Title: Submariners
- The culture of the submarine fleet on the
University of Toledo.
2Where are submariners found?
- Above water,
- Below water,
- In a bar,
- In a car,
- Over here, over there,
- Almost everywhere.
3Where are submariners found?
- There are currently 42 countries that have
submarines in their Navy.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
4Los Angeles class Submarine
USS Birmingham (SSN-695) performing an emergency
Video Source http//americanhistory.si.edu/subs/c
5Ship or Boat?
Image source www.mod.uk
6Submariners and its culture
- What is different from a submariner and a surface
sailor or a pilot? - 1) All submariners are volunteer
- 2) Its a requirement to earn your dolphins.
- Dolphins are what you receive after complete your
submarine qualifications. - A board makes up the final qualification and a
series of individual interviews make up the
majority of the testing. - 3) The submarine culture is markedly risk-averse.
Such phrases as The Silent Service and Death
from Below
The enlisted Submarine Insignia
Image provided From Wikipedia, the free
7Submariners and its culture cont.
- United States Navy Submarine School.
- A language of acronyms exists with a unique
vocabulary, as well as foul language. - Holidays are spent together.
- Communication to outside the culture is limited.
- Time and your life is laid out for you
- Days are different, based on an 18 hour day
- It is the closest thing to being dead.
8Words to describe a Submariner
- Underachievers
- Courageous
- Disciplined
- Gay
- Weird
There are a large about of negative connotations
and homoerotic activates. Shell Back (crossing
the equator) Blue Nose (going below the polar ice
caps) Hot Racking Close Quarters Rear Admirals
9Pantheon of Heroes
- Heroes are more the submarine than a person or
group. - USS Nautilus SSN 571
- USS Dallas SSN 700 (made famous in The Hunt for
Red October) - USS Thesher SSN 593
- USS Scorpion SSN 598
- Exception Admiral Hyman George Rickover
10Pantheon of Heroes cont.
Hyman Rickover was born to a Jewish family in
Maków Mazowiecki of Poland, but at that time and
prior to World War I under Russian occupation.
Hyperactive, political, blunt, confrontational,
insulting, flamboyant, and an unexcelled
workaholic who was always demanding of others
Hyman George Rickover Father of the nuclear
Source http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyman_Rickove
- I would propose placing an artifact in front of
Gillham Hall. - It would be constructed out of metal painted
yellow and blue, the blue would be the world of
painted countries that have submarines in their
USS Toledo SSN 769
12Artifact cont.
- The artifact would be a functional piece as well.
It would act a an umbrella the stairway between
these buildings.
It would be the front third of the submarine with
its conical shape and it would look like the
nose of a rocket but at the same time represent
the submarine fleets all over the world with map
that would wrap around the artifact. Geography
and Function wrapped together.