Title: The Adventures of Study Island
1The Adventures of Study Island
- Case of the Lafayette School
- Everett, MA
2Not too long ago, the students of the Lafayette
School were faced with a very grave
challenge. raise your overall MCAS scores or a
cry for help arose from the school for a solution.
3Principal Shaw put out the call quick for help
from none other than...
Study Island
4(No Transcript)
5Teachers used Study Islands vast features in
many ways to motivate students.
- printable worksheets for teachers
- generating progress reports
- after school clubs
- home use
- computer lab use
- library use
6Study Island gave the school many other amazing
create custom material
automatically e-mailing reports
Generate an array of report types on individuals
or groups
switch messaging on or off
Access to a large variety of topics
Create progress graphs
And Much More!
lessons on topics (printable)
7The Lafayette staff got very creative with the
powers of Study Island.
8Third grade teachers made an after-school club so
students could use Study Island to strengthen
their skills.
9Mr. Shaw created a Study Island Contest!
- Super students who answered the most questions
correctly on Study Island got a great reward. - They became V.I.P.s attending our school
basketball game. - They sat at a special table with snacks included.
SI had the power to automatically e-mail Mr. Shaw
a report every week!
10In Computer Class.
- class summary reports were displayed.
- items which gained a fantastic grade were
highlighted to show student growth. - students worked hard to get topics highlighted.
11The powers of Study Island sped through the
building like a locomotive in professional
development sessions.
12As a result, the students skills in Math, ELA,
and Science grew and grew
13.the Lafayette Schools MCAS scores improved!!!
14No problem.
Thank You Study Island!!!
To be continued..........