Title: ReThinking Public Diplomacy Ten Lessons From Its History
1Re-Thinking Public DiplomacyTen Lessons From Its
- Nick Cull
- University of Southern California
- Founded by Eisenhower in 1953
- Built from State, Marshall Plan OWI
- Included Film, Radio, TV Publications
- Embassy information centers libraries
- Achievements astonishing
- Cold War won FOR the free market but NOT won BY
the free market media - Consolidated back into State in 1999
- Lost its academic support structure
31 The Practices are OLD
- Advocacy
- Cultural Diplomacy
- State Sponsored News
- Psychological Warfare
- in Ancient Greece
- in the Roman Republic
- in Medieval Germany
- as old as War Paint
Consistent Lessons I. The power of PD as a
multiplier II. The importance of credibility III.
The danger of the unintended consequence IV. Need
for analysis supply-side study
42. The Term in NEW
- Coined 1965 by Edmund Gullion,
- Embraced by USIA
- Better than Propaganda or Information
- Argument for expansion
- Argument for professional respect
- NOT used elsewhere till 1990s
- NEW PD goes beyond govt. to include international
53. The US is Sceptical
- Feared like a standing army
- Justified only in emergency
- US prefers commerce/philanthropy
- LACKS a major constituency
- PLENTY of natural rivals
- Often VENUE for domestic struggles.
- NEEDED its Advisory Commission
- Needs advocates today
64. The Cold War was Anomalous
- US PD born of WWII New Deal liberalism
- KEY FACTOR threat of Communism
- NEVER fully accepted on Hill
- Actually a dimension rather than a crisis tool
- US PD hostage to the end of Cold War
- Beware of arguments based on War on Terror
- Second Chance to build on the best practice
- Opportunity to get it RIGHT
75. Its Elements Are Contradictory
- Advocacy, Culture, News agendas clash
- Field Washington can clash
- Contradictory agendas guarantee tensions
- Tensions guarantee external spill over into press
- VOA divided Journo v. Lang. v. FSO v. Admin.
- News, Advocacy Culture can harm each other
- Answer firewalls (like VOA charter)
- Needs advocacy for elements as well as whole
86. It is very Leader Sensitive
- Newcomer to bureaucratic hierarchy
- Responsibilities tread on toes
- Starts from position of weakness
- Tendency to attract criticism
- Need a special sort of leader
- Need direct link to White House
- NEED C. D. Jackson or Charles Z. Wick
- HAVE USoS w/o management capacity
- NEED intervention at campaign level
97. It is NOT separate from Foreign Policy
- NOT a magic bullet to move the needle
- CANT save a flawed policy
- CANT dodge the audiences agenda
- MUST have in-put UP the policy chain
- NEEDS a mandated seat on NSC
- OTHERWISE cleaning-up after the parade
- NEEDS to be figured into policy equation
108. BUT PD is distinct
- Needs career path valued staff
- Needs nurture of special diverse skills
- Original staff recruited mid career
- Needs bank of experience
- Needs attention to parallel practices
- Needs professional career development
- Needs scholarly analysis and advocacy
- Needs restored role of Academic support
119. Not all messages are intended
- Excellent work can come from small things
- Excellent work can be undone by bad policy
- Beware of the unintended consequence
- Foreign Students need especial care
- Showing AND Telling (case of Watergate)
- Need for sustained analysis
- Need to think outside the box
- Watch for missed opportunities
1210. There must be mutuality
- Goal better relationship
- Need BOTH sides speaking
- Need BOTH sides respectful
- Need BOTH open to being changed
- West needs to LEARN to listen
- Need PD from THEM to US
- Need develop THEIR PD
- Obvious role for USCs Center
13The Present Crisis
- Danger of short term-ism
- Inadequate structure _at_ State
- Under investment trade offs
- Spill-over of security concerns
- Misapplication of lessons of the past
- Iraq 2005 is not Germany or Japan, 1946
- Middle East 2005 is not Eastern Europe, 1988
- Can always reach for a new generation
- Potential of expanded NED
14The Future
- New competitors
- New alliances
- New opportunities
- New players
- New methods
- New ways of living
- China
- Europe
- Iran
- NGOs
- Internet etc
- Ampersands
In this great future, you cant forget your
past Value in studying the history of PD