Title: Internships
- Carla J. Kinslow, M.S
- NIEHS Pre-graduate Fellow
- Cell Biology program
2Introduction -
- What is an internship in Biotechnology/Bioethics?
- Full time job for a short period of time
- Get paid - mostly
- Usually in industry/away from academia
- Type of work technical, marketing, law, sales
- Variations of internships
- Externships
- Work-study programs (Co-Ops)
3Questions that Im going to address
- Where to look for internship opportunities?
- Companies that offer internships
- How are they different from one another?
- Brief description of the type of work, work
environment, what is expected from you - How much money will I make?
- How I get started?
4What kind of experiences can I expect?
You here?
5What kind of experiences can I expect?
You here?
6More like this
7What kind of experiences can I expect?
- Learning the culture of a company
- Learning new techniques
- Making key professional connections for after you
graduate - Maybe a publication?
- Working on part of your dissertation while
earning some cash! - Pretend its a 3-6 month interview!
8How do I get started?
- Have an idea of what you want to do
- Go to the web and look at deadlines!
- Prepare your Resume AND CV
- Use someone elses at UTMB as your guideline
- Get a list of people you want for references
- Communicate with your school/family!
9Your Mentor what she/he thinks matters
- No challenges! you are on your way!
- Challenges you may face
- Too early in your degree may have to wait until
after your qualifiers (full candidacy) - Money constraints money now, no money when you
get back - Your mentor does not see the benefit
10They are afraid you may not come back!!!
11Tackle these challenges!
- Too early?
- Set goals to get where you need to be to go to
the internship - Work with your mentor to set these
12Tackle these challenges
- Money
- See if you can post pone activation of a
fellowship/monies - Save now, pay later
- Ensure them that you WILL be coming back and
STICK to it!
- Your mentor can put it on her/his CV
- Gives them a dimension to their resume that
others dont - Possibility to collaborate with industry through
you! - You act as a liaison for the university
- THEY dont have to pay for you for a few
- Independent connections from your mentor
- Tests your ability to work independently from
your lab/mentor - Bring new experiences back to benefit your lab
15Your Committee
- Same challenges
- Get your mentor on board and let her/him help you
with negotiating with the committee
16The graduate school
- Nothing (that I know of) has been standardized
for a full time grad-student to take an
internship - leave of absence
- Registration
- Insurance
- EVERYONE must be on the same page
17Your family/your job
- You may have to be away for a few months
- Partner/Spouse/Signif-icant other may have to get
a job with you - Can you give up your apartment (sub-let)?
18Find and apply to a few internships
- Connections
- Conferences
- Mentor connections
- That sales rep that just left your lab!!!!
- When to apply
- Fall for Summer interns
- Locations
- Houston
- US
- International
20Job type
- Technical
- learn new techniques that you can apply to your
dissertation - Marketing
- VERY hard to get VERY competitive
21Job type
- Sales
- Easier to get sell yourself, you can sell
anything! - Law Ethics!
- patent law (mainly), but look for others!
- Genetic Counseling!
22Big companies (on handout)
- Washington, DC
- Proctor and Gamble
- Johnson and Johnson
- National labs
- Dr. Tom Fredricks (RIT) website
- http//www.rit.edu/7Egtfsbi/
- http//www.rit.edu/7Egtfsbi/Symp/summer.htm
23- http//education.ca.sandia.gov/internships/index.h
tml - Technical areas. However, we do have some
internships in business areas - CO-OP
- Students who participate in a co-op take a
semester/quarter off of school to work as an
intern. - Offered at the same time as most academic
semesters/quarters - begins the last week in August and ends the
second week in December. - Only American citizens
- Sandia does not assume responsibility for
arranging housing for interns. However, if you
check our web site, you will see some options for
housing assistance. - What is the typical compensation for interns at
Sandia? from 10.25 33.26/hr (high school
through all graduate levels) depending on the
work you are performing and your accumulated
school credits.
24- http//www.anl.gov/index.html
- https//international.dep.anl.gov/IAEACareers/docs
- Opportunities for Young U.S. Citizens
- IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria.
- The Internship Program
- The IAEA accepts a limited number of interns each
year at its headquarters in Vienna, Austria. - The program
- Duration Three months to one year, a minimum of
one month may also be accepted. - Stipend Not paid. However, applicants may
request financial assistance if necessary, which
is available at the discretion of the hiring
division at the rate of 1000 euros/month. - Eligibility
- May apply for up to two years after the
completion of a - bachelors, masters or doctoral degree.
25Los Alamos National Laboratories
- http//www.lanl.gov/education/jumpstart/programs.
shtml - http//www.lanl.gov/education/
- The Graduate Research Assistant Program (GRA)
- A year-round program that provides students with
relevant research experience while they are
pursuing a graduate degree. - Scientific and technical disciplines.
- In some cases, students can arrange to conduct
masters or doctoral thesis research at the
Laboratory. - Appointments last from 90 days up to one year,
with a renewal option based on program
requirements. - GRA students are selected on the basis of field
of study, good academic standing at their
college or university, and research interests.
26- An Intern
- Three-month, full-time assignment from May or
June through August. - Part-time internships may also be available,
allowing students to work part-time all year or
for a specific period of time while attending
classes at their university. - A Co-op
- Hired for a six-month, full-time assignment, from
January through June/August or from June through
December. - Students generally take a full semester off from
school for co-op assignments. Depending on the
university, students may receive credit for their
co-op work experience.
27Merck Co., Inc.
- http//www.merck.com/careers/university/internship
s.html - Our internships are paid positions.
- 10-12 weeks during the summer.
- Most are located at our facilities in West Point,
PA Rahway, NJ and Whitehouse Station, NJ,
though others are offered in Puerto Rico,
Kirkland, WA, Charlotte, NC and more! - We offer nearby housing accommodations that are
arranged and subsidized. - Diversity and flexibility are integral parts of
our intern program, some interns may have the
opportunity to choose their position or arrange a
convenient flex-time schedule.
28Procter and Gamble, Inc.
- www.pg.com
- Strong record of retention
- Promote from within
- Career growth opportunities
- No Career Box
- Training programs
- Self-directed training
- Global training programs
- Internal technical symposiums
- Electronic knowledge sharing
- Technical/professional meetings
- Pre-screening standards
- GPA of at least 2.5
- Meets enrollment requirements of their campus
- Available to work full-time PG work schedule
- Paid transportation there and back
- Pay to move car
- Pay for one visit back to home
- Helps arrange housing
- Helps spouse/significant other job opportunities
while youre an intern
31Occidental Petroleum
- http//www.oxy.com/Careers/internships/internships
.htm - Occidental offers a limited number of summer
internships to students with backgrounds in
Petroleum Engineering, Geophysics and Geology,
Land and Health, Environment and Safety for our
oil and gas division. - We also offer a limited number of internships for
our corporate operations. - Looking for people who have a blend of excellent
technical and interpersonal skills, integrity,
clear vision, global sophistication, safety
awareness and dedication to protecting the
environment wherever Occidental operates.
32Ethics Group Internship Program
- http//www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/2618.html
- AMA Headquarters in Chicago
- Internships are unpaid but participants
- Will receive course credit for their work in
accordance with the requirements of their
academic program. - Researching legal, medical, or ethics literature
and other resources organizing and summarizing
research material and handling telephone
inquiries or written correspondence. - Winter/Spring internship
- Applications due Early November
- Start date Early January
- Summer internship
- Applications due February
- Start date Early June
33- http//www.washingtoninternship.com/sample_interns
hips.html - You dont get paid!
- But you get to work with
34Web-site for international internshipshttp//www.
- Paid Internships with overtime pay after 40 hours
- Typically in summer for 10-12 weeks
- Located at our U.S. offices in Fort Worth, TX
- Use of the Alcon Fitness Center and other
recreational facilities - Membership in the Alcon Credit Union
36Genetic counseling
- Fellowship Training Program
- The "training tracks"
- Summer Student Fellowships, Postdoctoral
Fellowships for Neurologists and Postdoctoral
Research Fellowships. - Summer Student Fellows
- medical students in the pursuit of
Parkinson's-related summer research projects. - 10 weeks of laboratory work under a sponsor who
oversees the project. - The maximum award for summer student fellows is
37Ok.Ive got some offers, but are they good?
38Everything spelled out
- Salary
- Exact start and end dates
- Who will be your supervisor/contact person
- What department you will be in?
- Where exactly you will be working?
- Many companies have several locations in one
city/region - How much will I get paid?
39Call and ask - dont be shy!
- Housing costs information/help
- Moving costs information/help
- How to do my taxes
- State tax???...What the.!
40Im going!...now what?
- You have a short period of time to truly impress
these people - Learn the culture of the company
41Company culture
- Learn how the company is structured
- Meet with as many people as possible
- Interact with as many regular employees as
possible - Do you like the way the company operates
- Ethics?
- Hours?
- Is your boss overworked, underpaid, have there
been layoffs?
42Im HERE!! what are they going to do to me????
- Orientation?
- Where do I park?
- Get to work!
- Get focused and set goals
- Many, many social opportunities
43Communicate with as many people as possible
- Let as many people as possible know your goals
upon graduation - Talk to people away from your group
- Marking
- Sales
- Communication
- Research
- You never know who knows who
- Learn to network!
44Ive finishednow what?
- Get names/email addresses of key people who know
you and your work - Stay in contact with them
- Maybe have another internship the next year?
- Can you get a publication out of your work?
45Im backnow what?
- Meet with the graduate school/your mentor
- After youve registered
- Re-instate your insurance
- Have a committee meeting
- Have a clear vision of where youre going next in
your degree
- Just do it!!
- It will take out 3-6 months of your degree
- But!
- You will get SOOO much!!!
- You will come out more focused and driven!!
- You will know where your going to be and will be
more motivated to get there!!!