Title: Financial Crises: Can They Be Prevented?
1Financial Crises Can They Be Prevented?
- Prof. Mohd Nazari Ismail
- Faculty of Business and Accounting
- University of Malaya
2- Prof. Paul Krugman , Princeton U.Winner of 2008
Nobel Prize for Economics
3Alan GreenspanChairman of US Federal Reserve
Board, 1987-2006
4Prof. Jeffrey SachsDirector Earth Institute,
Columbia University
5Plenty of brains still cannot solve problem? So
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
6Hmmm.. How are we gonna solve this problem?
7I dont have a clue too
8Presentation Outline
- Reasons for concern
- Different types of financial crises
- History of finance industry
- Central argument
- Conclusion
- .financial crises at their core are outcomes of
over-lending and over-borrowing and are thus
integral to the industry itself.
10Asian Financial Crisis Worse Economic Damage
11compared to the Asian Tsunami !
12US Sub-prime crisis
13 impact in all corners of the world
14 We are victims of the Jews .
15Honest, it wasnt me
16Financial Crisis
a disturbance to financial markets, associated
typically with falling asset prices and
insolvency among debtors and intermediaries,
which spreads through the financial system,
disrupting the markets capacity to allocate
capital B. Eichengreen, 1986
17Economics Crisis
Financial crisis
18Other Causes of Economics Crises
- Wars
- Earthquakes
- Floods
- Draughts
- Plagues
19Types of Financial Crises
- Currency crisis
- Banking crisis
- Market crashes
20Asian Financial Crisis
21Overinvestment in Real Estate
22Asian Financial Crisis
23Inflow of foreign funds prior to crisis
24Bank Run
25Source Worldbank
- Fiscal indiscipline
- Public debt
- 1983 USD46 billion
- 1989 USD65 billion
- 1999 USD130 billion
- Trade deficit
- Bank run
27Argentina riots
Sorry, you cannot withdraw any money today
28Open up the bank! We want our money back.
29USD127 billion!
- Argentina Foreign Debt in 2007
30Market Crash
32Examples of Market Crash
- Japanese property crash (1990)
- Dot.Com crash (2000)
- Sup-prime mortgage crash (2007)
33Japanese Crash A Puzzle?
- Successful exporter
- Trade surplus
- High savings rate
- Hardworking and skilled workforce
34Japanese problem
- banks
- over-borrowing
- debt
- speculation
35Here is how it happened
Savings/funds deposited into banks
Banks increased lendings
Asset prices skyrocketed
36 land surrounding the Imperial Palace in Tokyo
estimated to be worth more than whole of
37.created a massive bubble
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39 which soon burst!
40Effect of Bubble Burst
- Trillions of yens wiped out in markets
- Spending slowed down
- Economy sputtered to a halt
41Japanese Poorest and Weakest
42A side of Japan that is not often seen
43Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis
Low interest rates, excess liquidity in 1990s
Banks lent to Sub-prime borrowers
Housing boom
CDOs act as booster
44Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis (cont.)
Housing prices skyrocketed
Interest rates rose
Borrowers go bust
45Total UK and US debt to GDP ratio of 300
46 20 of total economic output used to pay
47Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis (cont.)
Housing prices skyrocketed
Interest rates rose
Borrowers go bust
48Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis (cont.)
Lenders go bust
Credit Crunch
Global Recession?
49All in Serious Trouble
50How serious is current crisis?
- USD16.3 trillion wiped out
- deep and prolonged recession
- Major economies slowing down
51US700 billion bail-out plan
52US federal governments total accumulated debt is
now more than USD10 trillion
53Japans public debt more than 195.5 of its GDP
54If bailout plan does not work? Global
55starvations, homelessness, chaos
56Financial crises how and when did they all start?
57600 years ago
58Human existence started 2 million years ago
59Human History of 2 million yrs
no finance industry
16th century
60During previous 99.97 of human history there was
no legitimate finance industry!
- In ancient India it was looked down upon by both
Buddhists and Hindus.
62Ancient Philosophers against Usury
Cato the Elder
63"...those who ply sordid trades, pimps and all
such people, and those who lend small sums at
high rates. For all these take more than they
ought, and from the wrong sources. What is common
to them is evidently a sordid love of gain...
64what do you think of usury?" - "What do you
think of murder?Cato the Elder
- Judaism forbids it (if practiced among fellow
66interest-charging same as people who have shed
- The medieval Christian church condemned it
68Now money, according to the Philosopher was
invented chiefly for the purpose of exchange and
consequently the proper and principal use of
money is its consumption or alienation whereby it
is sunk in exchange. Hence it is by its very
nature unlawful to take payment for the use of
money lent, which payment is known as usury and
just as a man is bound to restore other
ill-gotten goods, so is he bound to restore the
money which he has taken in usuryThomas Aquinas
69Old Testaments descriptions of usury
- Sabbath-breakers
- who vex the fatherless and widows
- dishonor parents
- liar
- the unrighteous
- the backbiter
- the slanderer and perjurer
- the meanest and lowest of men
- the vilest of criminals
- shedder of blood
- the defiler of his neighbor's wife
- the oppressor of the poor
- the spoiler by violence
- the violator of the pledge
- the idolater
- extortionists
70Islam condemns usury
71USURY in Islam
- Those who charge usury are in the same position
as those controlled by the devil's influence.
This is because they claim that usury is the same
as commerce. However, God permits commerce, and
prohibits usury. Thus, whoever heeds this
commandment from his Lord, and refrains from
usury, he may keep his past earnings, and his
judgment rests with God. As for those who persist
in usury, they incur Hell, wherein they abide
forever - (Quraan 2275)
72USURY in Islam
- God condemns usury, and blesses charities. God
dislikes every disbeliever, guilty. O you who
believe, you shall observe God and refrain from
all kinds of usury, if you are believers. If you
do not, then expect a war from God and His
messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your
capitals, without inflicting injustice, or
incurring injustice. If the debtor is unable to
pay, wait for a better time. If you give up the
loan as a charity, it would be better for you, if
you only knew. - (Quraan 2276)
73John Eck (1486-1543)
74John Calvin (1509-1564)
75Adam Smith (1723-1790)
Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)
76The interest or the use of moneyis the
compensation which the borrower pays to the
lender, for the profit which he has an
opportunity of making by the use of the money.
Part of that profit naturally belongs to the
borrower who runs the risk and takes the trouble
of employing it and part to the lender, who
affords him the opportunity of making this
profit Adam Smith 1776
77debt forgiveness is not in our vocabulary. But
we can help them by giving them additional
loans.Senior executive, ADB
78John Whipple
79"If 5 English pennies ... had been ... at 5 per
cent compound interest from the beginning of the
Christian era until the present time, it would
amount in gold of standard fineness to
32,366,648,157 spheres of gold each eight
thousand miles in diameter, or as large as the
- John Whipple (1836) in The Importance of Usury
81 "the purpose of money is to facilitate
exchange. It was never intended as an article of
trade, as an article possessing an inherent value
in itself, (but) as a representative or test of
the value of all other articles. It undoubtedly
admits of private ownership but of an ownership
that is not absolute, like the product of
individual industry, but qualified and limited by
the special use for which it was
designed....John Whipple 1836
83Innocent victims
84Another victim of financial accident?
85Tulips Mania Crisis 1637
86London in 1720
87South Sea
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90Overend, Gurney Co
91City of Glasgow Bank
92Financial crises in the US, too
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95Bond Certificate
96US Stock Market Crash 1929
97The Great Depression
98World War II expenditures moved the US economy
99Roaring 1980s
101Franco Modigliani
Merton Miller
1021980sLeverage buyouts, mergers, takeovers and
junk bonds
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104Crash! USD500 billion gone!
105Savings and Loan Scandal/Crisis
106Savings and Loan Scandal/Crisis
107Other Financial Crises
- Long Term Capital Management 1998
- Russian currency crisis
- Mexican financial crises 1982 1994-95
- Brazilian Financial crisis 1999
- European financial crisis 1992
- Iceland financial crisis 2008
- Etc., etc., etc.
109USA has the Best regulatory framework
- But still failed to prevent occurrences of
crisis after crisis
110Repeal of 1933 Glass-Steagall Act and Bank
Holding Act in 1999
111Before Heroes of Deregulation Growth
Robert Rubin Former Treasury Secretary
Sanford Weill - Citibank
Alan Greenspan Former Fed Chairman
112After Culprits of the Crisis
113Dr Zeti
114Derivatives? CDOS? CDSS?
115CDS (credit debt swap) US62 trillion at the end
of 2007
116Derivatives is outcome of dynamic and developed
financial markets!
117- Abandonment of Gold Standard?
118Gold standard abandoned completely in 1971
Nixon Vietnam War
119Growth of financial industry require abandonment
of Gold standard
120Gold Standard will constrain growth of finance
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123Optimistic Risk-taker?
124Buddies now
125Perception of greed as being responsible for the
current financial crisis is a misplaced
perception.Prof. Barry EichengreenU of
California, Berkeley
126Heroes now..
Nazir Razak, CIMB
Amirsham, Ex-CEO of Maybank
If there is a crisis.. greedy villains?
127Before Admired
John Meriwether, LTCM
Chuck Prince, Citigroup
Dick Fuld, Lehman Bros.
After Greedy
128Clear Cases of Greed
Nick Leeson Baring Bank
Jeff Skilling - Enron
129It's so difficult to pinpoint one person or two
peopleIt really was the whole systemReena
Aggarwal, Professor of Finance, Georgetown
130Findings of Study by C. Reinhart K. Roggof
- asset prices
- real economic growth
- and public debt
131Charles P. Kindleberger Ford International
Professor of Economics at MIT
133Financial Distress
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138Sometimes in the next five years you may kick
yourself for not reading and re-reading
Kindlebergers Manias, Panics and Crashes.Paul
Samuelson, Nobel Laureate and Professor Emeritus
at MIT
139At their core, financial crises are problems of
over-leveraging, over-lending and over-borrowing
140sadly, the problems are not going to go away as
long as the financial industry is legally part of
our life.
141"I've been around long enough to see that we have
these cycles. These guys get their cigars and
champagne. They have a great time. The whole
thing blows up. But then they re-emerge years
later. This one is a really, really bad one. But
I don't think Wall Street is dead
- Andy Serwer, the managing editor of Fortune
142In reality we are not solving the problem but
simply putting off the reckoning to a later date
and to a later generation of citizens.
144 145Financial Crises
- over-lending
- over-borrowing
- integral to the industry itself
146Problems are not going to go away
147as long as financial industry exists.
148Asian financial crisis worse than tsunami
149Here we go again
151When lending (for profit) became a legitimate