Title: Create Interfaces
1Create Interfaces
- XHTML, XML, Flash review, Flash and XML example
- Homework review Flash examples as needed.
Research and answer question on XSLT.
- proper HTML
- nesting of tags
- NOT ltigtltbgtbold, italic stuff lt/igt lt/bgt
- all system tags lower case
- NOT ltH1gt
- all attribute values quoted
- empty tags with closing
- ltimg src"bird.gif" /gt
- Go to my website and click on the W3C
- What does W3C stand for?
- and look over errors.
- Determine how to do this validation for other
- Structure set up by developer(s) to hold
information. - YOU decide what is element, parent/child
relationships, attributes. - Only requirement is proper nesting.
5ltresultsgt ltmatch feature"no"gt
ltdategt04-Jun-2002 lt/dategt ltteam score"2"gtKorea
lt/teamgt ltteam score"0"gtPoland
lt/teamgt lt/matchgt ltmatch feature"yes"gt
ltdategt05-Jun-2002lt/dategt ltheadlinegtUSA
Winslt/headlinegt ltstorygtThe USA team upsets
Portugal in its first game in Round 1 of the
World Cup. The score was 3 to 2. Portugal was
considered a superior team. This means that the
USA will not finish last as it did in the
previous outing.lt/storygt ltteam score"3"gtUSA
lt/teamgt ltteam score"2"gtPortugal lt/teamgt
ltpicturegtsoccer2.jpglt/picturegt lt/matchgt
- Transforms XML to something else, such as HTML.
- Note will show examples, but not do much else
with XSLT.
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
9lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"
?gt ltxsltransform xmlnsxsl"http//www.w3.org/19
99/XSL/Transform" version"1.0"gt ltxsloutput
method"html"/gt ltxsltemplate match"/results"gt
lthtmlgt ltheadgtlttitlegtResults of World Cup
lt/titlegt ltLINK REL"stylesheet" TYPE"text/css"
HREF"results.css"/gt lt/headgt ltbodygt
ltxslapply-templates select"/results/match"gt
ltxslsort select"_at_feature" order"descending"/gt
lt/xslapply-templatesgt lt/bodygt
lt/htmlgt lt/xsltemplategt
10ltxsltemplate match"match_at_feature'yes'"gt
lth2gtltxslvalue-of select"headline"/gtltbr/gt lt/h2gt
lttablegt lttdgt ltxslvalue-of select"story"/gt
lt/tdgt lttdgtltimg src"picture" /gt lt/tdgt
lt/tablegt ltpgtScores follow....lt/pgt lt/xsltemplate
gt ltxsltemplate match"match"gt lth3gt
ltxslvalue-of select"team1"/gt versus
ltxslvalue-of select"team2"/gt lt/h3gt
ltpgtPlayed on ltxslvalue-of select"date"/gt lt/pgt
ltpgtResult ltxslvalue-of select"team1
"/gt ltxslvalue-of select"team1/_at_score "
/gt ltxsltextgt, lt/xsltextgt
ltxslvalue-of select"team2 "/gt
ltxslvalue-of select"team2/_at_score " /gt
lt/pgt lt/xsltemplategt lt/xsltransformgt
11Flash ActionScript 3.0. review
- NOTE my examples were done with Adobe CS3.
- The authoring environment looks somewhat
different - New features
- ???
12For review
- Open up source for partial rock-paper-scissors
- Note areas of screen
- Stage
- Properties panel
- Library
- Timeline (now on the bottom of screen)
- You are creating a file of type .fla
- Code can be 'in' frame, using Actions panel
- OR
- Code can be in separate .as file. Code in a .as
file defines a class for which there can be one
or more programmer-defined objects.
14Flash objects
- Many built-in objects
- MovieClip
- Sound
- Objects have properties (aka attributes aka
variables) and methods - Data and code
- Assuming target is a MovieClip instance,
target.x refers to a property of
ball target.gotoAndPlay(2) applies the
gotoAndPlay method to this particular MovieClip - Programmer can define objects by writing a class.
- The class defines the properties and the methods
- Class defined in a package
15Class vs object
- Methods or variables can be for each object or
just one for the whole class. - Math.random is a class method for the built-in
Math class. - gotoAndPlay is a method applying for each movie
clip object/instance.
- Classes can be subclasses of other classes and
inherit definitions of properties and methods. - Many built-in classes inherit properties of
MovieClip. - In my bouncing stuff example, the Ball, Rect, and
Star inherit properties and methods of Stuff.
- Var statements and function statements can be
preceded by modifiers indicated what code can
access them. - For example, the constructor method for Snapshot
must be public. It will be invoked from the .fla - public function Snapshot ( )void
- For example, the variables in Snapshot are
internal since they are only accessed by code
within the class.
- Programmer defined classes are implemented in the
same way as the built-in classes. - This is good news, but
- It does require attention to the naming and where
the class files are stored. - I will use terms properties, attributes,
variables interchangeably also objects,
instances, object instances.
19One or more of these situations
- .fla file refers to one Document class. This is
defined by .as file that is invoked when program
is loaded. - .fla file imports one or more packages,
programmer created or built-in. Invokes methods
to construct objects. Invokes class methods. - .fla file has symbols in Library linked to
- Objects created by coding must be added to what
is termed the display list to be displayed! - This is done by invoking addChild to something
that already is being displayed. - This can be tricky!
- Review in my examples
- jigsaw, bouncing things, shooter, set game
- Snapshot example
- Goal read in an XML file that will include the
names for picture files along with titles and
other information. Program will set up radio
buttons to display selected pictures. - Immediate goal read in and display a picture.
- Go to my ActionScript examples (new refers to
ActionScript 3.0, not older) and try Loading
examples. - Homework read through examples and re-create and
then make your own. - When testing, do include error handling.
23Outline of Snapshot.js
- package familyscenes
- import flash.display.
- import flash.net.URLRequest
- import flash.utils.Timer
- import flash.events.
- public class Snapshot extends MovieClip
- var statements
- public function Snapshot (picnameString,hookMo
vieClip,fixedwint) void - function imageloaded(eEvent)void
- // ends class definition
- // ends package
- Need import statements to refer to built-in Flash
objects by short-hand. - Don't always know what the package names are but
GENERALLY easy to interpret error messages and
look up in HELP. - Don't know ahead of time what variables will be
needed. - Loading a file takes time. The file being loaded
will signal an event. Use addEventListener to
invoke the function (method) that finishes the
25Notes, cont.
- Needed to send the .js code something to hook
onto (my words) for the addChild. - Decided to make all images the same size. Did
this be specifying a width AND then using scaleX
and scaleY to make the vertical dimension
proportional. - This is done automatically in HTML when setting
either width or height attributes.
26- public class Snapshot extends MovieClip
- internal var scenetimerTimer
- internal var ldrLoader
- internal var ldrcontentDisplayObject
- internal var fwint
27- public function Snapshot(picnameString,hookMovie
Clip,fixedwint)void - var imageURLRequestURLRequest new
URLRequest(picname) - ldr new Loader()
- ldr.load(imageURLRequest)
- ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener
(Event.COMPLETE,imageloaded) - hook.addChild(this)
- fw fixedw
28- function imageloaded(eEvent)void
- ldrcontent ldr.content
- this.addChild(ldrcontent)
- ldrcontent.width fw
- ldrcontent.scaleY ldrcontent.scaleX
- QUICKLY, draw or download jpg file to where you
will save the .fla file - Open up Flash. Create getsnapshot.fla
- Draw whatever you want on Stage. Include one
movie clip symbol instance named hook. In
Actions panel (for frame code)import
familyscenes. - var firstsceneSnapshot new
File name of jpg file
- Will repeat code shown in previous slides, now
squeezed into 2 slides. - Think while are copying the code.
31- package familyscenes
- import flash.display.
- import flash.net.URLRequest
- import flash.events.
- public class Snapshot extends MovieClip
- internal var ldrLoader
- internal var ldrcontentDisplayObject
- internal var fwint
- public function Snapshot(picnameString,hookMov
ieClip,fixedwint)void - var imageURLRequestURLRequest new
URLRequest(picname) - ldr new Loader() ldr.load(imageURLRequest)
- ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMP
LETE,imageloaded) - hook.addChild(this) fw fixedw
32Snapshot.as, cont.
- internal function imageloaded(eEvent)void
- ldrcontent ldr.content
- this.addChild(ldrcontent)
- ldrcontent.width fw
- ldrcontent.scaleY ldrcontent.scaleX
33Save Snapshot.as file
- Create a folder call it as3 (or whatever you
want) at top of drive. - In this folder, create a folder called
familyscenes - Within this folder, save your Snapshot.as file.
- In the .fla file, File/Publish Settings/ Flash
Settings browse and select the as3 folder.
34(No Transcript)
- You have 3 files
- getsnapshot.fla
- Snapshot.as
- Whatever your jpg is
- File/Publish takes the .fla file and any .as
files used and produces .html and .swf files - Upload
- getsnapshot.html, getsnapshot.swf
- Whatever your jpg is
36Next step
- Reading in XML
- Some similarity to reading in jpg file
- Extracting information from the XML to
- build Snapshot objects
- display titles
- Set up radio buttons
Totally my invention
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"utf-8"?gt
- ltalbumgt
- ltitemgt
- ltpicnamegtpicnic3.jpglt/picnamegt
- lttitlegtPicniclt/titlegt
- lt/itemgt
- ltitemgt
- ltpicnamegtthree.jpglt/picnamegt
- lttitlegtCelebrating thesis
defenselt/titlegt - lt/itemgt
- ltitemgt
- ltpicnamegtemcoreydog.jpglt/picnamegt
- lttitlegtEsther, Corey and the doglt/titlegt
- lt/itemgt
- lt/albumgt
38ActionScript XML
- XML object that can be created from a String or
from data in a URLLoader object. - Load in the XML file and thenmyXML
XML(myLoader2.data) - Can refer to properties by name
- There also are methods for determining property
names and attribute names. - Can iterate over properties, in this case all (3)
item elements. - for each (var propXML in myXML.item)
- var firstsceneSnapshot new
Snapshot(prop.picname,hook,fixedw) -
- Posting possibilities
- Do research and make posting (and/or comment) if
my XSLT decision was appropriate. - Use Flash help to determine how to get at
attributes - Review Flash examples
- Read tutorials on my site.