Regaining - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Refocuses the athlete's awareness of peripheral sensation & guides them into ... Trampoline Hopping. Hopping & landing (double support, single support, rotation) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Regaining

Regaining Re-establishing Neuromuscular Control
Why is it critical to the rehabilitation process?
  • Refocuses the athletes awareness of peripheral
    sensation guides them into more coordinated
    motor strategies
  • Required to
  • Protect joints from excessive strain
  • Provide prophylactic mechanism to recurrent
  • Complements traditional components of
  • We rely on sensory information from the periphery
    from our visual, vestibular, somatosensory

  • Primary role of articular structures
  • Stabilize guide body segments
  • Provide mechanical restraint to abnormal joint
  • Dynamic restraint system
  • Capsuloligamentous tissue musculotendon
    receptor sensory role
  • Detect joint motion position
  • Detect changes in muscle length
  • Implicated in regulating muscle stiffness prior
    to loading
  • Injury results in damage to microscopic nerves
    associated with peripheral mechanoreceptors
  • Disrupts sensory feedback
  • Alters reflexive joint stabilization
    neuromuscular coordination

  • Four critical elements of neuromuscular control
    in rehab
  • Joint sensation (position, motion, force)
  • Dynamic stability
  • Preparatory reactive muscle characteristics
  • Conscious unconscious functional motor patterns
  • Rehabilitation should address feedback systems
  • Preparatory (feed-forward)
  • Reactive (feed-back)
  • Muscle sense is divided into 4 sensory functions
  • Sensation of passive movement
  • Sensation of active movement
  • Sensation of position
  • Sensations of heaviness resistance

What is neuromuscular control?
  • Signal transmission through afferent sensory
  • Proprioception
  • Conscious unconscious appreciation of joint
  • Awareness of position movement
  • Any postural, positional or kinetic info provided
    to the CNS by sensory receptors in muscles,
    tendons or joints
  • Kinesthesia
  • Sensation of joint motion or acceleration
  • Sensation of ACTIVE movement (contracting muscle)
  • Neuromuscular control
  • Efferent motor response to sensory information
  • Proprioception kinesthesia

  • Motor control mechanisms
  • Feed-forward neuromuscular control
  • Planning movements based on sensory information
    from past experiences
  • Preparatory muscle activity
  • Operates on premise of initiating a motor
    response in anticipation of a load or activity
  • Feed-back neuromuscular control
  • Continuously regulates muscle activity through
    reflexive pathways
  • Reactive muscle activity
  • Operates directly in response to a potentially
    destabilizing event, using a normal reference
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Ratio in change of force to change in length
  • Stiffer muscles resist stretching more
    effective restraint to joint displacement
  • Modified by muscle activation

Activities for Inducing Adaptations
  • Open closed kinetic chain activities
  • Balance training
  • Eccentric high repetition low load exercises
  • Reflex facilitation
  • Stretch-shortening
  • Biofeedback training
  • Controlled positions of vulnerability

Physiology of Mechanoreceptors
  • Articular Mechanoreceptors
  • Specialized nerve endings that transduce
    mechanical tissue deformation into frequency
    modulated neural signals
  • Increased tissue deformation results in increased
    afferent firing rate or rise in quantity of
    mechanoreceptors activated
  • Types
  • Pacinian corpuscles (Type II) sensitive to
    high-frequency vibration compression sensitive
  • Ruffini endings (Type I) sensitive to
    stretching of the joint capsule
  • Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscles (Type III) sensitive
    to joint compression, not joint motion
  • Free nerve endings (Type IV) stimulated by pain
    inflammation when a joint is placed in an end
  • Normally not active in normal joint movement

Articular Mechanoreceptors
  • Quick adapting (QA)
  • Cease discharging shortly after onset of stimulus
  • Provide conscious unconscious kinesthetic
    sensation in response to joint movement/accelerati
  • Type II
  • Slow adapting (SA)
  • Continue to discharge as long as stimulus is
  • Continuous feedback proprioceptive information
    relative to joint position
  • Type I, III

Musculotendon Mechanoreceptors
  • Muscle spindles located in the muscle
  • Responds to stretch of a muscle
  • Detects length rate of length changes
  • Its stimulation leads to a contraction
  • Transmit information via afferent nerves
  • Innervated by small motor fibers (gamma
  • Project directly on motoneurons (monosynaptic
  • Stretch reflex
  • Stimulation results in reflex contraction
  • Continued stimulation (gamma motor nerves)
    heighten stretch sensitivity
  • Muscle activity mediation

Musculotendon Mechanoreceptors
  • Golgi Tendon Organs (GTO) located in tendon
    musculotendon junction
  • Detects tension within a muscle responds to
    both the contraction stretching of a muscle
  • Regulate muscle activity tension
  • Its stimulation results in muscle relaxation
  • GTOs have opposite effect of muscle spindles by
    producing a relaxation in the muscle being loaded

Neural Pathways of Peripheral Afferents
  • Encoded signals - transmitted from peripheral
    receptors via afferent pathways (interneurons) to
  • Brain Stem Balance
  • Primary proprioceptive correlation center
  • Cerebral Cortex location of conscious movement
  • Monosynaptic reflex pathway - links muscle
    spindles directly to motor nerves
  • Balance
  • Influenced by peripheral afferent mechanism
    mediating joint proprioception
  • Partially dependent on inherent ability to
    integrate joint position sense, vision
    vestibular apparatus with neuromuscular control

  • Interneurons
  • Connect articular receptors GTO with large
    motor nerves innervating muscles small gamma
    motor nerves innervating muscle spindles
  • Articular afferents have potent effect on muscle
  • Muscle spindles regulate muscle activity through
    stretch reflex
  • Hence, articular afferents have influence on
    skeletal motor nerves tenomuscular receptors
    via gamma motor nerves
  • Reflex Loop
  • Spinal Level Synapses
  • Link afferent fibers with efferent motor nerves
  • Contributes to dynamic stability utilizing
    feedback process for reactive muscular activation

Feed-Forward Feedback Neuromuscular Control
  • Feed-forward Neuromuscular control
  • Pre-activation theory
  • Prior sensory feedback (experience) is utilized
    to pre-program muscle activation patterns
  • Responsible for preparatory muscle action high
    velocity movements
  • Increased muscle activation enhanced stiffness
  • Leads to improvement in stretch sensitivity
    reduces electromechanical delay
  • Improves reactive capabilities (added sensory
    input superimposed stretch reflexes on
    descending motor command

Muscle Stiffness Influence
  • Feedback Neuromuscular Control
  • Continuously adjusting muscle activity via reflex
  • May result in long conduction delays
  • Best for postural adjustments slow movements
  • Reflex mediated dynamic stability is related to
    speed magnitude of perturbation
  • Both systems enhance dynamic stability
  • Repetitive activation of synapses facilitation
  • Memory recall of signal enhanced function

Re-establishing Neuromuscular Control
  • Injuries result in decreases in neuromuscular
  • Pathoetiology
  • Injury results in deafferentation of ligament
    capsular mechanoreceptors
  • Joint inflammation pain compound sensory
  • Congenital/pathological joint laxity have
    diminished ability to detect joint motion
  • Proprioceptive, kinesthetic deficits mechanical
    instability lead to functional instability

  • Objectives for Neuromuscular Rehabilitation
  • Develop/re-establish afferent efferent
    characteristics that enhance dynamic stability
  • Elements
  • Proprioceptive kinesthetic sensation
  • Dynamic joint stabilization
  • Reactive neuromuscular control
  • Functional motor patterns
  • Afferent Efferent Characteristics
  • Sensitivity of peripheral receptors
  • Facilitation of afferent pathways
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Onset rate magnitude of muscle activity
  • Simultaneous activation of agonist/antagonist
  • Reflexive discriminatory muscle activation

Neuromuscular Characteristics
  • Peripheral Afferent Receptors
  • Altered peripheral afferent information may
    disrupt motor control functional stability
  • Repetitious athletic activity enhances
    proprioceptive kinesthetic acuity
    facilitated afferent pathways
  • Enhanced joint motion awareness improves
    feed-forward feedback mechanisms
  • Muscle Stiffness
  • Significant role in preparatory reactive
    dynamic restraints
  • Exercises that encourage muscle stiffness should
    be incorporated into rehabilitation programs
  • Eccentric exercises
  • Chronic overload results in connective tissue
    proliferation, desensitizing GTOs increase
    muscle spindle activity
  • Power trained vs. Endurance trained athletes
  • Power athlete Faster muscle pre-activation
  • Endurance athlete Increased baseline motor tone

  • Reflexive Muscle Activation
  • Reflex latency times may be dependent on types of
    training (endurance vs. power)
  • Preparatory reactive muscle activation might
    improve dynamic stability function if muscle
    stiffness is enhanced in deficient joints
  • Decreasing electromechanical delay between joint
    loading protective muscle activation can
    increase stability function

  • Discriminate Muscle Activation
  • Unconscious control of muscle activity is
    critical in balance coordination
  • May initially require conscious activation prior
    to unconscious control
  • Use of biofeedback can aid in this process
  • Help eliminate imbalances re-establish
    preparatory reactive muscle activity

Elements for Neuromuscular Control
  • Proprioception Kinesthesia Training
  • Restore neurosensory properties
  • Enhance sensitivity of uninvolved peripheral
  • Joint compression is believed to maximally
    stimulate articular receptors
  • Closed chain exercises through available ROM
  • Early repositioning tasks are critical
  • Conscious to unconscious joint awareness
  • Applying neoprene sleeve or ace wrap stimulates
    cutaneous receptors additional proprioception

  • Dynamic Stabilization
  • Encourage preparatory agonist/antagonist
  • Restores force couples balances joint forces
  • Results in decreased loads on static structures
  • Activities that require anticipatory reactive
    adjustments to imposed loads
  • Combination of balance stretch shortening
  • Encourages preparatory reactive muscle activity
  • Closed chain exercises induce coactivation

  • Reactive Neuromuscular Control
  • Stimulates reflex pathways
  • Object is to impose perturbations that stimulate
    reflex stabilization
  • Can result in decreased response time develop
    reactive strategies to unexpected joint loads
  • Perturbations should be unexpected in order to
    facilitate reflexive activity
  • Functional Activities
  • Objective is to return athlete to pre-injury
  • Involves sports specific movement patterns
    designed to restore functional ability
  • Can be utilized to assess readiness for return to
  • Stresses peripheral afferents, simultaneous
    muscle activation, reflexive activity
  • Progress from conscious to unconscious
  • Develop functionally specific movement patterns,
    ultimately decreasing risk of injury

Lower Extremity Techniques
  • Techniques should focus on muscle groups that
    require attention
  • Progress from no weight to weight assisted
  • Use of closed-chain activities is encouraged
  • Replicates environmental demands
  • Plays on principles of neuromuscular control
  • Joint stabilization exercises
  • Balance partial weight bearing activities
  • Progress non-weight bearing to full
  • Balance on unstable surfaces can begin once
    full-weight bearing

  • Slide board exercises
  • Stimulates coactivation with increasing muscle
    force endurance
  • Stimulating dynamic stability stiffness
  • Stair climbing (forward backward)
  • Emphasis on eccentric strength
  • Biofeedback
  • Used to develop agonist/antagonist coactivation
  • Encourages voluntary muscle activation
  • Stretch-shortening exercises
  • Eccentric deceleration explosive concentric
  • Incorporate early in process (modified loads)
  • Involves preparatory reactive muscle activity
  • Hopping progression
  • Double ? Single leg
  • Sagittal ? Lateral ? Rotational hopping
  • Surface modification

  • Rhythmic stabilization
  • React to joint perturbations ?preparatory
    reactive muscle activity
  • Alterations in loads displacement
  • Unstable surfaces
  • Linear angular perturbations, altering center
    of gravity
  • Facilitate reflexive activity
  • Ball toss
  • Disrupt concentration, induce unconscious
    response reactive adaptation
  • Trampoline Hopping
  • Hopping landing (double support, single
    support, rotation)
  • Challenge athlete
  • Hopping catching
  • Hopping landing on varying surfaces
  • Functional activities
  • Restore normal gait
  • Athlete must internalize normal kinematics (swing
  • Utilize retro walking (hamstring activity), pool
    or unloading devices
  • Cross over walking, figure 8s, cutting, carioca,
    changes in speed
  • Functional activities that simulate demands of

Upper Extremity Techniques
  • Work to maintain joint congruency functional
  • Requires dynamic restraint via coordinated muscle
  • Injury to static stabilizers
  • Failure of dynamic restraint system
  • Could result in repetitive loads, compromising
    joint integrity predisposing athlete to
  • Adapt lower extremity exercise for upper extremity

  • Muscle stiffness
  • Enhance using elastic resistance (focus on
  • High repetitions low resistance
  • Upper extremity ergometers should be incorporated
    for endurance
  • Dynamic stabilization
  • Stability platforms
  • Push-ups, horizontal abduction, tracing circles
    on slide board with dominant non-dominant arms
  • Plyometric exercise

  • Reactive Neuromuscular Exercises
  • Manual perturbations
  • Rhythmic stabilization with gradual progression
  • Placing joint in inherently unstable positions
  • Functional Training
  • Developing motor patterns in overhead position
  • Reproduce demands of activity
  • Emphasis on technique
  • Re-education of functional patterns
  • Speed complexity in movement require rapid
    integration of sensory information

  • Images
  • Prentice, W.E. (2004). Rehabilitation Techniques
    for Sports Medicine Athletic Training, 4th
    edition, McGraw-Hill software
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