Title: Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society First Annual AdoptAThon
1Alberta Animal Rescue Crew SocietyFirst
- The Alberta Animal Rescue Crew
- Society (AARCS) is a registered,
- non-profit animal rescue organization
3- Our first ever Adopt-A-Thon at Hounds Lounge in
Inglewood, Calgary - was a PAWSITIVELY
- RRRRROARING success!
4- Enjoy this little presentation featuring the
- stars of AARCS
5(No Transcript)
6- AARCS is comprised of a powerful
- network of passionate volunteers,
- foster homes and generous sponsors
7MaryKeepsA Watchful Eye Over Her Puppies
8- Caring veterinarians offer services at
- a reduced cost to help our animals in
- need of medical attention and vaccinations
- and spay or neuter services
9Aunty ShannonAn AARCS Angel
10- What an amazing year we had in 2008,
- adopting out 167 dogs!
11Tynee SeriouslyHOW can you resist a mug like
this? Im just askin?
12- And, so far in 2009 we are already at 43 and
- it's only the middle of February
13KelseyAnother AARCS Angel
14- We could not do this without our wonderful
- network of volunteer foster families, which is
growing all of the - time!
- Thank you for helping us be the best we can be!
15Shanna and Toby Whatcha Doin?
16- AARCS has no paid staff and is run
- completely by volunteers concerned
- about the welfare of animals in the
- province of Alberta...
17Sandy Oh BOY! Im Gonna Be Adopted!
18- We believe responsible spay/neutering
- and education of animal welfare and
- care is imperative to reducing the
- suffering of unwanted animals...
19Maui and TyneeHanging Out With Two Great People
20- Euthanasia is NOT considered an
- acceptable means for population
- control...
21- The care taken by AARCS volunteers to
- develop a respectful and collaborative
- relationship with the First Nations
- communities has resulted in the rapid
- growth of our society, as well as the
- number of animals rescued...
22Java Enjoying a Quiet Moment
23ZambiaI Cant Believe How Many People Are Here
to See ME!
24What Are Our Goals?
- Develop an animal welfare education program
- Create sustainable spay/neuter clinics
- Maintain an animal emergency fund for rescued
25ZorroOk, Seriously, This is QUITE the Place!
26- Go to the tab on our website How You Can Help
to find a good fit - Be a foster parent
- Become a member
- Donate
- Offer your strengths and gifts to AARCS
- Spread the word
- Keep our dogs in mind to adopt
- Be creative and bring us ideas!
27TobyGheadI DARE You to Take My Pink Piggy
28Get Involved!
- Website www.albertanimalrescuecrew.com
- Email info_at_albertaanimalrescuecrew.com
- or
- Call 403-815-2221 and ask for Katie
29A Gentle and Trusting Soul Takes a Nap
30- Most Importantly, The Beautiful Souls we
- Save Thank YouPlease Do Not
- Forget ThemThey Will Always Need
- Your Help and Kindness