Title: Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies
1B, K M Chapter 4
- Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies
2Benefits of Investment Companies
- Administration record keeping
- Diversification divisibility
- Professional management
- Reduced transaction costs
3Net Asset Value
- Used as a basis for valuation of investment
company shares - Selling new shares
- Redeeming existing shares
- Calculation
- Market Value of Assets - Liabilities
- of Shares Outstanding
4Types of Investment Companies
- Unit Investment Trusts
- Pools of money invested in a portfolio that is
fixed for the life of the fund - Little active management involved
- Steadily lost market share to mutual funds in
recently years
5Types of Investment Companies
- Managed Investment Companies
- Open-End fund stand ready to redeem or issue
shares at their net asset value (NAV) - Closed-End fund are traded much like shares of
common stock. They do not issue or redeem shares
at NAV, and often trade at a discount or surplus
NAV. - Key Differences
- Shares Outstanding
- Closed-end no change unless new stock is offered
- Open-end changes when new shares are sold or old
shares are redeemed - Pricing
- Open-end Net Asset Value (NAV)
- Closed-end Premium or discount to NAV
6Figure 4.1 Closed-End Mutual Funds
7Types of Investment Companies
- Other investment organizations
- Commingled funds
- Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
- Hedge Funds
8Figure 4.2 Listing of Mutual Fund Quotations
9Investment Policies
- Money Market
- Equity
- Specialized Sector
- Bond
- Balance Income
- Asset Allocation
- Indexed
- International
10Table 4.1 Classification of U.S. Mutual Funds
11How Funds Are Sold
- Directly marketed
- Sales force distributed
- Revenue sharing on sales force distributed
- Potential conflicts of interest
- Financial supermarkets
12Potential Conflicts of Interest - Revenue Sharing
- Brokers put investors in funds that may that may
not be the most appropriate - Mutual funds could direct trading to higher cost
brokers - Revenue sharing is not illegal but it must be
disclosed to the investor
13Costs of Investing in Mutual Funds
- Fee Structure
- Front-end load
- Back-end load
- Operating expenses
- 12 b-1 charges
- These fees are named after the SEC rule that
permits funds to pay for distribution costs such
as advertising, promotional literature and, most
importantly, commissions to brokers out of fund
assets - Are deducted from the funds assets
- Fees can have an important impact on fund
14Taxes on Mutual Funds
- Investor directed portfolios can be structured to
take advantage of taxes while mutual funds cannot - High turnover leads to tax inefficiency
- More disclosure on taxes was required in 2000
15First Look at Mutual Fund Performance
- Evidence shows that average mutual fund
performance is generally less than broad market
performance - Evidence suggests that over certain horizons some
persistence in positive performance - Evidence is not conclusive
- Some inconsistencies
16Figure 4.3 Percentage of Funds Below Wilshire
17Sources of Information on Mutual Funds
- Wiesenbergers Investment Companies
- Morningstar (www.morningstar.com)
- Yahoo (biz.yahoo.com/funds)
- Investment Company Institute
- Popular press
- Investment services