Operation and Maintenance Reminders - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Operation and Maintenance Reminders


No PWS shall alter or replace underground portions of, or abandon, any well ... Search for water treatment chemicals certified (by third party) as conforming to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Operation and Maintenance Reminders

Operation and Maintenance Reminders
  • FAC Section 62-555.350, OM of PWSs

62-555.350(1) Comply with Standards/Requirements
  • PWSs shall operate maintain PWSs to comply with
    applicable standards in FAC Chapter 62-550
    applicable requirements in FAC Chapter 62-555
  • FAC Chapter 62-550 standards
  • Primary standards MCLs, MRDLs, treatment
  • inorganics - control acrylamide/epichlorohydrin
  • organics - filter disinfect surface water
  • disinfectant residuals - control lead copper
  • DBPs - control DBP precursors in surface water
  • coliforms
  • radionuclides
  • Secondary standardsMCLs treatment techniques

62-555.350(2) Maintain PWSs in Good Operating
  • Preventive maintenance on electrical or
    mechanical equipment shall be performed in
    accordance with either manufacturer's
    recommendations or PWS's written
  • preventive maintenance program
  • Exercise auxiliary power sources (under load at
    least monthly)
  • Check calibration of finished-water flow meter(s)
    at WTP(s)

Most auxiliary engine/generator manufacturers
have specific recommendations for exercising
their engines/generators but in no case shall
auxiliary engines/generators be run under load
less frequently than monthly.
Some meter manufacturers may not have
recommendations for checking calibration of their
meters. However, consistent with water management
district requirements, calibration of
finished-water flow meters should be checked gt
once every 3 years to ensure accuracy within 5.
62-555.350(2) (continued)
  • Test pressure-relief valve(s) for hydropneumatic
  • Exercise accessible isolation valves at WTP(s)
    in distribution system

Pressure-relief valves for hydropneumatic tanks
should be tested at least annually.
Some valve manufacturers simply recommend
exercising their valves at frequency based upon
local experience. However, consistent with Water
Distribution Systems Handbook AWWA's Manual
M44, isolation valves should be exercised gt once
every 1 or 2 years.
62-555.350(2) (continued)
  • Accumulated sludge
  • biogrowth shall be cleaned
  • routinely (at least annually)
  • from treatment facilities that
  • are in contact with water
  • that are not designed to
  • collect sludge or support
  • biogrowth
  • Blistering, chipped, or cracked coatings/linings
    on treatment or storage facilities in contact
    with water shall be rehabilitated or repaired

62-555.350(2) (continued)
  • Finished-water storage tanks, including
  • conventional hydropneumatic tanks with access
  • manhole, shall be
  • Checked at least annually to ensure hatches are
  • screens are in place
  • Cleaned gt once every 5 years to remove biogrowth,
  • or iron/manganese deposits, sludge from inside
    of tank
  • Inspected for structural coating integrity
  • gt once every 5 years by personnel under
  • responsible charge of PE

Requirement for inspection is intended to apply
to steel or concrete tanks is not required for
tanks constructed of HDPE or fiberglass.
62-555.350(2) (continued)
  • Dead-end water mains conveying
  • finished water shall be flushed
  • either quarterly or in accordance
  • with written flushing program
  • established by PWS

Requirement is intended to apply to mains gt 6" in
diameter does not apply to mains lt 6" in
diameter unless there is history of water quality
PWS may flush all dead-end water mains at least
quarterly, in which case PWS is not required to
have written flushing program. Or, PWS may
develop written comprehensive and/or spot
flushing program, in which case PWS may flush
dead-end mains less frequently than quarterly if
PWS documents, using water quality data, why less
frequent flushing is appropriate.
62-555.350(3) Use Proper Water Treatment
  • PWSs shall ensure, lead/chief WTP
  • operators shall certify on MORs, that water
  • treatment chemicals conform to NSF
  • Standard 60 (or standards in Water
  • Chemicals Codex or Food Chemicals Codex)
  • Operators may base their certifications upon
  • evaluations conducted by PWS or upon third-party
  • (NSF, UL, or WQA) or manufacturer certifications

WQA has certified that all Ultra Clorox Regular
or Germicidal Bleach conforms to NSF Standard 60.
62-555.350(4) Operate WTPs Within Permitted
  • No PWS shall operate any WTP
  • at capacity gt plant's permitted
  • operating capacity
  • Permitted operating capacity of
  • WTP is as specified in latest
  • applicable DEP construction permit
  • (or as established by DEP/ACHD if
  • no permitted operating capacity is
  • specified in construction permit)
  • Each day licensed operators staff/visit WTPs,
    they shall measure record net quantity of
    finished water produced by WTP

62-555.350(5) Monitor Maintain Effectiveness
of Disinfection
  • PWSs that are using ground water that are
    required to achieve 4-log virus
    removal/inactivation shall monitor maintain
    effectiveness of disinfection as follows
  • For each day WTP is in operation,
  • PWS shall monitor residual
  • disinfectant concentration (C)
  • before or at first customer
  • Monitor continuously if PWS
  • serves gt 3,300 persons
  • Take 1 grab sample during peak
  • flow if PWS serves lt 3,300
  • persons

62-555.350(5) (continued)
  • For each day WTP is in operation, PWS shall
    record following on MOR
  • Lowest C provided before or at first customer
    during peak flow
  • Corresponding disinfectant contact time (T) at C
    monitoring point during peak flow
  • Resulting lowest "CT provided" before or at first
    customer during peak flow
  • For each day WTP is in operation, PWS shall
    record "CT required" to achieve necessary virus
  • For each day WTP is in operation, PWS shall
    compare "CT provided" to "CT required"
  • If "CT provided" is lt "CT required," PWS shall
  • Increase disinfectant dose ( take grab samples
    at least every 4 hours if not monitoring
    continuously) until "CT provided" is gt "CT
  • Notify DEP/ACHD in accordance with 62-555.350(10)

62-555.350(6) Maintain Monitor Disinfectant
  • PWSs shall maintain free chlorine residual gt 0.2
    mg/L, or combined chlorine residual gt 0.6 mg/L,
    throughout their distribution system at all times
  • PWSs shall measure disinfectant residual at point
    reflecting maximum residence time after
    disinfectant addition shall record result on
  • Take 1 grab sample/day for 5 days/week if PWS
    serves gt 3,300 persons
  • Take 1 grab sample/day for 2 days/week if PWS
    serves lt 3,300 persons
  • If disinfectant residual is lt required,
  • PWS shall increase disinfectant dose
  • as necessary, flush water mains,
  • until disinfectant residual is gt required

62-555.350(7) Maintain Pressure
  • Except when water mains break or treatment or
    pumping equipment fails, PWS shall maintain
    pressure gt 20 psig throughout their distribution
    system at all times

62-555.350(8) Employ Licensed Operators
  • PWSs shall employ licensed operators in
    accordance with FAC Chapters 62-602 62-699
  • This does not apply to TWSs using only
    groundwater serving only businesses other than
    public food service establishments as defined in,
    regulated under, FS Chapter 381, 500, or 509

62-555.350(9) Obtain Required Permits or
Approvals Before Construction or Alterations
  • No PWS shall alter or replace underground
    portions of, or abandon, any well without first
    obtaining any required permit from appropriate
    WMD or delegated permitting authority
  • See FAC Chapter 62-532 to determine whether
    permit is required
  • No PWS shall alter or replace, or discontinue use
    of, any water source, system components (other
    than underground portions of wells), or water
    treatment chemicals without first obtaining any
    required permit or approval from, or submitting
    any required notification to, DEP/ACHD
  • See FAC subsection 62-555.520(1) to determine
    whether permit, approval, or notification is

62-555.350(10) Notify SWP, DEP/ACHD, Water
Customers as Required
  • PWSs shall call SWP immediately (lt 2 hours) after
    discovery of any actual or suspected sabotage or
    security breach, or any suspicious incident,
    involving PWS

62-555.350(10) (continued)
  • PWSs shall call DEP/ACHD ( speak directly
  • to person) as soon as possible, but never
  • later than noon of next business day, in
  • event of following emergency or abnormal
  • conditions
  • Occurrence of abnormal color, taste, or odor in
    raw or finished water
  • Failure to comply with applicable CT requirements
    for disinfection
  • Breakdown of water treatment or pumping
    facilities, or break of water main, if breakdown
    or break is expected to
  • Adversely affect finished-water quality
  • Interrupt service to gt 150 connections or gt 350
  • Interrupt service to any 1 connection for gt 8
    hours or
  • Necessitate issuance of precautionary "boil
    water" notice

62-555.350(10) (continued)
  • PWSs shall notify DEP/ACHD affected customers
    by no later than previous business day before
    initiating planned conversions from chloramines
    to free chlorine or vice versa
  • PWSs shall notify DEP/ACHD by calling ( speaking
    directly to person)
  • PWSs shall notify customers in writing or by
    telephone, newspaper, radio, or TV

62-555.350(10) (continued)
  • PWSs shall notify DEP/ACHD affected customers
    by no later than previous business day before
    taking system components out of operation for
    planned maintenance or repair work
  • PWSs shall notify DEP/ACHD by calling ( speaking
    directly to person) if work is expected to
  • Adversely affect finished-water quality
  • Interrupt service to gt 150 connections or gt 350
  • Interrupt service to any 1 connection for gt 8
    hours or
  • Necessitate issuance of precautionary "boil
    water" notice
  • PWSs shall notify affected customers in writing
    or by telephone, newspaper, radio, or TV if work
    is expected to
  • Adversely affect finished-water quality or
  • Interrupt service

62-555.350(10) (continued)
  • PWSs shall describe in MORs
  • All emergency or abnormal conditions, including
    all breakdowns of water treatment or pumping
    facilities all water main breaks
  • All maintenance or repair work that involves
    taking system components (other than water
    service lines) out of operation

62-555.350(11) Issue Precautionary "Boil Water"
Notices as Required
  • PWSs shall issue precautionary "boil water"
    notices as required or recommended in DOH's
    "Guidelines for the Issuance of Precautionary
    Boil Water Notices"
  • View DOH's guidelines at
  • www.doh.state.fl.us/environment/water/manual/boil.

62-555.350(12) Keep OM Logs, Keep/Submit MORs,
Keep Records
  • PWSs shall keep OM log at their WTPs
  • For WTPs connected to TWSs using only groundwater
  • serving only businesses other than public food
  • service establishments, log shall contain
  • Minimum of previous 3 months of data at all times
  • Date type of all maintenance performed
  • Date results of all sampling analyses
  • unless documented on laboratory sheet
  • For all other WTPs, log shall contain information
  • in, shall be maintained as described in, FAC
  • subsection 62-602.650(4)

62-555.350(12) (continued)
  • PWSs shall submit MORs within 10 days after each
  • This does not apply to TWSs using only
    groundwater serving only businesses other than
    public food service establishments
  • PWSs shall use appropriate form(s) submit them
    to DEP/ACHD (except for Form 62-555.900(5), which
    goes to DOH Bureau of Dental Health)
  • Form 62-555.900(2), "MOR for Subpart H Systems"
  • Form 62-555.900(3), "MOR for PWSs Treating Raw
    Ground Water or Purchased Finished Water"
  • Form 62-555.900(4), "MOR for Consecutive Systems
    that Do Not Treat Water"
  • Form 62-555.900(5), "MOR for PWSs Fluoridating
  • Form 62-555.900(6), "MOR for Consecutive Systems
    that Receive Purchased Finished Water from a
    Subpart H System"
  • Form 62-555.900(11), "MOR for Summation of
    Finished-Water Production by CWSs that Have
    Multiple Treatment Plants"

62-555.350(12) (continued)
  • PWSs shall keep MORs, together with
  • additional operation records required
  • by MOR forms, for gt 10 years
  • PWSs shall keep following records
  • Records documenting that finished-water
  • storage tanks have been cleaned
  • inspected during past 5 years

Records should include bills/receipts for
cleaning or inspection services inspection
report signed sealed by PE.
62-555.350(12) (continued)
  • Records documenting that isolation valves are
    being exercised

Minimum required information.
62-555.350(12) (continued)
  • Records documenting that dead-end water mains are
    being flushed

Minimum required information.
62-555.350(13) Provide Update OM Manuals
  • PWSs shall provide OM manual for each WTP
    shall update manual as necessary to reflect WTP
  • OM manual shall contain operation control
    procedures, preventive maintenance repair
    procedures, for all WTP equipment
  • Bound indexed equipment manufacturer manuals
    are considered sufficient
  • OM manual shall be available for reference at
    WTP or at convenient location near WTP

WTP OM Manual
62-555.350(14) Maintain Up-to-Date Distribution
System Map
  • CWSs serving gt 350 persons or gt 150
  • connections shall maintain up-to-date
  • map of their water distribution system
  • Map shall show
  • Size approximate location of water mains if
  • Approximate location of valves fire hydrants
  • Approximate location of any pressure zone
  • boundaries, pumping facilities, storage tanks,
  • interconnections with other PWSs

Map may be paper- or computer-based.
For small CWS, map may be single map while for
large CWS, map may consist of 1 overall map at
large scale plus many smaller-scale maps indexed
to overall map.
62-555.350(15) Develop Implement Emergency
Preparedness/Response Plan
  • CWSs serving gt 350 persons or gt 150 connections
    shall develop written emergency
    preparedness/response plan in accordance with
    AWWA Manual M19 shall update implement plan
    as necessary
  • CWSs shall coordinate with their Local Emergency
    Planning Committee FDLE Regional Security Task

62-555.350(15) (continued)
  • CWSs shall include following information in their
    emergency preparedness/response plan
  • Communication chart
  • Written agreements with other PWSs,
  • response organizations, etc
  • Disaster-specific plan for vandalism or
  • sabotage drought hurricane structure fire
  • if applicable, flood, forest or brush fire,
  • hazardous material release
  • Details about standby power recommendations for
    amount of fuel to keep on site in reserve for
    auxiliary power sources
  • If applicable, recommendations for amount of
    chemicals to keep in inventory at WTPs

  • Implement requirements of FAC Section 62-555.350
  • Perform preventive maintenance, including
    exercising of isolation valves, keep records
    documenting exercising of isolation valves
  • Clean inspect finished-water storage tanks
    every 5 years keep records
  • Flush dead-end water mains keep records
  • Ensure water treatment chemicals conform to NSF
    Standard 60
  • If required to achieve 4-log virus
    removal/inactivation, ensure that "CT provided"
    is always gt "CT required"
  • Maintain required minimum disinfectant residual
    throughout distribution system at all times

Summary (continued)
  • Maintain pressure gt 20 psig throughout
    distribution system
  • Call SWP immediately after discovery of actual or
    suspected security breach or suspicious incident,
    call DEP/ACHD as soon as possible in event of
    emergency or abnormal conditions
  • Notify DEP/ACHD customers no later than
    previous business day before planned conversions
    from 1 secondary disinfectant to another before
    certain planned maintenance/repair work
  • Issue precautionary "boil water" notices per DOH
  • Keep OM logs at all WTPs, keep/submit MORs
  • Maintain OM manual at all WTPs
  • If CWS serving gt 350/150, maintain up-to-date
    water distribution system map emergency
    preparedness/response plan

Where to Get More Information
  • View or print FS at
  • www.flsenate.gov/Statutes
  • View or download electronic copy of latest
    version of FAC Chapter 62-532, 62-550, 62-555,
    62-602, or 62-699 at
  • www.dep.state.fl.us/legal/Rules/rulelistnum.htm
  • View or download electronic copy of latest
    version of MOR forms at
  • www.dep.state.fl.us/water/drinkingwater/forms.htm
  • Order 4th (2001) Edition of AWWA Manual M19 at
  • www.awwa.org

Where to Get More Information (continued)
  • Search for water treatment chemicals certified
    (by third party) as conforming to NSF Standard 60
  • www.nsf.org
  • www.ul.com
  • www.wqa.org
  • View, print, or order FL Building Code at
  • www.floridabuilding.org
  • Direct questions about FAC Chapter 62-555 to
  • Drinking Water Program personnel at appropriate
    DEP district or ACHD
  • John Sowerby john.r.sowerby_at_dep.state.fl.us
    (850) 245-8637 in Drinking Water Program at DEP
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