Title: Class Prep
1Class Prep
- Bring to Class
- In-Class Exercise
- Paper for Classroom Printer
- Copy sample programs from course folder
2Alternate HW 4d Solution
- I wanted you to write this program using a for
loop inside the while loop, but notice that the
problem can also be done using the more efficient
"implicit" MATLAB loop mechanism - HW 4d by Dave Hannay
- while true
- count input('Number of random points? ')
- if count lt 0
- break
- end if
- pts rand(count, 2) two columns (x,y)
- hits sum(sqrt(pts(,1).2 pts(,2).2) lt
1) - myPI 4 hits / count
- end while
3Get Sample Programs
- Copy 109Week05 sub-folder from 109 course folder
to H\csc109 - If not already there
- Run MATLAB and switch to your sub-folder as your
Current Directory
4Week 05-c(not in textbook)
- strrep
- Regular Expressions
5Hands-On DEMO String Manipulation strrep(not in
- S strrep(S1, S2, S3) replaces all occurrences
of the string S2 in S1 with the string S3. The
new string is returned. - gtgt start 'This is a good example'
- gtgt new1 strrep(start, 'good', 'great')
- new1 This is a great example
- gtgt new2 strrep(start, ' ', '')
- new2 Thisisagoodexample
6Character Casing
- upper(str) to convert all letters to UPPER CASE
- lower(str) to convert to lower case
- gtgt shout upper('Hi there')
- shout
7Hands-On DEMO Regular Expression Match
regexp('str','expr') (not in textbook)
- Any Single Character . (that's a period sitting
there) - Use '..ain' in an expression to match a sequence
of five characters ending in 'ain'. (Note that .
matches white-space characters, like space, as
well) - str 'The rain in Spain falls mainly on the
plain.' - regexp(str, '..ain')
- ans 4 13 24 39
- Matches ' rain', 'Spain', ' main', and 'plain'.
- Returning Strings Rather than Indices
- Here is the same example, this time specifying
the command qualifier 'match'. In this case,
regexp returns the text of the matching strings
rather than the starting index - regexp(str, '..ain', 'match')
- ans ' rain' 'Spain' ' main' 'plain'
8Character Classes (I'll have a handout with this
info for the test)
- Character classes represent either a specific set
of characters (e.g., uppercase) or a certain type
of character (e.g., non-white-space).
9Selected Characters Range of Characters
- Selected Characters c1c2c3 Use c1c2c3 in an
expression to match selected characters r, p, or
m followed by 'ain'. Specify two qualifiers this
time, 'match' and 'start', along with an output
argument for each, mat and idx. This returns the
matching strings and the starting indices of
those strings - mat idx regexp(str, 'mrpain', 'match',
'start') - mat
- 'rain' 'pain' 'main'
- idx
- 5 14 25
- Range of Characters c1 - c2 Use c1-c2 in an
expression to find words that begin with a letter
in the range of A through Z - mat idx regexp(str, 'A-Z\w', 'match',
'start') - mat
- 'The' 'Spain'
- idx
- 1 13
10Multiple Occurrences
- Zero or More exprUse to match strings having
any number of the previous expression, including
none at all. - str 'LOOKS LIKE IT SHOULD WORK SO'
- expr 'LO'
- regexp(str, expr, 'match')
- ans
- 'LOO' 'L' 'L'
- One or More exprWith you must have at least
one occurrence of the expression. This looks for
one or more O's followed by any letter - expr 'OA-Z'
- regexp(str, expr, 'match')
- ans
- 'OOK 'OU' 'OR'
11Word and White-Space Characters
- \w, \sUse \w and \s in an expression to find
words that end with the letter n followed by a
white-space character. - mat ix regexp(str, '\wn\s', 'match',
'start') - mat
- 'rain ' 'in ' 'Spain ' 'on '
- ix
- 5 10 13 32
12Numeric Digits
- \dUse \d to find numeric digits in the following
string - numstr 'Easy as 1, 2, 3'
- mat idx regexp(numstr, '\d','start',
'match') - mat
- '1' '2' '3'
- idx
- 9 12 15
13Logical Grouping Operators(again they'll be on
the handout for test)
- Logical operators do not match any specific
characters. They are used to specify the context
for matching an accompanying regular expression.
14Hands-On DEMO Start End of Words
- Start and End of Word MatchUse \ltexpr\gt to match
any words containing only a's or b's, ignore
character casing (note i at end of regexpi) - a_b 'ab aaa B Aaaa bbb aAabBbcCc cdab'
- mat idx regexpi(a_b, '\ltab\gt', 'match',
'start') matches sub-words starting with a or
ending with b - mat idx regexpi(a_b, '\lt(ab)\gt', 'match',
'start') matches words containing ONLY a's or
ONLY b's -
15What if the Pattern is Nowhere to be Found?
- gtgt regexp('Original String','look for')
- ans
16regexprep extends strrep
- gtgt str 'I came, I saw, I conquered!'
- gtgt regexprep(upper(str), 'A-Z','')
- ans
17Arrays of Strings
- Character string arrays can be constructed by
either of the following - As a vertical vector of strings, all of which
must be the same length - By using a special version of the char() cast
function that accepts a variable number of
strings with different lengths, pads them with
blanks to make all rows the same length, and
stores them in an array of characters
18Hands-On DEMO String Arrays
- Strings in each row that are not the same length
- a 'Now''is''the''time'
- Same length
- dbl 'ww''xx''yy''zz'
- OK
- Fancy new version of char function
- words char('Now','is','the','time')
- to check for trailing blanks
- words dbl
19Bio-Engineering Example DNA
- See MatlabDNA folder inside 109Week05 folder
- DNA_System.m
- GenerateDNA.m
- CountCG.m
- FindOpenReadingFrame.m
20Hands-On DEMO Count of Occurrences
- ShakespeareSonnet18 by Dave Hannay
- Sonnet18 ...
- 'Shall I compare thee to a Summer''s day?'
... - 'Thou art more lovely and more temperate'
... - . . .
- 'So long lives this, and this gives life to
thee.' - searchWord input('Word to find? ', 's')
- count CountWord(Sonnet18, searchWord) try
thou - disp(upper(searchWord) ' occurs ' int2str(count)
' times in Sonnet 18') - function TheCount CountWord(text, word)
- pattern '\lt' word '\gt'
- foundAt regexpi(text, pattern)
- TheCount length(foundAt)
21In-Class Exercise 5c mini-GOOGLE
- Search for Prefix of a string
- Write a function findPrefix that takes in two
strings. If the second string is contained within
the first string, return ALL WORDS matching
prefix. If not, return empty vector. - HINT Other than the function heading and
comments, you can do this in a single line of
code! - Use provided main program cs109ex5c.m
- Put your name on cs109ex5c.m and findPrefix.m
23Secret Messages--Text Approach
- A scheme that makes use of the MATLAB random
number generator to create a random character
shift unique to each occurrence of characters in
a message, so that letter frequency cannot be
used to determine the encryption technique. - At the destination, as long as the random number
generator is seeded with an agreed value, the
message can be reconstructed by shifting back the
message characters. - A few minor modifications wrap the characters on
the alphabet to remain within the set of
printable letters.
24The Solution (see Listing_06_1.m)
- encryption section
- seed the random generator to a known state
- rand('state', 123456) 123456 is arbitrary
- lo_ch 33 where did these numbers come
from??? - hi_ch 126
- range hi_ch1 - lo_ch
- rn floor( range rand(1, length(txt) ) )
- change (txtgtlo_ch) (txtlthi_ch)
- enc txt
- enc(change) enc(change) rn(change)
- enc(enc gt hi_ch) enc(enc gt hi_ch) - range
- disp('encrypted text')
- encrypt char(enc)
25The Solution - decryption
good decryption seed the random generator to
the same state rand('state', 123456) rn floor(
range rand(1, length(txt) ) ) change
(encryptgtlo_ch) (encrypt lt hi_ch) dec
encrypt dec(change) dec(change) - rn(change)
range dec(dec gt hi_ch) dec(dec gt hi_ch) -
range disp('good decrypt') decrypt char(dec)