Title: Review of BABAR results
1Review of BABAR results
- G. Finocchiaro
- INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
- on behalf of the BABAR Collaboration
Pushkinskie Gory May 2004
- Intro
- Super quick (really!) review of CP in the B
system - PEP-II and BABAR
- Basics of time dependent analysis _at_ BABAR
- BABAR is producing a very rich harvest of
interesting results. Today I will focus on - The angles of the Unitarity Triangle
- b
- a
- g
- Conclusions and outlook
3The CKM matrix
- Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark mixing matrix
- Relates weak flavour (q?) to mass eigenstates (q)
- The complex Vijs parameters determine the
- electroweak coupling strength of the W to quarks
- VCKM is unitary
- only 4 independent parameters (3 angles, 1
phase) - CPV accommodated in the SM through the CKM phase
- Wolfenstein parameterization (expansion in
powers of l ? 0.22) l , A, r, h
4The Unitarity Triangle
The unitarity of VCKM is conveniently expressed
by the product db VudVubVcdVcbVtdVtb0
- sides of the triangle of same order, O(l3)
- ? sides and angles directly measurable
- area (A J/2) proportional to amount of CPV
- CP asymmetries in B decays sensitive to the
angles of the Triangle
5CP violation in interference between decays with
and without mixing
- CP violation can arise from interference between
two paths
Time dependent CP asymmetry
6The asymmetric B factory PEP-II
- Ingredients to measure time-dependent CP
asymmetries - Measurement of the B decay time (ACP 0 when
time integrated) - Knowledge of the initial favor (at t0) of the B
(flavor tagging) - Very large data sample (the relevant processes
have low branching fractions) - PEP-II a 2nd generation ee- B factory
- asymmetric beam energies
- Lpeak gt 8 1033 cm-2 s-1 ( 8 BB pairs/second)
- ( gt 3 x design lumi)
7The BABAR detector
SVT efficiency 97 , sz 15 mm, sz (inner
layers, perpendicular tracks) Tracking (SVTDCH)
s(pT)/pT ? ( 0.13 pT(GeV) ? 0.45 ) K-p
separation (DIRC) ? 3 s ( plt3.5 GeV ) EMC
energy resolution sE/E ( 2.3 E-1/4 ? 1.8 )
8Principle of analysis technique
9B meson reconstruction at ?(4S)
Kinematical signature for B decays
Typical resolutions s(mES) ? 2.5 MeV s(DE)
? 1040 MeV
- () ? measured in U(4S) rest frame
- Define 2 regions in DE, mES plane
- Signal region DE0,mESmB
- Sideband region
10Measuring sin2?
b ? ccs Golden Modes J/yKS, J/yKL, J/yK,
charmonium precision measurements b ? ccd
Cabibbo-suppressed, possibly penguin-contaminated
D()D(), J/yp0 Consistency of the SM
picture b ? sss, sdd Penguin-dominated fK 0,
KK-KS , f 0K 0, h'K0 , p0 K0, Kg Most
sensitive to New Physics
11 B0?J/yKs the Golden Mode
- Large asymmetry
- theoretically cleanest way to measure sin2b
- clear experimental signature
- relatively large BF (4.510-4 )
- similar considerations hold for other charmonium
modes (y(2S)KS, ?c1KS, hcKs)
ACP(t) directly measure sin2b
12sin2b from B0?J/yKS,L results
- unbinned maximum likelihood fit to data
- models for n signal m background components
- Background PDfs, mis-tag rates and Dt resolution
from data - extract signal yield and CP asymmetry parameters
13sin2b from b?s penguins
- B0? fKs , B0? h'Ks , B0? p0Ks
- If t-loop diagram dominates only 1 phase
- Sf sin2b, Cf 0
- u-quark loop (g) suppressed
- ratio of CKM factors 0.02
- h'Ks and p0 Ks get contributions from tree b?u
- Vus Vub (weak phase g)
- CKM and color suppressed
- Measure sin2beff, which in SM is estimated not to
differ from sin2b by more than 0.10.3 - New Physics can manifest in penguin decays
- e.g. virtual non-SM particles as propagators in
the loop
14b?s penguin experimental issues
- large continuum background
- In addition to standard DE and mES, use event
shape discriminating variables in M.L. fit
- Dominated by pure b?sss gluonic penguins
- Reconstruct
- B0?fK0s
- B0?fK0L (new result)
- reconstruct Ks? pp-, f?KK-
- Control channel B? fK
- SfK 0.230.24,
- CfK-0.140.18
- consistent with 0
16B0?fK0 results of time dependent analysis
- Combined (B0?fK0s B0?fK0L) result from
BABAR - Consistent with prediction from SM
Belles result (B0? fK0s only), based on 152 106
BB pairs 3.5 s away from SM, 2.3 s away from
- same final states as B0?fK0s, but without going
through the f resonance (f ?KK- are vetoed) - need to determine CP-even fraction from
- helicity angle distribution of KK-
- confirms Belles result
Moriond EW 04
- decay probably dominated by pure b?sss gluonic
penguins (also uus, but suppressed)
Moriond EW 04
f0 a scalar, f0 K0s CP-even ?S -sin2b in
time-dependent CPV
- f0 reconstructed in pp-. Signal
- extracted through a fit on mES, DE,
- m(pp-) and quantities sensible to
- event shape
- S,C consistent with SM prediction
- In SM decay dominated by penguin b?sqq diagram.
Ignoring the tree, Ssin2b - Position of B decay determined via innovative
technique - only info from Ks vertex
- extrapolate back to beam spot region in x, y
hep-ex/0403001 sub. to PRL
20Status of the Sf and Cf measurements
- no hint of direct CPV
- errors still large
21Comments on sin 2b
- World average from charmonium (dominated by BB)
- sin2b 0.7360.049
- CKM fit using only Vub, Vcb, eK, Dmd, Dms
- sin2b 0.6760.090
- One solution in excellent agreement the SM
passed the first precision test of the CKM matrix - Building up impressive collection of sin2beff
results - Measurements still statistically limited
- will improve in (near) future
- approaching precision of theory
- Overall agreement with SM reasonable
- BABAR consistent with SM
- one single measurement (out of 10) away from SM
- optimistic attitude hint of NP!
- lets wait for new data (see 5. above)
22Measuring a
Textbook example B0?pp-
23Coping with penguins
- Difficult to reliably estimate how much penguins
contribute - B(B0?Kp-) (pure penguin) indicates they cannot
be neglected - Gronau/London analysis
- Assuming isospin symmetry, these triangular
- relations between the B?hh amplitudes hold
- The B and B triangles do not match, and 2aeff
2a?pp - Need to measure 5 BFs, including B(B0?p0p0) from
tagged samples - still a 8-fold ambiguity
- Grossman/Quinn bound
- Do not need to tag B flavour
- Useful if B(B0?p0p0) is small
24Status of pp- analysis
120M BB preliminary Npp265.924.0 NKp873.337.5
NKK 12.510.4 Spp -0.40 0.22 0.03 Cpp
-0.19 0.19 0.05
Belle (140fb-1) Spp -1.00 0.21 0.07 Cpp
0.58 0.15 0.07 (direct CPV _at_ 3.2s !)
- standard time dependent analysis
- particle ID crucial
- info to fight continuum background combined in
Fisher discriminant
25B0?p0p0 and the GQ bound
B0?p0p0 observed by BABAR with 4.2 s
PRL91, 241801 (2003)
- B(B0?p0p0)
- too small for full isospin analysis
- too large to give a useful G/Q constraint
- compare to B(B0?pp-)(4.60.4) 10-6 (WA)
- Challenging experimentally
- 4 particles (two p0s) in the B final state
- the r is wide
- small BF, lots of background from B decays (209
B decay modes studied!) - simultaneous ML fit to DE, mES, NN, cos?hel, mr
Main systematics from uncertainty of CP content
in background
28rr- Isospin analysis
29Summary on a
- Large penguin pollution in B?pp
- B0?p0p0 measured, but
- small makes full Isospin analysis hard
- too large for useful bound on a-aeff
- Situation looks promising in rr
- although VV decay, flong1 (pure CP even)
- small B(B0?r0r0) indicates small penguin
pollution - first measurement of ACP(Dt), and direct
constraints on a (with assumptions) - Other modes being studied (rp)
30Measuring g
0 1
31sin(2bg) from B0?D()p?
- CPV from interference of direct Cabibbo-favoured
and mixed b? u decays - not a CP eigenstate
- relative phase is 2bg
- asymmetry depends on hadronic parameters
32sin(2bg) from B0?D()p?
- 2 complementary analyses in BABAR
- Full reconstruction of B0?Dp? and B0?Dp?
- 2rDpsin(2bg)cosdDp-0.0680.0380.021
- 2rDpsin(2bg)cosdDp -0.0220.0380.021
- Partial reconstruction of B0?Dp?
- Use only fast (2.1ltplt2.4 GeV/c) and slow
(plt0.250 GeV/c) pion tracks - compute mass of recoiling object (the D0)
without reconstructing it - 2rDpsin(2bg)cosdDp-0.0630.0240.014
33B0?D()p? interpretation
- Need r() to extract limit on sin(2bg)
- Using SU(3) (30 error) and exp. WA
- Derive limits combining fullpartial reco, using
a Feldman-Cousins method with Toy MC - sin(2bg) gt 0.87 68 CL
- sin(2bg) gt 0.58 95 CL
We are setting constraints on rh plane from g!
Limit without assumptions on r()
34g from B-?Kp-K- ADS method
- Equalize the interfering amplitudes
(Atwood-Dunietz-Soni, PRL 78, 3257) - Extract g from decay rates measurements
35g from ADS results
RADS0.0040.012 RADSlt0.026 _at_90 CL
- rB lt0.22 _at_ 90 CL
- (or rB lt0.20 if 48oltglt73o)
- implying
- small interference
- difficult measurement of g
36Summary on g
- Common wisdom (prejudice?) g immeasurable at B
factories - Looks not impossible now (increasing size of B
samples) - First constraints on r-h plane from B0?D()p?
- Result will depend on size of color suppressed
b?u amplitude - B-? D()0K- ADS analysis disfavors optimistic
scenario - No single gold-plated channel need to combine
many measurements
- -
37Concluding remarks
- CPV is now well established in the B meson system
- Interest now moving onto searching for New
Physics in channels with loop-dominated diagrams - hints for new physics from sin2b in b?s penguin
modes? - a moving target at the moment. B-factories will
eventually resolve the question. - a not only through B?pp. B?rr looks the most
promising channel - first steps toward a measurement of g
- Success of the effort depends on several unknowns
- validity of theoretical assumptions, values of
parameters to be experimentally determined (rB) - The game started in May 1999, but working in
BABAR is still very exciting. - Stay tuned for more results this summer!
39Flavour tagging
- determine the flavor of BTAG from its charged
- decay products
- lepton,
- kaons,
- soft p from D?D0p
- high momentum tracks
- use neural network techniques to combine PID and
kinematics info - 4 different tagging categories
- cleanest tag from leptons (lt5 mistag rate)
- most abundant tag kaons (lt20 mistag rate)
40Dz resolution
- BTAG vertex fit
- use all tracks left over by BREC vertex
- BTAG direction constrained by BREC and beam spot
information - long-lived particles (KS, L) explicitly recoed
- photon conversion (g?ee-) removed
- tracks with large c2 iteratively removed
Both w and R measured on data
Efficiency for CP sample 97 Typical
resolutions Dz 180mm, Dt 0.7ps