Title: DisbursingFinance Analysis Training
1Disbursing/FinanceAnalysis Training
- Marine Corps Administrative Analysis Team
Revision Date 21 April 2004
2Disbursing/Finance Internal Control Procedures
- There are 14 Internal Control Areas for Finance
Offices and 16 Internal Control Areas for
Disbursing Offices
3Internal Control Areas
- Administrative Management
- Internal Control Procedures
- Fiscal Security
- Public Funds Management
- NAVMC 11116 Processing
4Internal Control Areas
- On-Line Diary
- System Generated Reports
- Non-Pay Status
- Joinee Process
- Separations Pay
- Management
5Internal Control Areas
- Travel Management
- TAD Travel
- PCS Travel
- Separations Travel
- Split Pay (MEU)
- Shore Patrol (MEU)
6Administrative Management
7Administrative Management
- MOS Training
- DTL Processing
- Publications Messages
- Paper or electronic copies
- Retention
- Internal Control and Desktop Procedures
8Administrative Management
- Waivers of Indebtedness
- Is the waiver endorsed by the primary DO/FO only,
and forwarded within 10 working days of receipt? - Are diary entries report?
- Are the waivers being tracked from submission to
final disposition? - Ref APSM Chapter 10
9Internal Control Procedures
10Internal Controls and Auditing Program
- Performance is Effective, Efficient, and
Economical - Management Policies are Adhered to
- Laws and Regulations are Being Complied With
- Unauthorized, Fraudulent or Otherwise Irregular
Transactions or Activities are Being Prevented or
11Internal Controls and Auditing Program
- Separation of Duties
- Checks Balances
- Who has access to what? Are duties properly
separated. - Option K Procedures
- Is the report being printed and
certified/verified on a daily basis?
12Internal Control Procedures
- PRA Audit Report
- Receive Report Monthly (Part 1 2)
- Work MOS 3402 3432 on Report
- Audit, Validate and Annotate Report.
- If errors are detected, what action is taken?
- If fraudulent irregularities are detected, has
the DO/FO notified the CO? - Retention (Current plus previous 3 months)
- Ref APSM Chapter 9 par. 090409
13 Fiscal Security
14Fiscal Security - Office
- Access is Controlled During Non-working Hours
- Restricted Working Areas are Properly Marked
- Does the DO/FO have a functioning alarm system
- Security Equipment is Inspected Semi-annually
15Fiscal Security Fund Containers
- Access to Vaults and Safes is Limited to
Authorized Personnel - Security of U.S. Treasury Check Stock(s) on Hand
- Fund Containers Requirements
- Weight, combinations, and accountability info
- Check Signing Devices and Plates are Kept in the
Custody of Authorized Personnel
16Fiscal Public Funds Management Public Fund
- Cash Approval at Personal Risk, Are The Requests
Kept on File - Are Detailed Cash Handling Procedures Provided to
Deputies and Agents - Signature Card(s) and Specimen Signatures for
U.S. Treasury Checks Submitted to DFAS-KC - Letters of Revocation
17Fiscal Public Funds Management U.S. Treasury
- Control
- Issuing Blank Checks (Working and Bulk)
- Check Stock Inventory (once every 60 days)
- Blank Check Control
- Reporting
- Timeliness
- Check Issue Reporting Procedures
18Check Handling
- NAVMC 11119 Authorization on File for Personnel
Signing for Checks or Signing Official Documents - Delivery is Effected Within Time Requirements
- Cancellation on 61st day and credited to Marine
or fund administrator - Check Handling Procedures, Verify Against the
Check Transmittal
19Fiscal Public Funds Management Deposit Activity
- Separating Deposits
- Deposit Activity Procedures
- Cash in Excess Deposited
- Promptly
20Fiscal Public Funds Management Quarterly Cash
- Report Information
- date/time
- cash on hand
- supporting documents
- Verification Intervals
- Verifying Statement
21Pay/NAVMC 11116 Processing
22Pay NAVMC 11116
- Review, Tracking and Timeliness
- Processing Payments and Adjustments
- One Work Day for Payments
- Two Work Days for Adjustments
- NAVMC 11116 Procedures
- Retention Period (current plus two previous
23Pay Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentalities
- Delinquent Debts
- Phone, housing, trailer lot, etc.
- Diary Reporting
- Liquidation Schedule for Debts Exceeding 2/3
Disposable Pay - Notification of Debt
- NAFI Procedures
24Pay On-Line Diary
- Diary Retention (current plus two previous
months) - Certifying Signature
- Electronic Signature (ELSIG) Security
- ECO ELSIG Responsibilities
- User ELSIG change
- Maintenance of ELSIG File
25Pay System Generated Reports
- Suspect Payment Listing (SPL)
- Review and Retain (current plus 2 months)
- Payroll Verification
- SPL Procedures
- Master Error Control File (MECF)
- Types
- Review and Retain (current plus 2 months)
- Timeliness (3 working days)
- MECF Procedures
26Pay System Generated Reports
- Advisory File (ADF) and Inconsistent Condition
Report (ICR) - Review and Retain (current plus 2 months)
- Timeliness (3 working days)
- ADF/ICR Procedures
27Pay Non-Pay Status
- Unique Pay Status Transaction Report (UPSTR)
- Extract and Retain (current plus 2 months)
- Review All Entries
- UPSTR Procedures APSM Appendix M
- POE Verification
- Leave Account Verification
- Bond Allotment Verification
28Pay Joinee Process
- Reporting Elapsed Time
- Is it Being Done Promptly Accurately
- WCS Reporting
- Is the Office Allowing One Day Travel Four
Days Proceed (if entitled to Proceed) - Is the Office Verifying to See If The Travel
Claim is Settled Prior to Reporting the WCS
29Pay Joinee Process
- Is the DO/FO Making Adjustments
- to the MMPA For Marines Entitled
- to BAH PCS
- Ref APSM Chapter 22
30Pay-Joinee Process
- Does the DO/FO Have Procedures in Place to
- Conduct an Audit after the Elapsed Time has
Posted to the MMPA. - The Audit May Be Accomplished Using the Various
VIS Remarks, MECF,ADF - Ref APSM Chapter 11
31Pay- Joinee Process
- BAH PCS Example 1
- Single E4 under 3 years Service Transfers From
Camp Lejeune on April 1, 2004 and Reports to
Quantico on April 30, 2004. - What Adjustment Must the DO/FO Make to the
Marines MMPA?
32Pay-Joinee Process
- The Marine is Entitled to BAH I O/R at Zip 28540
from April 1 April 29, 2004. - 538.00 divided by 3017.93333
- 17.93333 x 29 days520.07
- Report TTC 694 000 25016 520.07(4)20040429
33Pay Joinee Process
- BAH PCS Scenario 2 Single LCpl
- Detached 040401 (OLD PDS Iwakuni, Japan)
- Reported to 2nd FSSG on May 1, 2004
- What is the Correct Entitlement to BAH PCS?
34Pay Joinee Process
- BAH PCS Scenario 2 Answer
- The Marine is entitled to 30 days of BAH II O/R
- 355.80 divided by 3011.86 x 30days355.80
- Since this Marine is not an E4 over 4 years of
service, the credit of BAH PCS must be done by
the DO/FO. - Ref APSM Chapter 22
35Pay Joinee Process
- BAH PCS Scenario 3
- A Single Sgt Transfers From MCRD San Diego on
040401 and Reports to Cherry Point on 040429. - What is the Correct Entitlement to BAH PCS?
36Pay-Joinee Process
- BAH PCS Scenario 3 Answer
- The Marine is Entitled to BAH I O/R at the Old
PDS ZIP Code from 040401 thru 040428. - Since this Marine is a Sgt, the Transfer Entry
Reported by Admin will Automatically Generate a
BAH II O/R credit in MCTFS. The DO/FO is
responsible to credit the correct amount. - Continued on next page
37Pay-Joinee Process
- BAH PCS Scenario 3
- The Marine will have Received a BAH II O/R Credit
in MCTFS of 417.00 divided by 3013.90x28days3
89.20 - The Marine is Entitled to BAH I O/R at the Old
PDS ZIP. 1065.00 divided by 3035.50 x 28
days994.00 - The DO/FO must do a Misc Checkage of the BAH II
and then do a Misc Credit for the BAH I O/R
38Pay-Joinee Process
- Additional Entitlements that must be reviewed
during the Join Audit. - BAS/DMRWas DMR started on the correct date (join
date) - OCONUS Cola, did it stop on the correct date
- (the transfer entry stops OCONUS Cola, if the
transfer entry was wrong, then the DO/FO will
have to adjust
39Separations Processes
40Separations Management
- NAVMC 11060
- Review and Tracking
- Timeliness
- Zero Balancing Separations
- (must be zero balanced within 90 days)
- Transmittal of 11060s
- Submission
- Transmittal Separation
- Grouping
- Cases Per Transmittal
- Separations Management Procedures
- DD 214 Endorsements for disability severance/seps
41Separations Entitlements and Deductions
- NAVMC 11021 DAS Processing
- MCTFS Review
- Is the DO/FO Reviewing Printing the TRS Remark
Summary (Category W) prior to Certification of
the Separation Payment - Allotment Processing
- Stop Alls
- Retirees
- G or T Allotments
- Separations Prior to ECC in an Overpaid Status
42Separations Entitlements and Deductions
- Final POE Reporting
- Miscellaneous Credit/Debit Reporting
- Zero Balance
- Adjustments
- Supplemental DAS
- Indebtedness Upon Separation is Recouped from
Travel Payment
43Separations Entitlements and Deductions
- Outstanding Travel Advances
- Notification of Unreconciled Advance
- Navy Marine Corps Relief Society Loans
- Returned Payment Procedures for Separations
44Travel Processes
45Travel Management
- Voucher Processing
- - TAD 5 Working days (Tan 5-00)
- - PCS 10 Working days
- Travel Claim Review
- Travel Claim Retention
- Random Audit
- Mandatory Split Disbursement
- - MarAdmin 515-03
46Travel Management (cont)
- Classified Orders Processing
- SRD-1 Processing
- - Are procedures in place to ensure
compliance with RFL policy letter dtd 29 June
2001? - MCTIR Files
- - Have they all properly posted?
47Temporary Additional Duty Travel
- Modification or Block 21a (DODFMR Vol 9)
- Authorized Expenses
- TAD Leave
- Payment Timeliness/ Computation
- Non-Card Holder Advances 80 MIE, 100 known
costs - TAD Excess Advance Limitation, Partial
settlements (30 days) - POV Advantageous MALT, 100 round trip
48Permanent Change of Station Travel
- PCS/TEMINS (45 Days) ET Reporting
- DITY Move (Local) Tax Reporting
- - TAN 18-02
- PCS Advance Timeliness
- TLE Computations
49Elapsed Time Computation
- Proper Format
- The Periods of each Leg of Travel must be
Reported in the Sequence in Which they Occur. - Example Proceed, Delay, Travel
- Ref APSM Chapter 22
50Elapsed Time Computation
- Example 1
- Overseas/Mixed Mode
- Single Cpl over 2 years service
- Det April 1 2004 (GP)
- Arrive 4/1 LAX (AT)
- Det LAX (CP)
- Arrive 4/2 Kansas City, MO (LV)
- Det 4/20 (PA)
- Arrive 4/25 Camp Lejeune (MC)
- -1199 Miles (4 days travel)
51Elapsed Time Computation
- Det 0001 20040401
- PR 04 20040402-20040405
- DE 15 20040406-20040420
- TR 05 20040421-20040425
- 2359/20040426
52Elapsed Time Computation
- Example 2
- Married E-3 (DOM 040422)
- Det 4/1 DFAS KC (PA)
- Arrive 4/5 Biloxi, MS (LV)
- Det 4/23 (PA)
- Arrive 4/26 CLNC (MC)
- -1199 Miles (4 days travel)
53Elapsed Time Computation
- Example 2
- Is the Marine Entitled to Proceed?
- What is the Marines Effective Date of Orders?
- Does the Marine Rate Depn Travel? If so, Does he
Rate Depn Tvl from Kansas City, or Biloxi, MS? - Continued on next slide
54Elapsed Time Computation
- Example 2
- Yes, the Marine is Entitled to Proceed. The
Marine was Married prior to his Effective Date of
Orders. - Effective Date of OrdersApril 23, 2004
- The Marine Rates Depn Tvl not to Exceed DFAS KC
to CLNC (Biloxi-CLNC 836 Miles)
55Separations Travel
- Seps Advance Timeliness
- Seps Travel Claim Instruction Package
- Seps Suspense File
- Advances for Retirees
- Timeliness
- Seps Travel Settlement Indebtedness
- Offsetting Indebtedness of Discharge Account
Summary - MMPA Collection
- Elapsed Time Reporting/Computations
- TLE Computations
- BAH PCS (Joinee Process)
- Internal Control Procedures Option K
- Separation of Duties
- PCS Travel
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