IT is everywhere
- What can IT help in the future?
- Part 2
- Hong Kong as a World Digital City
- Local industry outlook
- Part 3
- IT as a profession
30IT as a profession
Profession. the practice of it directly
influences human well-being and requires mastery
of a complex body of knowledge and specialized
skills which are acquired through formal
education and practical experience. The Online
Ethics Center for Engineering and Science
- Is IT a profession?
- Yes, because
- our society has become highly dependent upon the
use of IT - IT professionals are required to have practical
experience - IT professionals have to undergo formal education
training for performing IT-related jobs.
31To be an IT professional
- To be an all rounded IT professional
- Portable technical skills business intelligence
management skills . - Able to work with different culture willing to
travel continuous learning.
The most important point Your attitude!
32- Thank you!
- http//www.sinchungkai.org.hk
33Interactive Discussion
IT for Youth 2006 - School Visit Holy Trinity
8 January 2008