Title: Ch' 4: Procaryotic Profiles: The Bacteria
1Ch. 4 Procaryotic Profiles The Bacteria
- Prokaryote characteristics
- Characteristics of
- Archaebacteria (archaea)
- Eubacteria (Monera)
2Prokaryotic cell
- Appendages
- Flagella, periplasmic flagella
- Pili, fimbriae
- Cell envelope
- Glycocalyx capsule or slime layer
- Cell wall G, G-, Gram-variable
- Cell membrane phospholipid bilayer
- Cytoplasm
- Organelles
- Nucleoid/bacterial chromosome
3Bacteria cell structure
- Flagella
- function
- arrangement of appendages
- monotrichous
- lophotrichous
- amphitrichous
- peritrichous
4Bacteria cell structure
- Axial filaments - internal flagella
- function
- location
- pilus
- function
- only in G- bacteria
- conjugation
- fimbria
- function
5Cell Envelope (glycocalyx, cell wall, cell
- Glycocalyx
- slime layer
- capsule
- Cell wall
- functions
- G cell wall
- G- cell wall
- Gram variable cell wall
6G cell wall
- Wall components
- PG
- function
- location
- teichoic acid, lipoteichoic acid
- function
- location
7G- cell wall
- Wall components (know function and location)
- OM
- PG
- LP
- periplasmic space
- porin
8Gram-variable cell wallor Nontypical cell walls
- Mycobacterium (acid-fast bacteria)
- Mycoplasma
- Archaebacteria
- L-forms
9Cell membrane
- Function
- Phospholipid bilayer
- mesosomes
10Cytoplasm contents
- Ribosomes
- Granules
- Nucleoid
- Plasmids
- Endospores
11Staining Characteristics of Bacteria
- Gram staining
- Acid-fast staining
- Endospore staining
- Capsular staining
- other
12Gram Staining
- 1. Importance
- 2. Procedure
- crystal violet (primary stain)
- iodine (mordant)
- alcohol
- Safranin (secondary/counterstain)
- 3. G vs. G- vs. Gram-variable
13Gram Staining
- How can you tell if you have old cells or a mixed
14Bacteria Morphology
- Macroscopic vs. microscopic
- microscopic morphology - shape and arrangement
- 1. Coccus (pl. cocci)
- diplococci
- streptococci
- staphylococci
- sarcina
- tetrad
15Microscopic morphology
- bacillus (pl. bacilli)
- coccobacillus
- streptobacilli
- Spiral-shaped
- comma shaped genus Vibrio
- spirochete
- spirilla
- Pleomorphic
16Identifying Bacteria
- How to use Bergys Manual...
174 Divisions of Bacteria
- Division 1) Gracilicutes
- Class I Scotobacterial
- Characteristics
- Egs.
- Borrelia burgdorferi
- microscopic morphology
- disease
- history
- clinical manifestations
- treatment
- Treponema pallidum
- microscopic morphology
- disease
18Division 1) Gracilicutes, class I - Scotobacteria
- Family Enterobacteriaceae (Enterics)
- E. coli
- Salmonella
- Shigella
19Division I Gracilicutes
- Class II Anoxyphotobacteria
- Characterisitics
- Class III oxyphotobacteria
- Characteristics
20Division 2) Firmicutes
- Class I Firmibacteria
- Gram positive cocci
- Staphylococcus
- Streptococcus
- Gram positive endospore-forming rods
- Bacillus
- Clostridium
- (Mycobacterium)
- Class II Thallobacteria
- characteristics
21Division 3) Tenericutes
- Characteristics
- eg. Mycoplasma
22Division 4) Mendosicutes
23Species and subspecies of bacteria
- Define species
- Define subspecies/strain
24Whats your first impression?Im Borellia
- I look pink after Gram staining
- Im long and wavy
- I like the Bulls eye design
25Whats your first impression?Im E. coli
- I also look pink after Gram staining
- Im stubby, but not round
- I like to move around, but take my time.
- I love to live near the good restaurants and eat
when I please. - I like to travel from country to country by a
fecal-oral transmission.
26Whats your first impression?Im Salmonella
- Im pink by Gram stain
- My friends call me Rod
- I love eggs!
- I like my host to know Im there!
27Whats your first impression?Im Bacillus
- Im purple and long.
- I love to play in the dirt!
- I can survive adverse conditions or I can ensure
that those that follow me do. - I like oxygen but can do without!
- I dont like to
28Whats your first impression?Im Mycobacterium