Title: Do You Know Christmas Part 3
1Do You Know Christmas? Part 3
2Work together in tables to figure out how well
you know about Christmas?
Which of these movies is NOT a Christmas movie?
a. Home for the Holidays
b. Elf
c. Holiday Inn
d. Die Hard
Which of these movies is NOT a Christmas movie?
a. Home for the Holidays
In Greek legend, malicious creatures called
Kallikantzaroi sometimes play troublesome pranks
at Christmas time. What should you do to get rid
of them?
a. Placate them with gifts of rice pudding
b. Burn either salt or an old shoe
c. Sing hymns in a loud voice
d. Throw your sandals at them
The jolasveinar, or yule lads, are a
traditional part of an Icelandic Christmas. What
are they?
a. Thirteen gift-giving goblins
b. In charge of Santas reindeer
c. Woodcutters
d. The best male singers from each village
George Frederick Handels great Christmas
oratorio, The Messiah, was first performed in
1742. Where did the performance take place?
a. London
b. Dublin
c. Vienna
d. Jerusalem
10The first commercial Christmas card is generally
agreed to have been the one shown below. The card
had a hostile reception from some people. Why?
11The first commercial Christmas card is generally
agreed to have been the one shown above. The card
had a hostile reception from some people. Why?
a. It depicted a family, children and adults,
drinking wine
b. A mass-produced card was felt to violate the
Christmas spirit
c. The ivy leaves bordering the design were once
a pagan symbol
d. The cards popularity raised fears of a paper
The poinsettia is a traditional Christmas flower.
Where did it originally grow?
a. Canada
b. China
c. Mexico
d. Spain
Some people like to hide a coin or trinket in
Christmas pudding. This may have originated in
the ancient custom, in Rome and elsewhere, of
concealing a particular object in food. What was
a. A key
b. A piece of parchment with a fortune written on
c. A ruby or saphire
d. A dried bean
What important contribution to our Christmas
customs was made by Louis Prang, who came to the
USA from Germany in the 19th Century?
a. Printing the first special Christmas edition
of a major magazine
b. Being the first to use an image of Santa Claus
in an advertisement
c. Publishing the first childrens book featuring
Santa Claus
d. Popularizing the sending of printed Christmas
One fairly modern Christmas ritual is the British
monarchs broadcast to the people on Christmas
day. The first was given by George V in 1932.
Who wrote the kings speech?
a. The king himself
b. childrens author, Enid Blyton
c. Rudyard Kipling
d. Sir Winston Churchill
The Urn of Fate is part of the Christmas
celebrations in many Italian households. What is
a. A jar full of fortunes
b. A game in which players toss coins into a cup
c. An actual urn containing presents
d. A special decoration that recalls the
fragility of life
In Lithuania, if Kaledu Senelis, or Grandfather
Christmas, appears to the children on Christmas
Eve to hand out presents, the recipient must
a. Find the gift while blindfolded
b. Guess what the gift is, or pay a forfeit
c. Kneel to receive the gift
d. Perform a song or poem before receiving the
In Greek legend, malicious creatures called
Kallikantzaroi sometimes play troublesome pranks
at Christmas time. What should you do to get rid
of them?
a. Placate them with gifts of rice pudding
b. Burn either salt or an old shoe
c. Sing hymns in a loud voice
d. Throw your sandals at them
In Greek legend, malicious creatures called
Kallikantzaroi sometimes play troublesome pranks
at Christmas time. What should you do to get rid
of them?
b. Burn either salt or an old shoe
The jolasveinar, or yule lads, are a
traditional part of an Icelandic Christmas. What
are they?
a. Thirteen gift-giving goblins
b. In charge of Santas reindeer
c. Woodcutters
d. The best male singers from each village
The jolasveinar, or yule lads, are a
traditional part of an Icelandic Christmas. What
are they?
a. Thirteen gift-giving goblins
George Frederick Handels great Christmas
oratorio, The Messiah, was first performed in
1742. Where did the performance take place?
a. London
b. Dublin
c. Vienna
d. Jerusalem
George Frederick Handels great Christmas
oratorio, The Messiah, was first performed in
1742. Where did the performance take place?
b. Dublin
25The first commercial Christmas card is generally
agreed to have been the one shown above. The card
had a hostile reception from some people. Why?
a. It depicted a family, children and adults,
drinking wine
b. A mass-produced card was felt to violate the
Christmas spirit
c. The ivy leaves bordering the design were once
a pagan symbol
d. The cards popularity raised fears of a paper
26The first commercial Christmas card is generally
agreed to have been the one shown above. The card
had a hostile reception from some people. Why?
a. It depicted a family, children and adults,
drinking wine
The poinsettia is a traditional Christmas flower.
Where did it originally grow?
a. Canada
b. China
c. Mexico
d. Spain
The poinsettia is a traditional Christmas flower.
Where did it originally grow?
c. Mexico
Some people like to hide a coin or trinket in
Christmas pudding. This may have originated in
the ancient custom, in Rome and elsewhere, of
concealing a particular object in food. What was
a. A key
b. A piece of parchment with a fortune written on
c. A ruby or saphire
d. A dried bean
Some people like to hide a coin or trinket in
Christmas pudding. This may have originated in
the ancient custom, in Rome and elsewhere, of
concealing a particular object in food. What was
d. A dried bean
What important contribution to our Christmas
customs was made by Louis Prang, who came to the
USA from Germany in the 19th Century?
a. Printing the first special Christmas edition
of a major magazine
b. Being the first to use an image of Santa Claus
in an advertisement
c. Publishing the first childrens book featuring
Santa Claus
d. Popularizing the sending of printed Christmas
What important contribution to our Christmas
customs was made by Louis Prang, who came to the
USA from Germany in the 19th Century?
d. Popularizing the sending of printed Christmas
One fairly modern Christmas ritual is the British
monarchs broadcast to the people on Christmas
day. The first was given by George V in 1932.
Who wrote the kings speech?
a. The king himself
b. childrens author, Enid Blyton
c. Rudyard Kipling
d. Sir Winston Churchill
One fairly modern Christmas ritual is the British
monarchs broadcast to the people on Christmas
day. The first was given by George V in 1932.
Who wrote the kings speech?
c. Rudyard Kipling
The Urn of Fate is part of the Christmas
celebrations in many Italian households. What is
a. A jar full of fortunes
b. A game in which players toss coins into a cup
c. An actual urn containing presents
d. A special decoration that recalls the
fragility of life
The Urn of Fate is part of the Christmas
celebrations in many Italian households. What is
c. An actual urn containing presents
In Lithuania, if Kaledu Senelis, or Grandfather
Christmas, appears to the children on Christmas
Eve to hand out presents, the recipient must
a. Find the gift while blindfolded
b. Guess what the gift is, or pay a forfeit
c. Kneel to receive the gift
d. Perform a song or poem before receiving the
In Lithuania, if Kaledu Senelis, or Grandfather
Christmas, appears to the children on Christmas
Eve to hand out presents, the recipient must
d. Perform a song or poem before receiving the
How many Wisemen came to see Jesus?
How many Wisemen came to see Jesus?
The Bible doesnt say
What color is Ruldolphs nose?
What color is Ruldolphs nose?
44Do You Know Christmas? Part 3