- Jay Harper, MD, MPH
- 412-647-5323
- harperjd_at_upmc.edu
- 2 to 8 of all cancers are thought to be due to
occupational exposures (Doll Peto) - Prevention is key
- Environmental as well as occupational cancers
- Multifactorial
- 1775 Sir Percival Pott scrotal cancer in
chimney sweeps - 1895 Bladder cancer aromatic amines
- 1973 Lung cancer bis-chloromethylether
- 1974 Liver angiosarcoma vinyl chloride
4Stages of Tumor Development
- Initiation
- Active mutation or damage to DNA
- Single exposure may be sufficient (carcinogenic
by themselves) - Action is irreversible
- No apparent threshold
- No morphologic changes in initiated cell
- Dependency on metabolism and the cell cycle
5Stages of Tumor Development
- Promotion
- May speed cell production or suppress apoptosis
- Causes morphologic changes
- Modulation by environment and lifestyle
- Probable threshold
- Reversible
6Stages of Tumor Development
- Progression
- Additional changes necessary for the development
of a malignant tumor - Likely triggered by genetic events
- Development of invasiveness, metastasis,
irreversible changes in genome - If no progression, then remains at benign stage
such as papilloma, nodules or adenoma
7EPIDEMIOLOGIC STUDIESCriteria for Causality
- STRENGTH magnitude of relative risk
- CONSISTENCY reported in multiple studies with
different circumstances - BIOLOGICAL GRADIENT dose-response validity
- TEMPORALITY cause precedes effect
- Advantages
- Allows direct assessment in humans
- May detect cancer cluster
- Allows observation of cumulative effects of
environmental and lifestyle factors affecting
various stages - Allows estimates of relative risk
- Disadvantages
- Long latency periods
- Limited to those materials used for many years
- Retirement of workers
- Difficulty with small risk extrapolation beyond
available data, poor-exposure record keeping,
poor exposure recall, worker job transfers - Confounding risk factors cannot be controlled
10Animal Studies
- IARC requirements
- Good qualitative predictor
- Not-so-good quantitative predictor
- Limitations
- High dose exposure is needed in order to detect
significance - Different metabolism
- Different routes of administration
11Short - Term Tests
- Provide evidence of mutagenicity
- Ames test, sister-chromatin exchange, DNA repair
- Quicker results, less expensive
- Correlation of results with animals/humans
12Molecular Biology
- Allows assessment of exposure and possible early
health effects - Measure enzyme activity of the cytochrome p450
monooxygenase class - Measurement of DNA or protein adducts
- Measurement of protein products in the urine
13Regulatory Issues
- If there is sufficient evidence of
carcinogenicity, then corrective action is taken,
even if uncertainty exists - Limited evidence should be stimulus for more
research - Risk assessment is crucial to best public policy
- IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer
- ACGIH American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists - NTP US Public Health Service National
Toxicology Program - NIOSH National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health
- Group 1 carcinogenic to humans
- Group 2
- 2A probably carcinogenic to humans
- 2B possibly carcinogenic to humans
- Group 3 not classifiable
- Group 4 probably not carcinogenic to humans
16Known Human Occupational Lung Cancers
- Arsenic
- Asbestos
- Beryllium
- Cadmium
- Chloromethyl ethers
- Chromium
- Coal-related products
- Mustard gas
- Nickel
- Radon
- Vinyl chlorine
17Lung Cancer - Asbestos
- Chrysotile is the most common form of asbestos
(Other forms are amosite, crocidolite, tremolite) - Asbestos affects parenchyma and pleura of lungs
- Can cause cancer of larynx, GI tract (stomach) as
well as lung - Long latency
- Synergism with smoking
18Asbestos - Mesothelioma
- Uncommon
- No evidence for direct relationship
- Dose response relationship exists, although no
threshold theorized - No interaction with smoking
- All fiber types may cause mesothelioma
- Crocidolite (long, thin fiber) is the most potent
19Lung Cancer - Chloromethyl ether
- Chloromethyl methyl ether (CMME) and Bis
(chloromethyl) ether (BCME) - BCME more potent then CMME
- Oat cell type
- Intermediate product used in ion-exchange resins,
bactericides, pesticides and solvents
20Lung Cancer - Chromium
- Hexavalent (6) form is carcinogenic other forms
are not - Also causes perforated nasal septum
- Used as hardening agent in metallic compounds
21Lung Cancer - Arsenic
- May cause skin cancer, as well as lung cancer
- Synergistic with smoking
- Between additive and multiplicative
- Most often seen in upper lobes
- Copper smelting and pesticide production
- Found in natural and man-made sources
- Seafood source is non-toxic
- Toxic in Fowlers solution (used for
eczema/psoriasis) and pesticides (vineyard
22Lung Cancer - Nickel
- Associated with lung, nasal and laryngeal cancers
- Nickel mining and refining
- Soluble forms are more potent
- Squamous cell most common type
- Good housekeeping is especially important for
reducing occupational exposure
23Lung Cancer - Coal-related products
- PAH Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon
- Known carcinogens are benz(a)anthracene and 7,12
dimethylbenzanthracene - Lung cancer is seen in coke-oven workers
scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps - PAHs are formed through incomplete combustion of
coal, tar, coke and oil - PAHs found in coal gasification facilities, gas
and coke works, iron and steel foundries,
petroleum distillates and diesel exhaust.
24Lung Cancer - Mustard Gas
- Bis (beta-chloroethyl) sulfide
- Poisonous gas used in WWI
- Causes squamous cell lung CA
- Excess lung cancers seen in Japanese and German
workers manufacturing mustard gas
25Lung Cancer - Radon
- Wasting disease of the mountains seen in miners
by Agricola and Paracelsus - Radon daughter products
- Cigarette smoking acts synergistically with radon
- Lifetime dose in certain dwellings is concern
26Prevention of Occupational Lung Cancer
- Primary prevention is important
- Smoking cessation
- Secondary prevention (medical monitoring)
- OSHA mandates monitoring for asbestos,
acrylonitrile, arsenic, silica, and vinyl
chloride - NIOSH recommends monitoring for beryllium, carbon
black, chromium VI, coal tar products, inorganic
nickel and coal gasification - Chemopreventive agents
27Upper Respiratory Cancers
- Sino-nasal
- Nickel, wood dust, chromium , cutting oils,
mustard gas - Laryngeal
- Asbestos, nickel, mustard gas, cutting oils
28Hematologic Cancers
- Risk Factors
- Ionizing radiation
- Benzene
- Agricultural work
- Cytotoxic drugs
29Hematologic Cancer - Ionizing Radiation
- Studies from atomic blasts from WWII
- Associated with all leukemia types except CLL
- ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable)
30Hematologic Cancer - Benzene
- Associated with pancytopenia and AML
- Industrial rubber workers, refinery workers,
chemical workers (soaps, dyes, cosmetics,
perfumes), explosives industry - Safe exposure level unknown
31Hematologic Cancer - Agricultural Exposure
- Farmers
- Multiple etiologies, including pesticides and
herbicides - Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma, Hodgkins Disease and
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
32Hematologic Cancer - Medical Exposures
- Anti-neoplastic drugs
- Ethylene oxide
- Radiation
33Bladder Cancer
- Especially dye/pigments and tire/rubber mfg.
- Up to 20 of bladder CA related to occupation
- Kidney concentrates toxin prolonged exposure in
bladder - Benzidene
- 2-Naphylamine
- 4-Nitrobiphenyl
- 4,4-methylene-bis-(2-chloroaniline) or MOCA
- 4,4-methylene dianiline or MDA
34Bladder Cancer Screening
- Hematuria high risk populations only
- Urine cytology
- Newer areas of detection quantitative
fluorescence image analysis (QFIA) and DNA flow
cytometry. - Sensitivity/specificity issues
35Bladder Cancer Screening
- NIOSH recommendations
- Screening for bladder cancer should be viewed as
a research endeavor whose benefits are not yet
delineated - Screening techniques are evolving it would be
wise to bank serum and urine samples - Natural history of bladder CA is unclear, thus
the value of detecting superficial versus
invasive lesions is unclear
36 GI Tract
- Gastric
- Asbestos, wood dust, rubber industry
- Colon
- Sedentary work is risk factor
- Asbestos and rubber industry suspected
- Screening (Digital Rectal Exam vs. stool guiac
vs. sigmoidoscopy)
37GI Tract - Liver
- Hepatitis BC, alcohol, aflatoxins
- Asbestos suspected
- Solvents associated with hepatic fibrosis
- Hepatic Angiosarcoma
- Vinyl chloride
- Thorotrast
- Arsenic
38Skin Cancer
- Ionizing radiation
- Arsenic
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
- UV radiation