2 3Creativity
4What Do We Believe?
5Positive School Climate Starts At The Curb
6The Bell-Shaped Curvesome just wont make it
7Do We Accept the Bell-Shaped Curve in Other
- Do you accept less than a 100 success rate from
- Your surgeon?
- Your airline pilot?
- What are you willing or not willing to accept
from the professionals who educate your child?
8Challenge Educate The Kind Of Kids We Have
- Not the kind we used to have
- Not the kind we want to have
- Or the kind that exists in our dreams
9Important Research
- Journal of the American Medical Association
(September 10, 1997) - Longitudinal study on adolescent health
- Survey of over 90,000 youth
- Findings-two key indicators for lowering the
risk of a child's involved in negative behavior
and improvements in academic achievement - Connectedness to a parent
- Connectedness to a school based person
10Key Predictor of Problem Behavior
- Based upon the federally funded national
longitudinal study of at risk youth behavior the
single most common risk factor for - crime, substance abuse, violence, teen pregnancy
and educational performance is unsupervised time. - Source research from-Americas Promise,
Communities in Schools, OJJDP, and Title V
11Even The Playing Field
- July 11th 1984
- Two babies born-July 11th was the first and last
day those two children were on the same playing
field - We are not comparing apples to apples
- Social Isolation
12Hiring-Tiggers and
13Get the right people on the bus, get the wrong
people off the bus, get the right people in the
right seats and the bus will drive itself
14Deal with CAVE people
15 16The best way to change the attitude of one of
your peers is to change your attitude and model
17Involve Youth
- Decision making
- Student council
- Board of education
- Leadership training
- Give youth a voice
18What would help all students do better in school?
19What would help all students be better students?
- What students said
- More hands on activities
- More enthusiastic teachers
- Teachers expand their teaching techniques
- Teachers improve their attitudes
- Have students learning from students
- Teachers show more respect towards students
- (Results of a five year study of students ideas
on improving learning, school safety, risk
prevention and relationships. James Ciurczak.
February 2004).
20Additional Findings
- What would help all students be better students
- Students drive to achieve academically is often
driven more by the student-teacher relationship
than by a fundamental interest in the subject. - Students see a positive relationship with
teachers as the pillars that come before learning - (Results of a five year study of students ideas
on improving learning, school safety, risk
prevention and relationships. James Ciurczak.
February 2004).
21Engage vs. Disengage
- Step Team
- Break Dancers
- Mural Project
- Individual - Institution PERSONALIZATION
23Keep School Open
- After school programs
- Evening programs
- Vacation periods
- The danger of unsupervised time
- Run for governor
- Practice active visibility
- Be seen where students dont expect you to be
seen - Cafeteria
- Bathrooms
25Know Your Customers
- Meet with students everyday
- Five per day
- Notes-letters
- Meet with staff everyday
26Practice Zero Tolerance with 100 Enrollment
27Reach the Unreachable
Terrell Young
28We need to get schools ready for kids, not kids
ready for schools.
29Go the extra mileits never crowded!
30Final Thoughts
31For Specific QuestionsRegarding This
- Steven W. Edwards, Ph.D.
- Phone (202) 359-5124
- Email stevewedwards_at_comcast.net