Title: scaling and Heat Capacity in relativistic heavyion collisions
1?-scaling and Heat Capacity in relativistic
heavy-ion collisions
Yu-Gang Ma Shanghai Institute of Applied
Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences
Collaborated with G.L. Ma, X.Z. Cai,
H.Z. Huang, Z.J. He, J.L. Long, B.H. Sa, W.Q.
- Motivation
- The application of ?-scaling to High Energy HIC
- The possibility to extract heat capacity _at_ RHIC
- Summary and outlook
- Searching for the scaling law is always an
interesting topic in sciences, some underlying
physics could be indicated. For instance, there
are some scaling laws have been observed or
suggested in RHIC energies. What more can we do? - There are large hadronic multiplicity in single
event at RHIC energies, so the temperature
fluctuation in single event could be measurable
and heat capacity could be extracted.
4Scaling law _at_ RHIC
- Quark number scaling of v2 and particle-type
scaling of Rcp - binary scaling of RAA and its violation
- centrality scaling
- ?-scaling
5Nuclear modification factor and quark number
Quark recombination model works Is there
partonic stage?
6Binary scaling of R-factor and its violation
If R 1 here, nothing new going on
Results show Observed suppression due to nature
of (new) produced matter ! not initial state
7?-scaling of dN/d? at sqrt(s_NN)200GeV/c by
PHOBOS Collaboration
after scaling
Phenix Collaboration arXivnucl-ex/0305036
8(No Transcript)
9Centrality scaling of transverse momentum spectra
R. Hwa et al
10Ncoll 0.44N1.33
K(s,N) is normalized to 1GeV at ?s200GeV, N350.
11Part I ?-scaling in the Luciae Model
12What is ?-scaling?
- ?-scaling law is observed when two or more
probability distributions Pm of the stochastic
observable m collapse onto a single scaling curve
F(z) if a new scaling observable is defined - z (m-m)/ltmgt?
- This curve is
- ltmgt?Pm F(z) F(m-m)/ltmgt? where ? is a
scaling parameter, m is the most probable value
of the variable m, and ltmgt is the mean of m.
Botet et al. 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 3514
13The delta-scaling in Low-intermediate energy HIC
14(No Transcript)
15Indra data (lt100MeV/u) XeSn
Frankland, NPC18
16Frankland, NPC18
17J. Natowitz, K. Hagel, Y.G. Ma et al.,
Phys Rev Lett. 89, 212701 (2002)
The limiting temperature vs A
18Universal fluctuation ?-Scaling Analysis of Zmax
ABOVE 5.6 MeV/u , ? which relates to phase
Ref Y.G.Ma, Talk at HIC03 Conf., Canada, June
2003 Y.G.Ma et al., Phys ReV. C, in
19KNO-scaling as A special case of delta-scaling
20?-Scaling and KNO scaling of multiplicity
?-Scaling ltmgt? Pm F(z) F(m-m)/ltmgt
? where z (m-m)/ ltmgt ? KNO scaling
?-Scaling with exponent 1
variable rescaling
normalization rescaling
increasing energy
before scaling
after scaling
21KNO scaling of nch in ee- annihilation
22Lepton-proton scattering
23delta-scaling in Relativistic energy HIC
24LUCIAE model
- LUCIAE3.0 is a Monte Carlo model which is an
extension of the FRITIOF where the
nucleus-nucleus collision is described as the sum
of nucleon-nucleon collisions. LUCIAE3.0 made
improvements in following three aspects - (1) Re-scattering of final hadrons, spectator and
participant nucleons are considered in LUCIAE3.0,
because the role of re-scattering can not be
neglected in high-energy domain. - (2) LUCIAE3.0 implements the Firecracker Model
that includes collective multi-gluon emission
from the color fields of interacting strings in
the early stage of relativistic ion collisions. - (3) LUCIAE3.0 introduces suppression of strange
quarks and effective string tensor to make some
parameters related to product of strange quarks
and string tensor in JETSET depend on incident
energy, size of system , centrality etc. --Ref.
SaTai, CPC 116, 355 (1999)
25How to find the BEST ?-scaling?
- If we assume Pm is Gaussian distribution,
- whereµltmgt m and sis the variance,depending
on the bombarding energy. Assuming these Gaussian
distribution obey the ?-scaling, we have - We define L as
- Lltmgt?/RMS
- If L is independent on a certain variable, this
delta is the best value for the scaling
26Table 1total multiplicity distribution of pp
27Table 2total multiplicity distribution of CC
28Table 3total multiplicity distribution of PbPb
29Which scaling is the BEST ?-scaling?
- We test to use the different values of ? to
explore the energy dependence of L,it was found
that the best ?value takes place when L is almost
constant in the studied energy range. - The figure shows an example of Energy dependence
of L in pp collision.
30Results _at_ SPS energy
? 1.35
Gumbel-like function
- We found that scaling values of the best D for
charged particle multiplicity distributions are
1.35, 1.00 and 0.80 for pp, CC and PbPb
collisions from Elab 20 to 200AGeV in SPS
energy range, respectively. - G. L. Ma, Y. G. Ma et al., Chin. Phys. Lett.
20,1013 (2003)
? 1.00
? 0.80
Gaussian-like function
Tend to the Gaussian Delta-scaling in heavier
system. Better thermalization in PbPb?
31Number of strangeness
Scaling for the Number of strangeness
20-200 GeV/c PbPb
32Play a game for uncorrected multiplicity spectra
_at_ RHIC
- Peripheral part 70-80,60-70,50-60,40-50
- Central part 30-40,20-30,10-20,0-10
33Delta-scaling _at_ 62GeV/c AuAu
Centrality Peripheral part ---------------?
Central part The Best ? 0.75
----------------------------? 0.55.
34Delta-scaling _at_ 130GeV/c AuAu
Centrality Peripheral part ---------------?
Central part The Best ? 0.75
----------------------------? 0.55.
35Delta scaling _at_ 200GeV/c AuAu
Centrality Peripheral part ---------------?
Central part The Best ? 0.75
----------------------------? 0.55.
36information entropy
- Information entropy is an observable that was
proposed to describe fluctuation and disorder of
system by Shannon. The multiplicity information
entropy is defined - H-?P(m)lnP(m)dm
where?P(m)dm1 . - Y. G. Ma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3617 (1999)
- We calculate respective information entropy in
terms of these distributions of particle
multiplicity in LUCIAE3.0 model.
G. L. Ma, Y. G. Ma et al., Chin. Phys. Lett.
20,1013 (2003)
37Summary and outlook I
- We have for the first time demonstrated that
D-scaling and information entropy of particle
multiplicity for different energies , systems,
centralities in SPS and RHIC energy in model
calculation. - We hope that these two observables are useful to
search for a possible phase change in
relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions
associated with the onset of a QCD phase
transition. - So the further works have to be done, eg.,
- Investigate how the partonic effect on the
D-scaling and information entropy in models,
such as AMPT and Parton Cascade Model. The work
along this line is in progress. - We try to analyze some physics quantities in RHIC
data. Such as BRAHMS data for pesudorapidity
distribution, k/? ratio, ?/? - ratio etc. The
key point is looking for some order parameters
which are sensitive to phase change.
38Part II Heat capacity in Luciae Model
39Part II Heat capacity
- Heat Capacity ?? A Basic Thermodynamic Quantity
- Heat Capacity at Constant Volume
(1) - Temperature distribution (Heat Capacity and
Temperature Fluctuation) -
(2) - ( Laudau L.D. , Lifschitz I.M., Course of
Theoretical Physics ,Statistical Physics (Third
Edition). 338-343 )
- Temperature distribution can be described by
(when the fluctuation of volume can be ignored), -
(3) - (Stodolsky L . Phys. Rev. Lett., 1995, 75
1044 - Heiselberg .H. Phys. Rep., 2001, 351
161 ) - Transverse mass distribution can be described by
the effective temperature in the following form -
(4) - A ??Volume (or Multiplicity)
- T?? apparent temperature including collective
transverse flow
41Temperature distribution
- If we suppose the temperature distribution
satisfies Eq. (3), we can extract the heat
capacity. However, this heat capacity is an
extensive observable since the hadron
multiplicity depends on the size of reaction
system , centrality and incident energy , we
define a normalized heat capacity Cv/N, i.e. the
heat capacity per hadron multiplicity, where N is
hadron multiplicity.
42Some results in SPS
- We used LUCIAE to simulate PbPb collisions at
different incident energy in SPS energy, and
extract the heat capacity per hadron
multiplicity. - Right figure gives the dependence of Cv/N of
various particles on incident energy in central
PbPb collision (b0fm). - GL Ma, YG Ma et al., HIGH ENERG PHYS NUC 28 (4)
Art. No. 398 APR 2004
43Some results in SPS
- We found that Cv/N of particle increase with mass
of particle . - Right figure shows the dependence of Cv/N of
particle on mass of particle in central PbPb at
160 AGeV collision (b0 fm).
44Some results in SPS
- We also investigate the dependence of Cv/N for
on impact parameter (i.e.
centrality) in PbPb at 160 AGeV collision, and
this dependence is shown in right figure. We
found that Cv/N decreases with the increasing of
impact parameter .
45Some results in SPS
- We also found similar results in CC system , and
found that heat capacities per hadron
multiplicity in different reaction systems are
approximately the same in the same incident
energy and impact parameter . - Right figure shows the dependence of Cv/N of
PbPb and CC on incident energy in central
46RHIC results
- We use method (2) to find that Cv/N increases
with the number of participant nucleons and the
mass of particle in AuAu 200GeV/c in LUCIAE3.0
model. - Right figure shows the dependence of Cv/N of
pions, kaons and protons on Npart in AuAu 200GeV
47Relationship to other fluctuation observable?
See Rolands talk NA49 k/pi ratio fluctuation
See Westfalls talk _at_ QM04
48Summary and outlook II
- We introduced an operational way to extract
heat capacity for soft component particles by
event-by-event fluctuation of apparent
temperature in relativistic heavy-ion collision. - We found that heat capacity per particle
multiplicity decreases with the increasing of
incident energy and impact parameter, and it is
insensitive to the reaction system in our LUCIAE
model. Does it mean that the thermalization has
been reached better in central collisions. - We hope that heat capacity can help us to search
for a possible phase transition in relativistic
heavy-ions collision. A tentative analysis will
be done for STAR-data. - To this end, the further work should be done, for
instance, - Investigate the partonic effect on the
temperature fluctuation and Cv - Understand the meachanism of Cv as a function of
Bimp, Ebeam etc. - Distinguish the dynamics fluctuation from the
thermal fluctuation in our extraction in heat
capacity? - Investigate the Cv as a function of Pt.
49The end --- Thank you for attention!