Title: Kellar Instructional Handheld data System KIHd System
1Kellar Instructional Handheld data System (KIHd
- 3rd Advisory Board
- Members Meeting
- Date February 12th, 2007
2George Mason University Team Members
- Co-PI Shuangbao Wang, PhD
- Co-PI Yoosun Chung, PhD
- Senior Researcher
- Michael Behrmann, EdD
- Project Coordinator
- Heidi Graff
- Research Assistants
- YouRi Shim, Kavita Mittapalli
- Accuracy (Formula calculation
- Agreement / Disagreement 100)
- Time period late October 2006- ongoing
- Average three days/week
4Graph (accuracy)(October 31, 2006- January 31,
- Purpose
- - To provide a way to record and evaluate if the
program is following the protocol proposed
earlier (as a reality check) - - Internal validity
- - To record the day-to-day process of data
collection by the researcher (when on-site) and
teachers (in presence of researchers) - - To record instances, if any, where technical
assistance was needed by the teachers - - To record the overall general attitude of the
teachers towards technology, training and the
data collection process - - To record the efficiency and reliability of
the technology
6Fidelity contd..
- Instrument
- - Paper based form used by the researcher each
time s/he goes to collect data - - Five open-ended questions
- - Additional two paper-based surveys to record
teachers perceptions on trainings received thus
far (administered in October and December 2006) - Fidelity data have been collected 4 out of 5
times a week (Number of days we collected
fidelity check list/ how many possible days
100) - 80
7Logic model of fidelity criteria (Donabedian,
Structure (protocol for service
Process (How services are delivered)
Fidelity criteria includes- specification of the
length, intensity, and duration of the service
(or dosage) content, procedures, and activities
over the length of the service roles,
responsibilities of staff/researchers and
characteristics of target population (Kelly,
Heckman, Stevenson, Williams, 2000)
- Donabedian, A. (1982). The criteria and standards
of quality. Ann Arbor, MI Health Administration
Press. - Kelly, J.A., Heckman, T.G., Stevenson, L.Y.,
Williams, P.N. (2000).Transfer of research-based
HIV prevention interventions to community service
providers Fidelity and adaptation. AIDS
Education and Prevention, 12,87-98.
9System Modifications
- Ability to change labels prompts
- Add multiple treatment phases
- Task is added to graph
- Interactive graph to better meet single subject
design standards - PDA offline data collecting (standalone
application) will be tested in March
10Update of KIHd System Graph
- Task is added to the graph.
11Standalone Application
- PDA offline data collecting (standalone
application) will be tested in March. - The data collection procedure are
- Synchronizing PDA with database
- Data collections
- Send data back to database
- System merge the data based on the time tag and
device id.
12Sites to visit
- KIHd System Project Website
- http//kihdsystem.gmu.edu/stepstone/index.html
- KIHd System
- http//kihdsystem.gmu.edu
13Advisory Board Members
- Tom Scruggs tscruggs_at_gmu.edu
- Maureen Schepis mschepis_at_bellsouth.net
- Margo Mastropieri mmastrop_at_gmu.edu
- Ted Hasselbring t.hasselbring_at_vanderbilt.edu
- Martha Snell snell_at_virginia.edu
- Barry Romich bromich_at_aol.com
- Cherie Takemoto takemoto_at_peatc.org
- Robert Zuckerman dcwz_at_kent.edu
14Date to Remember
- Next Advisory Board Meeting
- April 18th at 1000am (will contact you if
15Contact Information
- Helen A. Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities
- (703) 993-3670 (voice/TTY)
- (703) 993-3681 (fax)
- http//kihd.gse.gmu.edu