Title: Artistic Multiprojection Rendering
1Artistic Multiprojection Rendering
- Maneesh Agrawala Stanford University
- Denis Zorin New York University
- Tamara Munzner Stanford University
Eurographics Rendering Workshop 2000
- Artists often deviate from linear projection
- Alter projection for each object
- Curvilinear, nonlinear, inverted
- Express mood, feeling, idea
- Improve comprehensibility
- Visualize spatial relationships
Giorgio de Chiricos Mystery and Melancholy of a
- Artists often deviate from linear projection
- Different projection for each object
- Curvilinear, nonlinear, inverted
- Express mood, feeling, idea
Five different projections
4Artistic Expression
- Viewing Anomalies
- Cezannes Still Life with Fruit Basket
Schematic from Loran (1943)
- Reduce Wide-Angle Distortion
- Curved objects near camera appear distorted
- Row of columns (Leonardo da Vinci)
- Reduce Wide-Angle Distortion
- Curved objects near camera appear distorted
- Row of columns (Leonardo da Vinci)
Multiple projections correct distortion
- Artificial Perspective
- Multiple parallel projections
- Orient receding parallel towards vanishing point
- Some area comparisons possible
53rd Street Map (Guarnaccia 93)
- Resolving visibility
- No well-defined visibility ordering
- Automatic methods
- Provide user control when necessary
- Camera constraints
- Camera placement image composition
- Animated effects (e.g. sprites)
- Interactive rendering
- Immediate feedback modeling much easier
9Video Part I
10Resolving Visibility
- Camera groups
- Local camera, geometry
- shape distortion
- image plane position
- Composite local images multiprojection image
Camera group A
Camera group B
11Depth-Based Compositing
- Warp local image pixels - master camera
- Apply standard z-buffer
- Does not always work as expected!
Multiprojection image
Master camera
12Multiprojection Depth-Compositing Only
Single Projection Master Camera View
13Multiprojection Depth-Compositing Only
Single Projection Master Camera View
14Object-Level Occlusion
- For each pair of objects compute occlusion
constraints in master camera - Ambiguities
- Convex hulls intersect (binary occlusion cycle)
- No interaction in master view
- Occlusion cycles (more than 2 objects)
- Fall back to depth-based compositing
- Allow user-specified occlusion constraints
15Visibility Algorithm
- Multipass
- Render each object with local and master camera
- Five camera groups, 402x491, 10-12 fps RE2
16Camera Constraints
- Object-Size
- Direct-Orientation
- Fixed-Position
- Fixed-View
17Video Part II
18Object Size
- Objects size (red) fixed as camera moves towards
it - Used in Hitchcocks Vertigo
19Direct - Orientation
- Point camera towards object (magenta)
- Maintain object position in image plane (cyan)
20Fixed - View
- Sprite like motion
- Image size (red)
- Image position (green)
- Orientation (magenta)
21Results Still Life
- Local cameras 10
- Setup 1 hour
- FPS 3-5
22Results Row of Columns
23Results de Chirico
- Setup
- Constraints very useful
- Match 20 minutes
- Animation 1 hour
- FPS 10-12
- Occlusions computed properly during animation
24Related Work
- Reducing distortion
- Theater (Dorsey 91), photo (Zorin 95), VR
(Glaeser 99) - Omnimax (Max 83)
- Generalized alternatives to linear projection
- Curvilinear, nonlinear, inverted, 3D warps,
oblique - (Inakage 91, Löffelmann 96, Levene 98)
- Multiple projections
- Löffelman manipulate rays in image space
- Levene local cam. (shape), master cam.
25Future Work
- Animation
- Sliding objects
- Flexible camera constraints
- Lighting
- Currently
- Lights defined in global scene
- Local images lit individually
- Shadows explicitly modeled
- Shadows, reflection, transparency?
- Automatic visibility resolution
- Constraints to set camera parameters
- Interactive rendering
- Many applications
- Expression
- Representation
- Visualization
- Pat Hanrahan
- Greg Niemeyer
28(No Transcript)
29Representation I
- Best Views
- Large display billboard, mural
- Oblique viewing angle
- Wide range of viewpoints
- Application wall-sized displays
Paolo Uccelos Sir John Hawkwood
30Results City Overview
Multiple oblique projections
Standard perspective projection