Generation of Magma - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Generation of Magma


Solid components are silicate minerals that have already crystallized. ... Occurs when rock ascends as a result of convective upwelling (recall that the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Generation of Magma

Generation of Magma
  • And Magma Properties

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What is magma?
  • Magma is completely or partially molten material,
    which cools to form an igneous rock.
  • The liquid portion is called the melt (usually
    ions of silica and oxygen, with lesser amounts of
    magnesium, aluminum, potassium, calcium, sodium,
    and iron).
  • Solid components are silicate minerals that have
    already crystallized.
  • As the magma body cools, the number of solids

The Role of Heat
  • Geothermal gradient

The Role of Pressure
  • Pressure increases with depth in the Earth
  • Melting occurs at higher temperatures with depth
    because of confining pressure ? the greater the
    pressure, the higher the melting point
  • When confining pressure drops, decompression
    melting occurs
  • Occurs when rock ascends as a result of
    convective upwelling (recall that the mantle is
    solid, but flows at very slow rates.

Role of Volatiles
  • Magma also contains dissolved gasses
  • Water Vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) Sulfur
    Dioxide (SO2)
  • Water actually lowers the melting point of rock
  • Consequently, wet rock at depth has a lower
    melting point than dry rock

Crystallization and Magma Evolution
  • Process of magma cooling is called
    crystallization. (Bowens reaction series)

Magmatic differentiation
The Nature of Volcanic Activity
  • Factors that affect magma viscosity
  • A magmas viscosity is directly related to its
    silica content

Which volcano do you think was formed from a more
silica rich magma?
Magmas and Rock types
The key to volcanic rocks
Magma and Partial Melting
  • Most magma produced from a process called partial
  • As rock begins to melt, minerals with the lowest
    melting point melt first
  • Vice verse with crystallization

Where do different rocks form?
Formation of Basaltic Magma
  • Originates from partial melting of an ultramafic
    rock called peridotite.
  • Peridotite is composed of iron-rich minerals such
    as those that are major constituents of the
  • Basltic magma upwells at hotspots or spreading
    centers (midicean ridges).
  • Occurs in subduction zone settings, but does not
    make it to the the surface.
  • Little to no silica incorporated into the mix.
  • Ascend rapidly to the Earths surface causing
    large outflows of lava (i.e. Hawaii)

Formation of Andesitic and Granitic Magmas
  • Interaction between basaltic magma and the
    continental crust.
  • As basaltic magma migrates upward, it can melt
    the crust.
  • The crust provides incorporated silica into the
    magma making it chemically different from the
    basaltic magma.

Andesitic Magma
  • Andesitic magmas may evolve from a process called
    magmatic differentiation.
  • If you look at Bowens reaction series, as
    basaltic magma crystallizes, silica-poor
    ferromagnesian minerals crystallize first.
  • Remaining melt is now silica-rich ? causing the
    andesitic rocks
  • These magmas are called secondary magmas

Granitic Magma
  • Derived from partial melting of the continental
    crust and/or the end product of crystallization
    of andesitic magma.
  • Higher in silica
  • More viscous (thicker)
  • Frequently lose their mobility before making it
    to the surface and produce produces large
    plutonic structures (cool underground).
  • When they do make it to the surface, cause
    explosive eruptions
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