Title: SNAP Calibration Program WBS 2'5 and WBS 3'2'8
1SNAP Calibration Program WBS 2.5 and WBS
- Susana E. Deustua
- American Astronomical Society
- 9-11 July 2002
2Calibration Overview
- Calibration Components
- RD Goals
- Calibration Pipeline
- Spectrophotometric (color) Calibration
- Requirements
- Calibration Methodology
- Calibration Status
- RD Trade Studies
- RD Manpower
- RD Schedule
- RD Budget
3From the last review
This has been, and is being, done as a monte
carlo simulation and requirements have been
A draft calibration plan now exists.
We have already begun identifying experts.
4This is part of the overall strategy.
The instrument and calibration team is aware of
this issue.
5Calibration Components
- Astronomical
- absolute color calibration
- spectrophotometric flux standards
- photometric zeropoints
- for each filter/detector
- flat fields
- Instrument-level
- detector
- linearity, stability
- optics
- wavelength response
- wide field effects
- changes with time, attitude
- spectrograph
- shutter
- speed, timing
- develop diagnostics
Calibration error budget delivers the accuracy of
the photometric solution for each observation
depends on instrument configuration and
performance (OTA Filter Focal Plane Array, OTA
Spectrograph Detector(s))
6Calibration RD Goals
- Trade studies on
- calibration standards
- optimal telescope platforms
- cost-benefit analysis
- standard star network
- Develop SNAP on-board calibration observing
program - Study impact of on-board calibration on
- observatory management
- observing strategy, hence SN program
- observatory design
- Design spectrophotometric calibration experiment
- Develop realistic time, cost and manpower
estimates for calibration program
7Calibration Pipeline WBS 3.2.8
- WBS 3.2.8 Calibration Pipeline
- Image Processing Products
- Spacecraft environmental effects
- Diagnostic Tools
- Calibration Database
- Pipeline Deliverables
- Interface Control Documents (ICD)
- Database
- Instruments
- Image processing
Focal Plane Array
Ground System
9Calibration Pipeline Image Processing
- Image Processing Files
- Imaging Needs
- Bias and dark current constants
- Flat fields
- Photometric zeropoint determination
- Spectroscopy Needs
- Bias and dark current
- Flat fields
- Wavelength calibration
- Spectroscopic standard flux
- Each file (data and processing) needs to carry
- time stamp
- spacecraft position, etc
- detector ID, status etc.
10Calibration Pipeline Instrument Performance
- Time stability
- observing cadence for acquisition of calibration
data - e.g. flat fields for each filter
- in-flight calibration diagnostics
- e.g. repeated observations of stars in SNAP
fields - Impact of calibration hardware on instrument
design - precise shutter
- flat field lamps
- wavelength calibration lamps
- These are standard concerns for telescope systems.
11Calibration Pipeline Archive
- Calibration database
- stores all image processing products
- tracks changes in calibration products with time
- may be subset of the science image/data archive
12Calibration Pipeline RD Deliverables
- Interface Control Documents (ICD) for
- Calibration Database and Archive
- Instrument performance
- Spacecraft environment
- Diagnostic tools
- Image Processing
- Pedestal (bias) and dark current constants
- Flat field constants
- Zeropoint determination
- Spectrophotometric flux standard comparison
13Spectrophotometric Calibration WBS 2.5
- WBS 2.5 Spectrophotometric Calibration
- 2.5.1 Define Color Calibration Requirements
- 2.5.2 Color Calibration RD
- Artifical Point Sources Trade Studies
- Platform Trade Studies
- from the Ground
- from Space
- with Balloons
- with Mixed Platforms
- Cost-Risk-Benefit Analyses
- Number of Transfers
- Systematic effects
- Achievable Precision
- Selection of Calibration Platform
- Selection of optimal instrument concept
- 2.5.3 Standard Stars Network
- 2.5.4 RD - Deliverables
14Spectrophotometric Requirements
- Primary driver is the measurement of the light
curve at peak brightness of Type Ia Supernova - with redshifts to z1.7
- across the wavelength range of 350 to 1700 nm
- from 19th to 25th magnitude dynamic range of
250 - To yield errors on the dark energy equation of
state parameters w0 to 0.05 and w to 0.3 or
better - Desired for other space and ground programs
- NGST faint standard stars, to thermal IR
- Gemini faint standard stars, to mid IR
- possible opportunity for collaboration with
astronomical community - Dont need to know the absolute flux, but do need
to know the absolute color aka spectral shape. - Use full monte carlo equivalent to color
calibration of 2 in optical (U-Z), 3 in NIR
(Z-H), and 4 connecting the two (Zopt Znir).
15Spectrophotometric Requirements
Vega Spectrum
B-band and redshifted B-band filters
z0 Type Ia SN spectrum at maximum z1.4 Type Ia
SN spectrum at maximum
16Color Calibration Methodology
- The instrument sensitivity, sins(?) is a function
of stel, sopt and sdet, and can be determined
through direct comparison with a light source
whose output is known. - where F(?) is the flux of a known light source
(ergs cm-2 s-1 Ã…-1) and R is the response in
counts. - The zeropoint (in units of magnitude) of an
instrument system is determined through
observations of spectrophotometric standard
stars, which have previously been calibrated. - Valuable for other ground and space based programs
17Steps to Spectrophotometric Calibration
- Establish bright primary standard stars
calibrated - with NIST light sources 0th magnitude
- e.g. Oke Schild (1970), Oke Gunn (1983),
Hayes Latham (1975), - against models 12th -14th mag.
- e.g. Bohlin Colina (1997, 1994), Bohlin,
Dickinson Calzetti (2001) - into the NIR (out to 1.7 microns)
- .e.g. Witteborn, Cohen et al (1999)
- Establish secondary stars and transfer
calibration to fainter stars in 5 magnitude
steps with the following criteria - Wide color range
- Several dozen stars per step
- Using standard methods - eg , Landolt, SDSS
- Calibrate instrument(s) from 350 nm to 1700 nm
- photometric accuracy requirement of 2, similar
to SDSS - 3 in u, z, 1.5 in g,r,i Smith et al 2002
- verify past 1 micron
18Current Status
- Instrument concepts for calibration developed
- telescope, spectrograph, detectors
- Observing programs identified
- for primary stars space, balloon
- for secondary to nth stars space, ground
- Study of calibration experiments begun
- identification of calibrated light sources
- primary standard stars study
- identification of trade studies
- Error budget analysis started
- monte carlo studies of
- transfer errors from NIST light source to stars
- errors in star-to-star transfer
- Building experienced calibration team
- Draft calibration strategy
19Current Status Instrument Concepts
telescope instruments
- Pros
- fills telescope aperture
- delivers NIST traceable spectral irradiance
- Pros
- adapts to any telescope, 1- 4 meter class
- NIST traceable
20Current Status Calibration Steps
21Current Status Solar Spectral Irradiance
22Current Status White Dwarfs
UV optical okay, need to extend to NIR
figures from R. Bohlin
23First Calibration Error Study
- Figure shows the errors assuming calibration is
directly against a blackbody -- ie. no transfers,
no systematics. - 68 confidence level contours
- Errors increase by 20 with respect to no error
case (black contours)
24Transfer Errors HZ43
- First study of a NIST light source to 13th
magnitude white dwarf - primary calibration at balloon altitude, ,
transfer using two telescopes - monte carlo realization
- errors are 1.3 in color
25Color Calibration RD Trade Studies Artificial
Point Sources
- Attenuation of bright sources
- Geometry Key issue for precision calibration is
to simulate distant star using a bright light
source. - Attenuation Conceptual design of calibration
instrumentation to achieve desired attenuation - Flux Irradiance x geometry/distance2
- Selection of Standard Calibrator
- WD, KIII giants, Sun
- impact on spacecraft design and operation
- NIST traceable sources
- lamp (stability?,operating environment? physics)
- LEDs (wavelength ranges? stability?)
- Blackbody furnace (the gold standard,
expensive, physics?) - synchrotron light source (ground only?)
26Color Calibration RD Trade Studies Calibration
- Calibration Platform Studies
- Pros and cons of calibration program
- From the ground with existing and/or new
facilities - pro stable, accessible
- con systematics due to atmosphere, affects NIR
- In space space shuttle, space station, rocket
- pro accessible
- con long lead time
- With balloons at high earth altitude
- pro above H2O
- con pointing stability concern
- Using mixed platforms ground/space,
ground/balloon etc. - pro existing facilities
- con transfer systematics
27Color Calibration RD Trade Studies
Cost-Benefit-Risk Analyses
- For each platform need to understand
- Optimal calibration instrument concept
- Number of Transfers
- Systematic effects
- Understand and account for sources of systematic
errors between bright stars and NIST light source - Level of systematic errors in transference from
primary stars to 20th mag. standards - linearity of detectors how linear is linear?
faint target objects bright standard stars - background dependence
- bright standards against no background (short
exposure) vs. faint target against high
background (long exposure) - shutters, etc.
- Achievable Precision
28Color Calibration RD Trade Studies Network of
Spectrophotometric Standards
- Selection of Spectrophotometric Standard Stars
- Primary Standard Stars
- spectral types
- Hot White Dwarf HZ43
- Solar Analogs
- fields
- Secondary through Nth Standard Stars
- select from catalogs, e.g. Sloan Digital Sky
Survey - magnitude
- spectral types
- spectral colors
- fields equatorial, SNAP
- monitoring program for variability, companions
- Final selection of Spectrophotometric Standards
29Calibration RD Manpower
- Calibration team has expertise in
- space instrumentation
- astronomical calibration
- establishment of spectrophotometric standard star
networks - astronomical spectroscopy and imaging
- astronomical data reduction and analysis
- supernova observations
- instrument calibration
- Expect additions to team over next two years
30Calibration RD Schedule
31Calibration Deliverables
32(No Transcript)
33Spectrophotometric Requirements
- In an ideal universe, a supernovas magnitude is
- Thus errors on the observed magnitude, m(z, ?m,
??, w0 , w) are - To put an SN datum on a Hubble diagram, the
observed magnitude must be corrected for - photometric error
- extinction due to dust
minimize and identify errors
34Current Status Instrument Concepts
- Instrument concept for balloon based primary
35SDSS Photometric Accuracy
- The official accuracy on the SDSS photometry is a
combination of several things, but the final
values are - lt2 at r, (g-r), and (r-i)
- 3 at (u-g) and (i-z).
- To achieve that, the standard star system is
- lt1 at g,r,i and
- lt1.5 at u,z.
36First Calibration Error Study
- Figure shows the errors assuming calibration is
directly against a blackbody -- ie. no transfers,
no systematics. - 68 confidence level contours
- Errors increase by 20 with respect to no error
case (black contours)
37First Calibration Study
38First Study Calibration Errors Propagated
- Calibration bias from a temperature error in a
blackbody translates directly into error in the
distance modulus (black line).
- A bias in the calibration translates into a bias
in color. Extinction correction can reduce
distance-modulus bias by an order of magnitude.