Title: Lorentz transformation
1Lorentz transformation
2Inverse Lorentz transformation
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5Properties and Consequences of the Lorentz
6In order to maintain Newtons second Law
7Rest Mass
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10- Following Einstein we interpret
- Emc2
- as the total energy of the particle
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15- A consequence of the relativistic energy
momentum relation is the possibility of a - massless particle which possess
- momentum and energy but no rest mass
- Epc
16Concept of a Photon
- Assumption The energy of a light wave can only
be transmitted to matter in discrete amounts or
quanta of value h? where h is Planks constant
and ? is the frequency of the light.
17- From our discussion above this means we can view
light of being made up of zero rest mass
particles each of energy - h? and momenta of magnitude ph?/c
18The Photoelectric Effect
- In this effect light is shone on a metal, and
electrons are released, these electrons can be
attracted towards a positively charged plate a
certain distance below, thereby establishing a
photoelectric current.
19- Millikan(1916) measured the photocurrent on a
plate near the metal and applying an electric
potential between the plate and the photosurface
just adequate to stop the current. If the
potential V0 then the energy lost by the
electrons as they travel to the plate is
(-e)(-V0)eV0 - At cut-off we have V0 Vc and consequently the
photon hypothesis yields - eVch?-W
20- Millikan observed the cut-off voltage for several
alkali metals. - He found Vc was a linear function of ?
- With slope h/e and that it was independent of
the intensity of the light!
Frquency ?
21- If the energy of the light were absorbed by the
electrons according to the classical picture then
the electrons would have had a wide energy
distribution depending on the intensity of the
light in sharp disagreement with Millikans
22- The photon is a completely relativistic particle
and as such Newtonian Physics provides gives us
little insight into its properties. Unlike
classical particles photons can be created and
destroyed - (absorbed and radiated)
23- However they do obey the laws of conservation of
energy and momentum as we have developed them
within the relativistic theory.
24Compton effect
- Compton scattered X-rays off electrons and
measured the wavelength of the scattered waves.
25Assume electron is at rest, with mass m0
26Photon, energy E0collides with electron
27The scattered photon is detected
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30Convervation of Energy and Momentum
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33Original figure from Compton (1923) experiments.
The original references are A. H. Compton, Phys.
Rev. 21, 483 (1923a) 22, 409 (1923b).
34- The measurements agree with the derived formula
- The derivation depends on photon ideas
- A) Relativity
- B) Eh?
35Pair Production
- The rest energy of an electron is
Can a photon of this energy create an electron?
This would violate conservation of charge
36- It might be possible to create an electron
positron pair.
37In Free Space
38- These equations can not hold simultaneously since
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40- Substituting this last equation in the energy
expression yields
41- The threshold for pair production is thus
- 2m0c21.02 MeV.
- The nucleus plays an essentially passive role
but by providing for momentum conservation it
allows for an otherwise forbidden process to
42The Doppler Effect
- The Doppler Shift in Sound
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