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So the overall Presidential election is a two-tier voting game. ... Suppose at the next election the vote and seat shares change a bit: Before Now ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Nicholas R. Miller
  • UMBC
  • LSE/VPP Talk
  • May 6, 2008
  • http//userpages.umbc.edu/nmiller/ELECTCOL.html

Origins of the Electoral College
  • The mode of appointment of the Chief Magistrate
    of the United States is almost the only part of
    the system, of any consequence, which has escaped
    without severe censure, or which has received the
    slightest mark of approbation from its opponents.
    . . . I venture somewhat further, and hesitate
    not to affirm that if the manner of it be not
    perfect, it is at least excellent. (Publius
    Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 68)
  • Many subsequent evaluations (and the many
    proposed constitutional amendments) suggest a
    less favorable assessment of the mode of
    appointment of the Chief Magistrate, which has
    been variously viewed as
  • part of a generally elitist and anti-democratic
    constitution or
  • a last-minute jerry-built compromise or
  • a well designed compromise among diverse
    considerations, or possibly
  • the embodiment of well-thought selection criteria.

Origins of the Electoral College (cont.)
  • The Electoral College the term is not used in
    the Constitution was a compromise between
  • legislative election of the President (which
    might make the President subservient to Congress)
  • national popular election (which presented
    formidable practical difficulties at the time).
  • The perceived advantage of the Electoral College
    was that (unlike Congress) it would perform a
    single task i.e., cast votes for President --
    and would then disband.
  • A new Electoral College of unknown composition
    would re-elect (or not) the President four years

The Original Electoral College
  • Each state selects a number of intermediate
    electors equal in number to its total (House
    Senate) representation in Congress (H 2).
  • The legislature of each state determines the mode
    of selection of the electors from that state, the
    most likely alternatives being
  • election by the legislature itself,
  • popular election from districts, and
  • popular election on a state-wide general
  • Electors were originally required to
  • cast two votes for two different candidates,
  • at least one of whom had to be a resident of
    another state.
  • To be elected by the Electoral College, a
    candidate was required to receive
  • votes from a majority of electors and
  • more votes than any other candidate.
  • Given the double vote system, these are logically
    distinct requirements.

The Original Electoral College (cont.)
  • If no candidate met the above requirement, the
    election would be thrown into the House of
  • The House could choose
  • between two (or more) tied candidates, in the
    event both (or all) receive votes from a majority
    of electors, or
  • among the top five candidates, in the event no
    candidate receives votes from a majority of
  • Voting in the House is by state delegation, each
    delegation casting one vote.
  • Balloting continues until some candidate is
    supported by a majority of state delegations.
  • In any event, the runner-up Presidential
    candidate becomes Vice President.

The Original Electoral College (cont.)
  • This original Electoral College system was
    designed to operate in a non-partisan
  • It was generally hoped and expected that electors
    would typically be
  • popularly elected
  • from single-member districts (like most state
    legislators, delegates to the state ratifying
    conventions, members of the British House of
    Commons, and as was expected also for members of
    the new U.S. House and
  • that they would be well-informed local notables
    who would act as representative trustees of their
    states and districts.
  • It was further expected that
  • there would typically be multiple potential
    Presidential candidates, and
  • electors would choose among these candidates on
    the basis of their character and connections, not
    party affiliation or policy promises.
  • It was therefore expected that the House
    contingent procedure would be needed 19 times
    out of 20, so
  • big states would have the dominant role in
    screening/nominating candidates, while
  • small states would have equal role in most final

Duvergers Law and Crackup of the Original
Electoral College
  • These expectations did not anticipate the
    development of a national two-party system.
  • Duvergers Law Given politically ambitious
    candidates, single-winner elections produce (in
    equilibrium) two-candidate (or two-ticket
    Pres.VP) contests (the wasted vote argument
    and all that) and then sustain a two-party
  • Given the development of a two-party Federalist
    vs. Republican system, the double-vote
    runner-up-is-VP provisions of the original
    Electoral College turned out to be a fatal flaw.
  • In 1796 the Presidential candidate (Jefferson) of
    the losing (Republican) party became Vice
  • In 1800 an electoral vote tie between the two
    (Presidential and Vice Presidential) candidates
    of the winning (Republican) party was broken by a
    House of Representatives controlled by the losing
    (Federalist) party.

The 12th Amendment
  • After the 1800 fiasco, Congress proposed, and the
    states quickly ratified (in time for 1804
    election), the 12th Amendment to the
  • Electors now cast separate votes for President
    and Vice President.
  • The required electoral vote majority for
    President (and for Vice President) is a simple
    majority of votes cast ( number of electors).
  • If no candidate receives the required simple
    majority for President, the House (still voting
    by state delegations) chooses from among the top
    three vs. top five candidates.
  • If no candidate receives the required majority
    for Vice President, the Senate (voting
    individually) chooses from among the top two

The Transformation of the Electoral College
  • By the 1830s, the Electoral College as formally
    modified by the 12th Amendment had been further
    transformed into the kind of (essentially)
    automatic popular vote counting system that
    exists today.
  • This transformation
  • was driven largely by the development of a
    two-party system, and
  • was brought about without any further
    constitutional amendments or (with one minor
    exception) any change in federal law.

Elements of the Transformation
  • Beginning with the first contested Presidential
    election in 1796, elector candidates almost
    invariably party men, pledged (and faithful) to
    the (Presidential and Vice Presidential) nominees
    of their party.
  • Put otherwise, electors became party delegates
    rather that trustees of their states or districts
    cf. regular delegates vs. superdelegates
  • Pledged electors were almost universal as early
    as 1796.
  • Notably, Samuel Miles (Fed., PA) violated his
    pledge and voted for Jefferson rather than Adams.
  • An angry Federalist supporter complained What,
    do I choose Samuel Miles to determine for me
    whether John Adams or Thomas shall be President?
    No! I choose him to act, not to think.
  • Once pledged and faithful electors have been
    selected, the prospective electoral vote for
    Presidential candidates is also known.
  • The 12th Amendment took effect in 1804.
  • A nationwide Presidential election day (i.e., day
    for selecting Presidential electors) was
    established by Congress in 1845.

Elements of the Transformation (cont.)
  • In early elections, the mode of selecting
    Presidential electors was regularly manipulated
    by party politicians in each state, on the basis
    of partisan calculations.
  • Madison to Monroe (1800) All agree that an
    election by districts would be best if it could
    be general, but while ten states choose either by
    their legislatures or by a general ticket so the
    dominant party wins all of a states electoral
    votes, it is folly or worse for the other six
    not to follow.
  • By 1832, Presidential electors were almost
    universally selected by popular (vs. legislative)
    vote (and by much expanded electorates).
  • With popular election of pledged electors,
    American voters may be forgiven for thinking they
    are actually voting for Presidential candidates
    on election day.
  • By 1836, the mode of popular election in every
    state is (following Madisons strategic analysis
    above) the general ticket (or party slate),
    rather than election from districts (or by any
    kind of propor-tional representation).
  • This induces winner-take-all at the state
  • However, at the present time two small states (ME
    and NE) use the Modified District Plan (discussed

Elements of the Transformation (cont.)
  • Moreover, the two-party system has effectively
    bypassed the House contingent procedure.
  • On this point, the election of 1824 (the second
    and last time an election was thrown into the
    House) was the exception that proved the rule.
  • The Federalist Party had collapsed and the
    Democratic-Republican Party was unchallenged.
  • Consequently there was no longer pressure for
    Democratic-Republicans to unite behind a single
    candidate (or Presidential-Vice Presidential
  • Four candidates, all nominally belonging to the
    same party, sought the Presidency.
  • Unsurprisingly, no candidate received a majority
    of the electoral votes and the election was
    thrown into the House (for the second and last
  • However, whenever there is a serious
    third-party ticket (especially one with a
    geographical base of support, e.g., George
    Wallace vs. Ross Perot), fears of the election
    being thrown into the House arise.
  • Moreover, since the 23rd Amendment, giving the
    District of Columbia three electoral votes, was
    ratified in 1961, the total number of electoral
    votes has been an even number (538),
  • so an electoral vote tie (269-269) is possible,
  • an election might be thrown into the House even
    in the absence of a third-party candidate winning
    election votes.

The Electoral College as a Vote-Counting Mechanism
  • On election day (November 4), voters in each
    state vote for either the Democratic or
    Republican (or possibly other) slates of elector
    candidates, who are pledged to their partys
    (Pres. VP) nominees.
  • The elector slate receiving the most votes wins.
  • The electors meet in their state capital in
    mid-December and cast their electoral votes (as
  • Electoral vote tallies are transmitted from each
    state capital to Congress and counted before a
    joint session on January 5.
  • The President of the Senate the incumbent Vice
    President of the U.S. announces the vote and
    proclaims the President-elect.
  • So in (almost invariable) practice, everything is
    determined on election night in November, and the
    remaining steps are merely ceremonial that is,
    TV prognosticators can
  • report the popular vote winner in each state,
  • add up the corresponding electoral votes, and
  • declare a President-elect.

(Alleged) Problems with the Electoral College as
a Vote-Counting Mechanism
  • The Voting Power Problem. Do voters in different
    states have unequal voting power?
  • If so, the EC violates the criterion of One
    Person, One Vote (OPOV).
  • The Election Reversal Problem. The candidate who
    wins the most popular votes nationally may fail
    to be elected.
  • The election 2000 provides an example (provided
    we take the official popular vote in FL at face
  • The Partisan Bias Problem. Does the Electoral
    College as a vote counting system favor one party
    over the other?
  • This is essentially a generalization of the
    Election Reversal Problem.
  • The Battleground States Problem. The Electoral
    College focuses the Presidential election contest
    on a few battleground states, which get very
    disproportionate attention from the candidates
    and parties.

A Priori Voting Power
  • The Electoral College itself generates a
    51-player weighted voting game susceptible a
    priori voting power analysis using an appropriate
    voting power measure.
  • In addition, there is an simple majority voting
    game within each state to select members of the
    Electoral College.
  • So the overall Presidential election is a
    two-tier voting game.
  • The measurement and interpretation of a priori
    voting power has been a major focus of the LSE
    program on Voting Power and Procedures.
  • Though VPP research has focused primarily on
    voting power with respect to the EU Council of
    Ministers (and other EU institutions).
  • Measures of a priori voting power applied to the
    Electoral College take account of the its formal
    rules plus the population of each state and the
    mathematical formula used to apportion House
    seats among the states,
  • but not demographics, historic voting patterns,
    ideology, polling results, election forecasts,

Voting Power (cont.)
  • With a measure of voting power, we can address
    questions that arise with respect to voting power
    in the Electoral College, in particular
  • How much (if any) does individual voting power
    vary from state to state?
  • In so far as it does vary, are voters in larger
    or smaller states favored? (A priori, population
    is the only way states differ.)
  • How would voting power change under various
    proposed (and other) alternatives to the existing
    Electoral College?

Voting Power (cont.)
  • With respect to the second question, directly
    contra-dictory claims are commonly made.
  • The Electoral College . . . gives greater voting
    power to voters in states with less than average
    population and less to those with greater than
    average population. (Gary Parish, The Electoral
    College Source of Inequality and Social
    Injustice in America)
  • According to a frequently published argument . .
    . , there is an intrinsic large-state advantage
    in Presidential elections. (Howard Margolis,
    The Banzhaf Fallacy)
  • Partly because the Electoral College is viewed by
    some as favoring small states and by others as
    favoring large states, it is commonly asserted
    that a constitutional amending modifying or
    abolishing the Electoral College can never by
    ratified by the required 38 states.
  • Hence the National Popular Vote Plan (to use an
    interstate compact to bypass the constitutional
    amendment process).

Voting Power (cont.)
  • First, we need to define and distinguish between
  • voting weight and
  • voting power.
  • Second and specifically with respect to the
    Electoral College, we also need to distinguish
  • how electoral votes are apportioned among the
    states (which determines voting weight), and
  • how electoral votes are cast within states
    (which, in conjunction with voting weight,
    determines voting power).

The Apportionment of Electoral Votes
  • Remember that each state has electoral votes
    equal to its total (House Senate)
    representation in Congress,
  • which guarantees every state at least three
    electoral votes and
  • more generally produces a systematic and
    substantial small-state advantage in the
    apportionment of electoral votes (relative to the
    apportionment population).
  • This is the basis of the argument that the
    Electoral College advantages voters in smaller
    (rural, etc.) states.
  • The magnitude of this small-state apportionment
    advantage is not fixed in the Constitution.
  • It varies (inversely) with the size of the House
    (relative to the Senate), which is determined by
  • If the House had been sufficiently larger than
    435, Gore would have won the 2000 election (even
    while losing Florida).

The Small-State Apportionment Advantage
Another View of the Small-State Advantage
The Casting of Electoral Votes
  • Remember that state choice of the general ticket
    for electing electors produces the
    winner-take-all practice that produces the
    weighted voting game noted at the outset.
  • Many have believed that this practice produces a
    large-state advantage in voting power that
    counteracts (in some degree) the small-state
    advantage in apportion-ment.
  • This is the basis for the argument that the
    Electoral College gives disproportionate voting
    power to voters in larger (urban, etc.) states.

Voting Weight vs. Voting Power
  • Suppose that four parties receive these vote
    shares Party A, 27 Party B, 25 Party C, 24
    Party 24.
  • Seats in a 100-seat parliament are proportionally
    awarded, so
  • Party A 27 seats Party C 24 seats
  • Party B 25 seats Party D 24 seats
  • While seats (voting weights) have been
    apportioned in a way that is precisely
    proportional to vote support, voting power has
    not been proportionally apportioned (and cannot
  • Since no party controls a majority of 51 seats, a
    governing coalition of two or more parties must
    be formed.
  • A partys voting power is reflects its
    opportunity to create (or destroy) winning
    (governing) coalitions.
  • But, with a small number of parties, coalition
    possibilities -- and therefore different patterns
    in the distribution of voting power -- are highly

Voting Weight vs. Voting Power (cont.)
  • A 27 seats B 25 seats C 24 seats
    D 24 seats
  • Once the parties start negotiating, they will
    find that Party A has voting power that greatly
    exceeds its slight advantage in seats. This is
  • Party A can form a winning coalition with any one
    of the other parties and
  • the only way to exclude Party A from a winning
    coalition is for Parties B, C, and D to form a
    three-party coalition.
  • The seat allocation above (totaling 100 seats) is
    strategically equivalent to this much simpler
    allocation (totaling 5 seats)
  • Party A 2 seats
  • Parties B, C, and D 1 seat each
  • Total of 5 seats, so a winning coalition requires
    3 seats, i.e., (32,1,1,1)
  • So the original seat allocation is strategically
    equivalent to one in which Party A has twice the
    weight of each of the other parties (which is not
    proportional to their vote shares).

Voting Weight vs. Voting Power (cont.)
  • Suppose at the next election the vote and seat
    shares change a bit
  • Before Now
  • Party A 27 Party A 30
  • Party B 25 Party B 29
  • Party C 24 Party C 22
  • Party D 24 Party D 19
  • While seats shares have changed only slightly,
    the strategic situation has changed
  • Party A can no longer form a winning coalition
    with Party D.
  • Parties B and C can now form a winning coalition
    by themselves.
  • The seat allocation is equivalent to this much
    simpler allocation
  • Parties A, B, and D 1 seat each
  • Party D 0 seats
  • Total of 3 seats, so a winning coalition requires
    2 seats, i.e., (21,1,1,0)
  • Party A has lost voting power, despite gaining
  • Party C has gained voting power, despite losing
  • Party D has become powerless (becoming a
    so-called dummy), despite retaining a substantial
    number of seats.

Felsenthal and Machover, The Measurement of
Voting Power
  • In this book, Dan Felsenthal and Moshé Machover
    (both members of the VPP Board of Directors)
    present the most conclusive study of voting power
  • They conclude that the so-called Absolute Banzhaf
    Measure is the appropriate measure for evaluating
    power in typical voting situations, including the
    Electoral College.
  • They further show that this measure has the
    following a probabilistic interpretation
  • A voters absolute Banzhaf voting power is the
    voters a priori probability of casting a
    decisive vote, i.e., one that determines the
    outcome of an election (for example, breaking
    what otherwise would be a tie).
  • In this context, a priori probability means, in
    effect, given that all voters vote randomly,
    i.e., vote for either candidate as if they
    independently flip fair coins), so that every
    point in the Bernoulli space (every combination
    of voters) is equally likely to occur.
  • I call such a two-candidate elections Bernoulli

Calculating Power Index Values
  • There are mathematical formulas and algorithms
    can calculate or estimate voting power values.
  • Various website make these algorithms readily
  • One of the best of these is the website created
    by Dennis Leech (University of Warwick and
    another VPP Board member) Computer Algorithms
    for Voting Power Analysis,
  • http//www.warwick.ac.uk/ecaae/
  • which was used in making the calculations that
  • It is apparent that
  • with 51 states (as opposed to 4 parties in the
    earlier example) voting power is in fact closely
    proportional to voting weight (electoral votes),
  • the largest states (especially California) are
    somewhat advantaged.
  • Remember that (for example) Californias value of
    .475 means that, if all states other than CA
    repeatedly cast their electoral votes by
    independently flipping coins, almost half of the
    time they would split their 483 votes
    sufficiently equally that Californias 55 votes
    determine the winner).

(No Transcript)
State Voting Power in the Existing EC (cont.)
  • It is evident from the following charts that
  • only Californias share of voting power
    substantially deviates from (and exceeds) its
    share of electoral votes
  • the modest large-state advantage in voting power
    (relative to voting weight) is not sufficient to
    balance out the small-state advantage in
    apportionment indeed,
  • even Californias distinctive advantage in terms
    of voting power (relative to voting weight) is
    not sufficient to give it voting power
    proportional to its population.

Share of Voting Power by Share of Electoral Votes
Share of Voting Power by Share of Population
The 125 Million Two-Tier Voting Game
  • But as previously noted, a U.S. Presidential
    election really is a two-tier voting system, in
    which the casting of electoral votes is
    determined by a simple majority voting games
    within each state.
  • In such a two-tier system, individual a priori
    voting power is the probability of double
    decisiveness, i.e.,
  • that a voter casts a decisive vote within his or
    her state (i.e., that there is tie among the
    other voters in the state),
  • and
  • that his or her state casts a decisive bloc of
    electoral votes (i.e., that neither candidate
    wins 270 electoral votes from the other states).
  • Put otherwise, individual voting power in the
    two-tier system is equal to
  • individual voting power in the unweighted (but
    large number) majority voting game within the
  • times
  • the states voting power in the 51-state weighted
    voting game.
  • We have already determined the second term in
    this product as shown in the last column of the
    previous table.

The Two-Tier Voting Game (cont.)
  • Probability theory and the properties of Banzhaf
    measure tell us that the individual voting power
    in the first tier voting game is inversely
    proportional (to excellent approximation once n
    gt 25) to the square root of the number of voters
    in the state.
  • We previously saw that a states voting power in
    the second tier voting game is approximately
    proportional to its electoral vote (and
    therefore, apart from the small state
    apportionment advantage, roughly proportional to
    its population.
  • Putting these two considerations together, it
    follows that individual a priori voting power in
    the two-tier system
  • increases with the population of the voters
    state, and
  • is approximately proportional to the square root
    of the number of voters in the voters state.

The Two-Tier Voting Game (cont.)
  • This effect (first noted with explicit reference
    to the Electoral College by Banzhaf) may be
    dubbed the Banzhaf effect.
  • It had been noted in a more general context
    twenty years earlier by Penrose, and it is a
    consequence of what Felsenthal and Machover call
    the Penrose square-root rule.
  • With specific respect to the Electoral College,
    the Banzhaf effect
  • is in some degree counterbalanced by the (quite
    substantial) small-state advantage in
  • in small degree reinforced by the (quite weak)
    large-state advantage in voting power, and
  • among the smallest states is largely hidden by
    the unavoidable rounding error in apportioning
    House seats into small whole numbers.

(No Transcript)
Individual Voting Power Under the Existing
Electoral College
Individual Voting Power Under the Existing
Electoral College (cont.)
  • The chart also shows mean individual voting power
  • Note that the individual voting power values
    plotted in the chart must be weighted by ELECT
    SIZE in order to determine mean voting power
  • The chart also shows individual voting power
    under direct popular vote (calculated in the same
    manner as individual voting power within a
  • This is necessarily uniform over the nation.
  • It is substantially greater than mean individual
    voting power under the Electoral College.
  • Indeed, it is greater than individual voting
    power in every state except California.
  • By the criterion of a priori voting power, only
    voters in California would be hurt if the
    existing Electoral College were replaced by a
    direct popular vote.

Alternatives to the Existing Electoral College
  • We now consider two categories of alternatives to
    the existing Electoral College
  • those that keep the state-level winner-take all
    practice but use a different formula for
    apportioning electoral votes among states, and
  • those that keep the existing apportionment of
    electoral votes but use something other than
    winner-take-all for the casting of state
    electoral votes.
  • Almost all Electoral College reform plans (and
    certainly all reforms that can be implemented at
    the state level) fall in the second category.
  • Methodological note in these each charts,
    individual voting power is scaled so that the
    voters in the least favored state have a value of
    1.000, so
  • numerical values are not comparable from chart to
    chart, and
  • the scaled value of individual voting power under
    direct popular vote changes from chart to chart.

Alternative EV Apportionment Rules
  • Keep the winner-take all practice in 2000, Bush
    271, Gore 267 in 2004, Bush 286, Kerry, 252 but
    use a different formula for apportioning
    electoral votes among states.
  • Apportion electoral votes in whole numbers on
    basis of House seats only Bush 211, Gore 225
    Bush 224, Kerry 212
  • Apportion electoral votes fractionally to be
    precisely proportional to population Bush
    268.96092, Gore 269.03908 Bush 275.67188, Kerry
  • Apportion electoral votes fractionally to be
    precisely proportional to population but then add
    back the constant two Bush 277.968, Gore
    260.032 Bush 285.40695, Kerry 252.59305
  • Apportion electoral votes equally among the
    states in the manner of the House contingent
    procedure Bush 30, Gore 21 Bush 31, Kerry 20

Individual Voting Power by State
PopulationHouse Electoral Votes Only
Individual Voting Power by State
PopulationElectoral Votes Precisely
Proportional to Population
Individual Voting Power by State
PopulationElectoral Votes Proportional
Population, plus Two
Individual Voting Power by State
PopulationElectoral Votes Apportioned Equally
Among States
Alternative Rules for Casting Electoral Votes
  • Apportion electoral votes as at present but use
    something other than winner-take-all for casting
    state electoral votes.
  • (Pure) Proportional Plan electoral votes are
    cast fractionally in precise proportion to
    state popular vote. Bush 259.2868, Gore
    258.3364, Nader 14.8100, Buchanan 2.4563, Other
    3.1105 Bush 277.857, Kerry 260.143
  • Whole Number Proportional Plan e.g., Colorado
    Prop. 36 electoral votes are cast in whole
    numbers on basis of some apportionment formula
    applied to state popular vote. Bush 263, Gore
    269, Nader 6, or Bush 269, Gore 269 Bush 280,
    Kerry 258
  • Pure District Plan electoral votes cast by
    single-vote districts.
  • Modified District Plan two electoral votes cast
    for statewide winner, others by district
    present NE and ME practice. Bush 289, Gore
    249, if CDs are used no data for 2004
  • National Bonus Plan 538 electoral votes are
    apportioned and cast as at present but an
    additional bloc of electoral votes e.g., 100
    are awarded on a winner-take-all basis to the
    national popular vote winner. Bush 271, Gore
    367 Bush 386, Kerry 252

Alternative Rules for Casting Electoral Votes
  • Calculations for the Proportional Plan, the
    Whole-Number Proportional Plan, and the Pure
    District Plans are straightforward.
  • Under the Modified District Plan (and the
    National Bonus Plans), each voter casts a single
    vote that counts both within a district (or
    state) and also at-large (state or nation).
  • Calculating individual voting power in such
    systems is far from straightforward.
  • I have made approximations by simulating
    Bernoulli elections.

The (Pure) Proportional Plan
  • Electoral votes are retained but the office of
    elector is abolished.
  • A states electoral votes are cast fractionally
    in precise proportion to the candidates shares
    of the popular vote in the state (which is why
    the office of elector must be abolished).
  • If proportionality is sufficiently refined, such
    a system becomes a 122-million single-tier
    weighted voting game,
  • where the weights applied to individual votes
    reflect their states electoral votes per voter.
  • As proportionality becomes less refined, such a
    system begins to resemble a whole-number
    proportional system (considered next).

The (Pure) Proportional Plan (cont.)
  • The constitutional amendment for a proportional
    system Lodge-Gossett Plan proposed in the
    1950s specified that candidates would be credited
    with fractional electoral votes calculated out to
    four decimal places.
  • The following chart assumes that proportionality
    is sufficiently refined to create a single-tier
    weighted voting game.
  • We can invoke the Penrose Limit Theorem to
    justify the assumption that voting weight
    voting power in this single-tier very large-n
    weighted voting game.

Individual Voting Power by State
Population(Pure) Pure Proportional System
(Pure) Proportional Plan (cont.)
  • The small-state apportionment advantage carries
    through very strongly to voting power.
  • Voters in Wyoming in have almost four times the
    voting power of voters in California.
  • Nevertheless, voters in Montana (the largest
    state with only three electoral voters) have less
    voting power than voters in Rhode Island (the
    smallest state with four electoral votes).
  • Close inspection of the chart shows that similar
    but less striking inversions exist with respect
    to a number of larger states.
  • Since sufficiently refined proportionality
    creates what is effectively a (weighted)
    single-tier voting game, mean individual voting
    power is equal to individual voting power under a
    direct (unweighted) popular vote.

The Whole-Number Proportional Plan
  • Such a plan was proposed by Colorados
    Proposition 36 in 2004.
  • This plan divides a states electoral votes
    between (or among) the candidates in a way that
    is as close to proportional to the candidates
    state popular vote shares as possible, given that
    the apportionment must be in whole numbers.
  • Unlike the (Pure) Proportional Plan, whole-number
    proportionality allows for the retention of
  • Accordingly, it is the only proportional plan
    that can be implemented at the state level (as
    Colorado Prop. 36 proposed).

The Whole-Number Proportional Plan (cont.)
  • In principle, there are as many such plans as
    there are apportionment formulas.
  • In addition, candidates might be required to meet
    some vote threshold in order to win any electoral
  • Colorado Proposition 36
  • had no explicit vote threshold, and
  • used a distinctly ad hoc apportionment formula
  • that was overtly biased toward the strongest
    candidate and against the weakest candidates.
  • But, in the event there are just two candidates
    (as we assume here), all apportionment formulas
    work in the same straightforward way
  • multiply each candidates share of the popular
    vote by the states number of electoral votes and
    then round off in the normal manner (to the
    nearest whole number of electoral votes).

Whole-Number Proportional Plan (cont.)
  • In this two-tier system, individual a priori
    voting power is the probability that
  • the voter casts a decisive vote within his or her
    state in the sense that
  • other votes are so divided that the individuals
    vote determines whether a candidate gets k or k1
    electoral votes from the state,
  • and
  • this single electoral vote is decisive in the
    Electoral College.
  • where, as usual, these probabilities result from
    the Bernoulli elections.
  • The following chart shows that this plan produces
    a distinctly odd distribution of a priori
    individual voting power.
  • Note. I have discovered that similar
    calculations and chart have been produced,
    independently and earlier, by Claus Beisbart and
    Luc Bovens, A Power Analysis of the Amendment 36
    in Colorado, University of Konstanz, May 2005,
    and Public Choice, forthcoming.

Individual Voting Power by State
PopulationWhole-Number Proportional Plan
Whole-Number Proportional Plan (cont.)
  • As can be seen, this plan produces a truly
    bizarre allocation of voting power.
  • Voters in a large number (17) of states are
    rendered (essentially) powerless.
  • These are voters in states with an even number of
    electoral votes.
  • Heres why this happens.
  • Given Bernoulli elections and any fairly large
    number of voters, the vote essentially always is
    almost equally divided between the two
  • As previously noted, the expected (i.e., the mean
    over repeated coin flipping elections) vote share
    for each candidate is .5, and
  • the standard deviation of the distribution of
    vote shares is .5vn .

Equal Apportionment vs. Whole-Number Proportional
The Pure District Plan
  • All electors are elected by popular vote in
    single-member districts, so winner-take-all is
    applied at the district, rather than state,
  • Historical Note 1 this is how the most of the
    framers thought electors would (and should) be
  • Historical Note 2 this mode of selection was
    prescribed in early drafts of what became the
    12th Amendment.
  • Accordingly, there are 538 electoral districts
    and the popular vote winner in each district is
    awarded one electoral vote.
  • All districts are subdivisions of states.
  • All districts in the same state have equal
    numbers of voters.
  • Districts in smaller states have smaller numbers
    of voters than those in larger states, because of
    the small-state advantage in the apportionment of
    electoral votes.

The Pure District Plan (cont.)
  • Individual voting power within states is equal,
  • because the number of voters in each district is
  • All districts have equal voting power in the
    Electoral College,
  • because they have equal weight, i.e., 1 EV, and
    the second tier voting game entails 538 equally
    weighted voters.
  • Individual voting power across states is not
  • because districts in different states have
    unequal numbers of voters.

Individual Voting Power by State PopulationPure
District System
The Pure District Plan (cont.)
  • We see that the small-state advantage in
    apportionment carries through in terms of voting
  • Voters in Wyoming have an almost 2 to 1 voting
    power advantage over voters in California.
  • While Wyoming districts have only about ¼ as many
    voters as California districts, the Banzhaf
    effect means that California voters have about ½
    the voting power as Wyoming voters.
  • Nevertheless, voters in Montana (the largest
    state with only three electoral voters) have less
    voting power than voters in Rhode Island (the
    smallest state with four electoral votes).
  • Close inspection of the chart shows that similar
    but less striking inversions exist with respect
    to a number of larger states.

Supplementary Slides
Can Electoral Vote Apportionment Equalize
Individual Voting Power?
  • The question arises of whether electoral votes
    can be apportioned so that (even while retaining
    the winner-take-all practice) the voting power of
    individuals is equalized across states?
  • One obvious (but constitutionally impermissible)
    possibility is to redraw state boundaries so that
    all states have the same number of voters (and
    electoral votes).
  • This creates a system of uniform representation.
  • Methodological Note since the following chart
    compares voting power under different
    apportionments, voting power must be expressed in
    absolute (rather than rescaled) terms.

Individual Voting Power when States Have Equal
Population (Versus Apportionment Proportional to
Actual Population)
Uniform Representation
  • Note that equalizing state populations not only
  • equalizes individual voting power across states,
    but also
  • raises mean individual voting power, relative to
    that under apportionment based on the actual
    unequal populations.
  • While this pattern appears to be typically true,
    it is not invariably true,
  • e.g., if state populations are uniformly
    distributed over a wide range.
  • However, individual voting power still falls
    below that under direct popular vote.
  • So the fact that mean individual voting power
    under the Electoral College falls below that
    under direct popular vote
  • is not due to the fact that states are unequal in
    population and electoral votes, and
  • is evidently intrinsic to a two-tier system.
  • Van Kolpin, Voting Power Under Uniform
    Representation, Economics Bulletin, 2003.

Electoral Vote Apportionment to Equalize
Individual Voting Power (cont.)
  • Given that state boundaries are immutable, can we
    apportion electoral votes so that (without
    changing state populations and with the
    winner-take-all practice preserved) the voting
    power of individuals is equalized across states?
  • Yes (at least to close approximation), electoral
    votes can be apportioned by applying the Penrose
    Square Root Rule in reverse (as an engineering
    principle, rather than as a descriptive law)
  • Individual voting power is equalized when
    electoral votes are apportioned so that state
    voting power is proportional to the square root
    of state population.
  • But such Penrose Apportionment is tricky, because
    what must be made proportional to population is
    not electoral votes (what we directly apportion)
    but state voting power (a consequence of the
    apportionment of electoral votes).

(Approximately) Equalized Individual Voting Power
EV Apportionment to Equalize VP (cont.)
  • These two methods of apportionment that equalize
    individual voting power equalize it at
    (essentially) the same level, namely
  • 0.00005785 (vs. 0.00007215 for direct popular
  • If the Penrose square root rule is used but
    apportion-ment of electoral votes must be in
    whole numbers,
  • individual voting power is imperfectly equalized
    (especially among small state voters), and
  • mean individual voting power is reduced ever so
    slightly (to 0.00005784).

State Voting Power When EVs are Apportioned on
the Basis of SQRT of Population (cont.)
  • Under such square-root apportionment rules, the
    outcome of the 2004 Presidential elections would
  • Fractional Apportionment Bush 307.688, Kerry
  • Whole-Number Apportionment Bush 307, Kerry 231
  • Actual Apportionment Bush 286, Kerry 252
  • Electoral Votes proportional to popular vote
    Bush 275.695, Kerry 262.305
  • Clearly equalizing individual voting power is not
    the same thing as making the electoral vote
    (more) proportional to the popular vote.
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