Title: Restitution portrait:
1Restitution portrait
a new technique for investigating restitution
properties of periodically-paced cardiac tissue
- Elena Tolkacheva
- Duke University,
- Department of Physics
- Durham NC
2Talk Outline
- Introduction cardiac dynamics and
- APD restitution
- Memory in cardiac tissue
- Restitution Portrait
- experiment
- mathematical modeling
- Conclusions and future directions
3Cardiac dynamics
Major problem of cardiac dynamics is to
understand mechanisms causing cardiac electrical
instabilities (fibrillation) and sudden cardiac
Whole heart small pieces of cardiac
tissue fibrillation alternans
4Dynamics of periodically-paced cardiac tissue
Pacing protocol sequences of small external
Responses transmembrane voltage
small pieces of cardiac tissue
time (s)
5Dynamics typical responses
Action Potential Duration Diastolic
Interval Basic Cycle Length
6Normal responses (11) and alternans (22)
Normal response (11)
All action potentials identical
Long-short alternation of APD
Analysis Plot bifurcation diagram and
restitution curve
7Bifurcation diagram and restitution curve (RC)
Restitution relation alternans occur when slope
of restitution curve gt 1
8Restitution hypothesis
- Does it always work?
- No memory in cardiac tissue
- What can we do about it?
- New technique restitution portrait
9Memory in cardiac tissue
The presence of memory means that APD depends
not only on preceding DI but also on previous
history of the paced cardiac tissue
- Experimental results contradict theory
- failure of restitution relation
- slope of the RC does not predict the onset of
alternans - rate-dependent restitution
- RC depends on pacing protocol by which it is
measured - APD accommodation
- it take up to several minutes for APD to reach
10Failure of restitution relation
- Steep restitution
- stable 11 response
- Rabbit (Banville et al. JCE 131141,2002)
- Frog (G.M. Hall et al. PRL, 822995, 1999)
- Shallow restitution alternans
- Dog (Koller et al. AJP 44H1635, 1998., and
11Rate-dependent restitution
Pacing protocols
Dynamic (steady-state) Dynamic RC
S1-S2 (standard) S1-S2 RC
- Steady-state responses
- to a change in BCL
- Unique dynamic RC
- Immediate responses
- to a change in BCL
- Different S1 gt different RCs
12Rate-dependent restitution
- Different RCs have
- different slopes
- What slope we have to
- measure to predict
- alternans?
V. Elharrar, B.Surawicz, Am. J. Physiol. 244,
H782 (1983)
13More aspects of cardiac dynamics?
- S1-S2 RC Immediate response to a change in BCL
- Dynamic RC Steady-state response to a change in
BCL - What about the transient responses?
Response to sustained change in BCL
Response to perturbation
14Wealth of Information
- Four types of restitution curves
- 1 Dynamic
- S1-S2s for different S1-S1 cycle lengths
- CBs for sustained changes in BCL (CB-D)
- CBs for perturbations in BCL (CB-S)
- How can we assess all this information?
15Cardiac dynamics in presence of memory new
Present approach fails to describe cardiac
dynamics in presence of memory New approach
16New pacing protocol
design to measure all different RCs at each BCL
key information
17New pacing protocol
- Dynamic RC (D) at different B slope Sdyn
- S1S2 RC (S) slope S12
- Constant-BCL RC
- after change in B (CB-D) slope SCB-D
- after small perturbation (CB-S) slope SCB-S
18Experimental results responses at given BCL
19Restitution portrait 11 responses
20Restitution portrait transient alternans
21Slopes of different restitution curves 11
22Modeling Restitution
- Problem
- Restitution condition was derived mathematically
based - on an incomplete model where there is only one
- restitution curve
- Our goal
- Find a similar model
- Reproduce experimental restitution
- Develop a criterion for stability (prediction of
onset of alternans)
23Mapping models
- simple enough in compare to ionic models
- be derived on the basis of ionic models
- restitution relation can be derived directly
An1 function (previous states)
24Different types of mapping models
- One-dimensional mapping model without memory
- One-dimensional mapping model with memory
- Two-dimensional mapping model with memory
25Restitution portraits
26Stability of 11 response
Present restitution relation
Unique restitution curve
The slope of the restitution curve determines
stability of the 11 response
27New restitution relation
28New restitution relation
Individual slopes of the restitution curves do
not predict the onset of alternans
We propose a new method for measuring multiple
aspects of cardiac dynamics in presence of
memory the restitution portrait
We show that all RCs describe different aspects
of cardiac dynamics in presence of memory and
have to be measured simultaneously at each BCL
We derive a new restitution relation showing that
stability of the normal cardiac rhythm depends on
combination of the slopes of different types of
restitution curves measured simultaneously
31Future directions
- Develop methods to assess risk for cardiac
arrhythmias - Understand ionic mechanism of memory
- Obtain a restitution portrait for different
species, including human heart - cellular level
- tissue level
- whole heart
Duke University
- Physics BME
- Dan Gauthier Wanda Krassowska
- Hana Dobrovolny Soma Kalb
- Mathematics Pediatric Cardiology
- David Schaeffer Salim Idriss
- John Cain