Title: Proactive approaches to solve security threats
1Proactive approaches to solve security threats
- Mira Pandya
- Chetan Nanjunda
- Introduction
- Classification of viruses
- Attack and spread of viruses
- Four proactive security approaches
- Issues and future directions
3Types of viruses
- Malicious logic
- rabbits and bacteria
- logic bombs
- Trojan horses
- Computer virus
- boot sector infectors
- executable infectors
- multipartite viruses
- TSR viruses
- stealth viruses
- encrypted viruses
- polymorphic viruses
- macro viruses
- Computer worms
4Types of viruses (contd..)
- malicious logic is a set of instructions that
cause a sites security policy to be violated. - logic bomb is a program that performs an action
violating the security policy when some external
event occurs. - Trojan horses is a program with an
overt(documented or known) effect and a
covert(undocumented or unexpected) effect. - Computer virus is a program that inserts itself
into one or more files and then performs some
actions. - polymorphic virus change their form each time
they insert themselves into another program - computer worm is a program that copies itself
form one computer to another.
5Attack and spread of viruses
- Viruses exploit security holes in
- Architecture
- Implementation
- Code
- Users mistakes
Represents a security hole
Proactive approach takes a holistic view to
eliminate security holes
6Proactive approach I Architectural Security
- Facts
- Windows vs. Linux Viega Voas
- DOS primarily a single user system
- Process space protection
- Self protecting kernel
- Wired Equivalent Privacy
- Repetition of keystream
- Placement of CRC
- Inference
- architecture is the foundation
- there are no patches
- architectural design should last for a long time
7Proactive approach II Implementation Security
- Facts
- Lack of bounds checking Linux Journal
- buffer overflow -overwrite a function's return
address - Internet Explorer
- never rewritten, only patched
- patches make code complex, which implies more
bugs - Inferences
- Write secure code - Defensive programming
- Separate code from data
- Stop patching start rewriting
- Formal development path
- abstract model, formal specification,
8Proactive approach III Kerkhoffs Principle by
Auguste Kerckhoffs
- Facts
- Netscape browser attack David Wagner
- executable reverse compiled to get the source
- weak random number generation exploited (pid,
time) - Skipjack algorithm NSABiham at el
- kept secret
- released in tamper resistant boxes
- huge security hole discovered after reverse
engineering - Inferences
- Obscurity implies brittleness, openness implies
ductility Bruce Schneier - Open source software Eric Raymond
a cryptosystem should be secure even if
everything about the system, except the key, is
public knowledge
9Proactive approach IV Educate Users
- Facts
- default configurations
- open ports
- guessable passwords L0phtCrack
- rogue access points Matthew Gast
- Inferences
- monitor applications
- do not open ports unnecessarily
- clear users responsibility
- universal knowledge of computer security
- are we too late ?
- knowledge of threats ?
- cost ?
Future directions
- rapid growth of computers and electronic systems
- convergence of different types of systems
- present holds the key to future
11Questions ?
12Thank you!
Linux Journal http//www.linuxjournal.com/articl
e/6701 Viega Voas The Pros and Cons of Unix
and Windows Security Policies, IT Pro, SepOct
2000 David Wagner http//www.cs.berkeley.edu/da
w/papers/ddj-netscape.html NSA National
Security Agency http//www.nsa.gov/ Biham at el
"Cryptanalysis of Skipjack Reduced to 31 Rounds
using Impossible Differentials" Bruce Schneier
http//www.schneier.com/ Eric Raymond
http//www.catb.org/esr/ L0phtCrack
http//www.atstake.com/products/lc/ Matthew
Gast Seven Security Problems of 802.11 Wireless,
OReilly Network, 2002
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