Title: Local Area Networks:
- Local Area Networks
- Ethernet
- Abramsons Multiple Access idea leads to
- Aloha Net
- And then to Carrier Sense Multiple Access CSMA
- And finally to Ethernet CSMA-CD
- Fitting it into the ISO layers- where?
- IEEE Standard 802.3
- Sections 13.2,.3,.4,.6, 14.1 6th edition
- Chapter 15, and
- Sections 16.2, .3, .4, .6 7th Edition
4Abramsons Idea CSMA
- Why did he think of it?
- Univ of Hawaii mainframe computer and remote job
entry terminals - Arpanet impractical
- Telephone network needed for links a disaster
- Mountainous terrain suggests
- VHF radio links with mountaintop repeaters
- How to handle contention??
f1 no problem f2 problem!
Sends on f2
Sends on f1
Rcves on f2
Sends on f2
Sends on f2
Remote terminals
6Contention what to do?
- HDLC solution poll
- Not attractive complicated time consuming
- Abramsons idea about contention
- Just let it happen.
- If 2 packets collide,
- Error Detection will detect it
- Correct by ARQ retransmission
7Result Aloha Net
- The channel is called
- Aloha Channel, or
- Multiple Access without Polling, or MA for short.
8Thruput vs. offered load-your normal channel
Channel capacity ignoring overheads
Offered load
9Aloha Channel - flooding
- As offered load rises
- More and more collisions gt
- More and more retransmissions gt
- Still more collisions, until eventually
- Every packet suffers collision, I.e.
- Throughput -gt 0
- Channel is called flooded
- Only cure
- all transmitters be quiet.
- Wait until the channel is empty.
- start again.
10 Aloha Thruput vs. offered load --showing
channel capacity
wastage due to retransmits etc
Max Thruput ??
Flooding point!
Offered load
11The Aloha Result
- Large question If the point-to-point channel
capacity is 1, whats the capacity in Aloha
mode?? less! - Answer 1/2e
- Why?
- Let time duration of packets t
- Assume
- All packets are full
- On collision, both colliding packets are
clobbered gt both must be re-transmitted - Let number of active stations k
13The Aloha Result
- Let
- uncontended capacity be 1
- message packets be packets sent for the first
time - Retransmissions be retransmitted packets
- l mean rate of sending message packets per
terminal so - r k l mean total rate of sending message
packets summed over all terminals
14 The Aloha Result
- r k l mean total rate.
- relationship of r and t
- Suppose t 0.1 sec , then rmax 10 pkt/s
- And rmax t 1 so
- r t measures channel utilization
15The Aloha Resultcollisions retransmissions
16 - Let
- R nr of message packets retransmissions from
all k users per unit time. SO - R gt r iff there are any retransmissions and
- Rt is the channel utilization considering BOTH
messages and retransmissions
17 - Lets calculate
- Rt f rt the utilization
t1-t t1 t1t
Collisions with packet P1 occur anywhere in a
window of width 2t
18 - Assume intervals between packet start times are
independent exponentially distributed. So - Prno start in interval T e-RT
- Collisions
- P1 starting at t1 will collide with some P2 if
there exists a start time in the interval - ( t1-t, t1t ) of width 2t so
- Prcollision with P1 1- Prno collision in 2t
- 1 - e-2Rt
19 - Hence mean number of collisions per unit time
R1 - e-2Rt so that - R nr packets nr retransmits
- r R1 - e-2Rt
- so that rt Rt e-2Rt of form
- y xe-2x
20 the Aloha Result, finally
- y xe-2x Wheres the maximum??
- y e-2x xe-2x -2 e-2x 1-2x
- So y 0 gt x 1/2
- So Rt 1/2 maximizes channel utilization rt and
rt 1/2e is the maximum value
21The Aloha Result
- If channel capacity is C, then capacity operated
in Aloha mode is - C/2e
22 - Beyond offered load 1/2e retransmissions
increase without bound -- flooding - If packet start events are synchronized, capacity
doubles see why? and capacity 1/e -- Slotted
23 - If carrier sense is added we get CSMA and channel
capacity approx. 0.5 - CSMA need not be run on terrestrial radio works
OK on satellites too - Finally, CSMA on a wirepair or Coax
- plus Collision Detect listen while you speak is
24EtherNet CSMA-CD on guided media
- Invented by Bob Metcalfe
- Originally ran at 1 Mb/s on co-ax
- Then 10Mb/s, 100Mb/s and 1Gb/s Gig-E
- Standardized as IEEE 802.3 in 1985
- Where to fit it into the ISO stack??
- Never imagined when stack defined
- L2 link makes sense for the frame transport
- Where to put CSMA-CD?
- New sublayer! -- Layer 2B
26model of Ethernet Station showing Layers
onwards upwards
Logical Link Control LLC
Medium Access Control MAC
Phys Layer Signalling PLS
Attachment Unit Ifce AUI
Medium Dependent Ifce MDI
Physical Medium Attachment
27Primitives of ISO stack
- Physical layer notation
- ltdatarate in Mb/sgtltmediumgtltsegment length in 100
metersgt - 10 BASE 5
- 10 BROAD 20
- Misnomer 10 Base T
- 10 Mb/s, baseband, on twisted pair
- marketing bafflegab
30Standards stuff 802.3
- Functional spec of svces provided by MAC to LLC
- No implication about how to implement!
31 MAC services provided to LLC
- MA_data_request
- destination
- M_payload
- service_class
- To send a payload to the peer LLC
- Note that MAC makes up the frame
- downcall
32MAC services provided to LLC
- MA_data.confirm
- status
- Ack back to requesting LLC from MAC
- LOCAL significance only
- Status failure gt
- Too many collisions, medium failed, . . .
- upcall
33MAC services provided to LLC
- MA_data.indication
- DA / dest addr
- SA / src addr
- m_sdu / payload
- status
- Heres a frame for you
- upcall
34802.3 ethernet LLC frame, orHDLC reworked
Octets 7 1 2 or 6 2 or 6 2 Variable 1
Preamble SOF SA DA Len Datapad FCS preambl
Creates periodic waveform at L1 Manchester
encoded for bit sync PLL. Format 101010 . . .
10 Format 10101011 for frame sync Source address
always 6 bytes nowadays Destination address
ditto Helps transparency Pad to achieve minimum
allowed framesize CRC 32 26 23 22 16 12 11 10 8
7 5 4 2 1 0
- Addresses can be
- Individual of form 0xxxxx
- Group multicast 1yyyyy
- Broadcast 111111
36Chores for MAC
- Encapsulate data in frame
- Addressing
- Error detection
- Access the medium via CSMA-CD I.e.
- Collision detect
- Collision recovery rest done at L1
- Specifics
37Chores for MAC
- Transmit, no-collision case
- Compose frame
- proc Trans Data Encap
- Sense carrier
- proc Trans Media Access Mgmt
- Signal provided by L1 Phys Layer Signalling PLS
- Wait a short time for medium to recover
- Pass bit-serial stream to PLS
- PLS generates electrical signals senses
38Chores for MAC
- Receive, no-collision case
- Dual of the above
- Exercise for the reader
39Chores for MAC
- Transmit, collision encountered
- Define transmit window D1 Ta, Tb where
- Ta is time I start to send
- Tb is earliest time when ALL stations have heard
my carrier - If collision, additional time D2 elapses before I
can hear the collision
40 - Transmit, collision encountered
- D1 and D2 determined by round trip propagation
time on the medium - Long D1, high channel data rate gt many useless
bits sent before Collision Detected - Geosynchronous Satellites bad news here!
- 250 msec roundtrip latency
41 - Transmit, collision encountered
- PLS turns on signal CD Collision Detected
- MAC must
- enforce collision everywhere by sending JAM bits
- a bit sequence long enough to ensure CD ON at
all stations - Reschedule transmission
- How??
42Reschedule transmission
- Immediate retransmit a bad idea
- Retransmit after constant K sec a bad idea
43Reschedule transmission
- Exponential backoff -Concepts
- The more we have to re-try the longer we should
wait congestion happening - The colliding parties should not re-transmit at
the same time ! - Exponential rule
- back off rn scheduling quanta for nth retry
where - 0 lt r lt 2k where
- k minn, 10
- R is random, uniformly distributed in that
interval - and
44 - Exponential backoff
- Boundary conditions
- Scheduling quantum gt collision window
- Scheduling quantum gt frame xmit time
- WHY backoff?
- Trying to avoid flooding
- Why random?
- Some design numbers
- The 10 BASE 5 implementation of IEEE 802.3
- Interframe gap 9.6 msec
- Backoff limit 10 attempts
- JAM 32 bits
- Max framesize 1518 octets
- Min framesize 64 octets
47How to screw up an ethernet
- Provisioning close to the flooding region
- So-called Ethernet Limit
- Space repeaters too far apart
- Its a passive system
- Too many stations between repeaters
- Coax cable bends too sharp -
- causes change of characteristic impedance
- mismatch
- reflected power...
- Twisted-pair in noisy environments
- use fibre or Token Bus
48Topological arrangement
The medium
49Physical arrangement in office buildings
Wiring closet
50Modern post-1990 ethernet
- Flooding worries
- Security worries suggest
51Put a frame switch in the wiring closet!
Frame switch L2 packet sw
So-called switched ethernet hub lt 100 at
Future Shop Yielding Switched Ethernet
52Switched ethernet
- Can there be any collisions?
- Do we need CSMA-CD?
- Why bother with ethernet interface??
53Onwards upwards
- 1 BASE 5 1981
- 10 BASE T 1988
- 100 BASE T 1993
- Switched hubs for 50 at FutureShop 1996
- Gigabit ethernet entirely switched 2000
- Optical ethernet ditto 2000
- GigE as a broadband loop to the home?
- --dates approximate