Title: Review
1CSC 335 Object-Oriented Programming and Design
Review Strategy Design Pattern MVC
2Pattern Strategy
- Name Strategy (a.k.a Policy)
- Problem You want to encapsulate a family of
algorithms and make them interchangeable.
Strategy lets the the algorithm vary
independently from the clients that use it (GoF) - Solution Create an abstract strategy class (or
interface) and extend (or implement) it in
numerous ways. Each subclass defines the same
method names in different ways
3Pattern Strategy
- Consequences
- Allows families of algorithms. Known uses
- Layout managers in Java
- Different Poker Strategies in 335 Projects
- Different Packman chase strategies 335 Fall 2001
- TextField validators in dBase and Borland OWL
- Will use different algorithms to verify if the
user input is a valid integer, double, string,
date, yes/no. - Eliminates conditional statements
- Don't need to keep asking, if this is supposed to
be an int do this, else if it is a string do that
4Java Example of Strategy
- this.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) )
- this.setLayout( new GridLayout( ) )
- In Java, a container contains a layout manager
- There is a default perhaps set in the
constructor - You can change a container's layout manager with
a setLayout message - Could use same approach in Ghosts
- Ghosts have common methods but could change an
instance variable at runtime with - setStrategy( new RandomStategy( ) )
5interface LayoutManager
- Java has a java.awt.LayoutManager interface
- Known Implementing Classes
- GridLayout, FlowLayout, ScrollPaneLayout
- Each class implements the following methods
- addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp)
- layoutContainer(Container parent)
- minimumLayoutSize(Container parent)
- preferredLayoutSize(Container parent)
- removeLayoutComponent(Component comp)
6General form of Strategy in UML (abstract)
ltltinterfacegtgt Strategy AlgorithmInterface
Context strategy Strategy ContextInterface
ConcreteClassA AlgorithmInterface
ConcreteClassB AlgorithmInterface
ConcreteClassC AlgorithmInterface
7Specific UML Diagram of LayoutManager
ltltinterfacegtgt LayoutManager addLayoutComponent() l
ayoutContainer() minimumLayoutSize()
JPanel panel Panel size Dimension layoutBoss
LayoutManager setLayout(lm LayoutManager) setPref
GridLayout addLayoutComponent() layoutContainer()
FlowLayout addLayoutComponent() layoutContainer()
ScrollPaneLayout addLayoutComponent() layoutContai
ner() minimumLayoutSize()
8Change the strategy at runtime
- Demonstrate LayoutControllerFrame.java
- Source code online and attached
- private class FlowListener implements
ActionListener - // There is another ActionListener for
GridLayout - public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent evt )
- // Change the layout strategy of the JPanel
- // and tell it to lay itself out
- centerPanel.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) )
- centerPanel.validate( )
9Another Example
10Another Example
11Another Example
- OozinOz has strategies to decide which Fireworks
to recommend to customers - See Pages 237..247
12Observer Design Pattern
- Observer Define a 1 to many relationship so when
one object changes state, all dependents are
notified and they update the view themselves. - You will be able to switch views at runtime or to
show 2 or more views at the same time - Java supports this with Observer/Observable
- BattleBoat and Poker must use this pattern
- MUD could
13OOP and UI
- Decoupled UIs are good
- One model may have several user interfaces
- Web, phone, PDA, GUI on a desktop
- Each UI will hook into the same model
- But allow IO in different ways
- Desired change UI without changing the model
- Desired change the model without changing the UI
- Do not imbed the UI code inside the model
- Keep the two separate Model-View Separation
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) you have used this in
you event-driven programs with a GUI and in your
final project - Model Represents system with the business logic
- View Displays the model
- Controllers Handle user interaction and sends
correct messages to the model and/or view
- The Model's responsibilities
- Provide access to the state of the system
- Provide access to the system's functionality
- Can notify the view(s) that its state has changed
- The controller's responsibilities
- Accept user input
- Button clicks, key presses, mouse movements,
slider bar changes - Send messages to the model, which may in turn
notify it observers - Send appropriate messages to the view
- In Java, listeners are controllers
- The view's responsibilities
- Display the state of the model to the user
- At some point, the model (a.k.a. the observable)
must registers the views (a.k.a. observers) so
the model can notify the observers that its state
has changed
18from http//www.enode.com/x/markup/tutorial/mvc.ht
19State Pattern