The False Doctrine of Islam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The False Doctrine of Islam


It is obligatory (except under certain conditions) during Ramadan. The Five Pillars of Islam ... When Jesus the Son of God is lessened by one iota, the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: doctrine | false | islam


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The False Doctrine of Islam

TheFalse Doctrine of Islam
  • The Teaching, Error and Dangers of Islam. Cp.
    Jn. 146

  • It is arguably the fastest growing religion in
    the world.
  • True or not, the number of people identified with
    Islam is about 1.2 1.8 billion, 2nd only to 2.1
    billion identified as Christian.
  • There are approximately 1.35 million Muslims in
    the U.S.
  • Accordingly, Islam would rank as the 2nd largest
    religious denomination in the U.S.

  • With these kinds of numbers what do we really
    know about the religion of Islam?
  • Some might have acquaintances or friends who are
  • Most dont even know the difference between
    Islam and Muslim, apart from Islamic
  • We might hear statements from adherents/leaders
    about their faith.

  • In this lesson we take a brief but factual look
    at Islam as well as its error and dangers that it
    poses to Christians.

The Five Pillars of Islam
  • 1) Shahada (Islamic statement of faith read in
  • I profess that There is no God but Allah, and
    Mohammad is the Prophet of Allah.
  • Sincere recitation of this confession of faith
    before of two Muslims is the sole requirement for
    those who wish to join the Muslim community.

The Five Pillars of Islam
  • 2) Salat(ritualistic prayer)
  • Pray to Allah, facing Mecca five prescribed
    times each day.
  • Prayer is always directed in the direction
    (qibla) of the Ka'ba shrine in Mecca.
  • Salat must always be preceded by ritually
    washing the face, hands, and feet.

The Five Pillars of Islam
  • Zakat (almsgiving)
  • Generally 2.5 (of ones assets) obligatory to
    help those in need. Anything more is voluntary.
  • Along with the zakat, both the Qur'an and the
    Hadith emphasize the importance of voluntary
    almsgiving (sadaqa) to the needy.

The Five Pillars of Islam
  • Sawm (fasting ritual, repentant, ascetic)
  • abstinence from food and drink and sexual
    activity (for some, even smoking) from dawn til
  • It is obligatory (except under certain
    conditions) during Ramadan.

The Five Pillars of Islam
  • Hajj
  • (Pilgrimage to Mecca). Obligatory to able-bodied
    individuals at least once during their lifetime.
  • Commemorates the revelation of the Qur'an to
    humanity during Ramadan, the ninth month of the
    Islamic year.

The Quran
  • Revealed from the angel Gabriel to the prophet
  • Revelations came to Muhammad when he was 40 years
    old (610 A.D.) til his death (632 A.D.).
  • About three years after the initial revelations
    Muhammad started preaching the revelations.
  • In addition to the Quran are other books of
    faith that include his life (sira) and traditions
    (sunnah) which are followed by Muslims.

The Error of Islam
  • Teaching about God.
  • Quran Allah is one Bible Godhead. Gen. 126
  • Quran Allah has no son Bible Jesus is the Son
    of God.

The Error of Islam
  • Teaching about Jesus Christ.
  • Quran Jesus was born like the rest of man
    (Quran 359). Jn. 11-3, 14
  • Quran Jesus refused worship (Quran 5116).
    Matt. 1433 289
  • Quran Jesus was not crucified (Quran 4157).
    Jn. 1914-20 1 Cor. 22
  • Quran no one to bear sins for man (Quran
    6123-124). Heb. 928

The Error of Islam
  • The Quran does not teach
  • Jesus as the only way of salvation to the
    (heavenly) Father. Jn. 146
  • Instead, it teaches man to follow the teachings
    and life example of Muhammad.

  • When Jesus the Son of God is lessened by one
    iota, the gospel becomes adulterated and false.
    Cp. Gal. 16-10
  • Anyone who brings a different teaching than the
    full deity and humanity is antichrist and has no
    fellowship with God. 1 Jn. 42-3 2 Jn. 9
  • While we see the Christian view toward a Muslim,
    what is the Muslim view toward Christianity/Christ

The Dangers of Islam
  • Clearly there are Muslims who do not act out in
    terror against non-Muslims.
  • The question, however, we want answered is this
    a fair and balanced view of Islam?
  • If so, why are there so many reports of
    terrorist of violence against non-Muslims?
  • Are these acts exclusively practiced out of

The Dangers of Islam
  • Hussein Massawi (former leader of Hezbollah)
  • Regarding the People of the West
  • We are not fighting so that you will offer us
    something. We are fighting to eliminate you.

Muhammad Taqi Partovi Samzevari
  • (Future of the Islamic Movement, 1986)
  • Our own Prophet was a general, a statesman, an
    administrator, an economist, a jurist and a
    first-class manager all in one. In the Qurans
    historic vision Allahs support and the
    revolutionary struggle of the people must come
    together, so that Satanic rulers are brought down
    and put to death.

  • (Future of the Islamic Movement, 1986)
  • A people that is not prepared to kill and to die
    in order to create a just society cannot expect
    any support from Allah. The Almighty has promised
    us that the day will come when the whole of
    mankind will live united under the banner of
    Islam, when the sign of the Crescent, the symbol
    of Muhammad, will be supreme everywhere

  • (Future of the Islamic Movement, 1986)
  • .But that day must be hastened through our
    Jihad, through our readiness to offer our lives
    and to shed the unclean blood of those who do not
    see the light brought from the Heavens by
    Muhammad in his miraj

  • (Future of the Islamic Movement, 1986)
  • nocturnal voyages to the court of Allah.
    It is Allah who puts the gun in our hand. But we
    cannot expect Him to pull the trigger as well
    simply because we are faint-hearted.

Warning from Expert on Islam
  • Robert Spencer (Jihad Watch)
  • In response to why he does Jihad Watch The
    doctrines of jihad and Islamic supremacism
    threaten the peace and human rights of all free
    people. If it is not confronted and resisted, it
    will prevail.

Warning from Expert Ex-Muslim
  • Walid Shoebat (author) Why I Left Jihad
  • Created a documentary on the violence
    associated with Islam.
  • Link What the West Needs to Know

  • Islam teaches a different God and Jesus Christ.
  • It perverts the teachings (particularly the
    gospel) found in the Bible.
  • While there are peaceful Muslims, the overall
    practice of faithful Muslims only achieve
    peace by subjecting all to Islam.

  • Faithful Christians have nothing to fear because
    we have Christ. Rom. 831-35
  • Let it be known, however, that the warning
    regarding Islam and its (arguable) trends should
    be yet another reason to gird our loins and stand
    up for the faith once for all delivered to all
    the saints. Jude 3
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