Title: Behind%20the%20Scenes:%20A%20guide%20to%20Web%20site%20infrastructure
1Behind the ScenesA guide to Web site
- Pete Cliff
- University of Bath
- Bath, BA2 7AY
Email p.d.cliff_at_ukoln.ac.uk URL http//www.ukoln.a
UKOLN is funded by Resource The Council for
Museums, Archives and Libraries, the Joint
Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the
Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by
project funding from the JISC and the European
Union. UKOLN also receives support from the
University of Bath where it is based.
2Behind the Scenes
- The structure of this talk
- What is Web site infrastructure?
- Why is it desirable?
- Thinking about your site
- Approaches
- Hierarchy
- Content Management Systems (databases)
3What is Web site infrastructure?
- What are we talking about when we say Web site
infrastructure? - The array of hardware that is the Internet?
- No
- The look and feel of a site
- No
- Here we are talking about the backend layout of
the Web site
4Why is a sound layout desirable?
- Q. What is it you want from your Web site?
- A. an up to date, informative, usable and useful,
Web resource - Through
- design? layout
- maintenance
- access control
5Why is a sound layout desirable?
- A sound layout facilitates
- Site maintenance
- Site access management
- Site consistency
- Site scalability
6Why should I bother?
- My site is only 10 pages in a single directory,
this does not apply to me - 10 pages
- 100 pages
- 1000 pages
- 10,000 pages
7Thinking about maintenance...
- Tools and techniques to maintain a Web site
- Infrastructure
- User feedback
- Metadata
- Server log files
- Integrity - link checking
8Thinking about access...
- You will need to manage
- Users
- Authors
- Robots
- even your own site index robot
9Thinking about design...
- Remember design? layout
- Steps towards a Web site
- Define the audience, purpose and content
- Group content into logical groups
- Define links between content
- Create your infostructure ref
- Create your templates
- Reflect all of this in the site infrastructure
10Approaches Hierarchy
Conceptual Hierarchy A simple library example
Joining Instructions
Local Studies
Mobile Library
How to renew books
Opening Times
Reference Library
11Approaches Hierarchy
Conceptual Hierarchy A simple library example
12Approaches Hierarchy
Conceptual Hierarchy A simple library example
13Approaches Hierarchy
Conceptual Hierarchy A simple library example
14Approaches Hierarchy
Conceptual Hierarchy A simple library example
15Approaches Hierarchy
File Hierarchy A simple library example
16Approaches Hierarchy
File Hierarchy A simple library example
17Approaches Hierarchy
- Reflects the design and navigation of the site
- Use folders to group related content
- Avoid local jargon
- Make URLs logical
- Put index.html everywhere
18Approaches Hierarchy
- Relative internal links
- In file www.ourlib.gov.uk/search/index.html
- Link lta hrefhttp//www.ourlib.gov.uk/
- search/advanced.htmlgtAdvancedlt/agt
- Not portable
- Browser follows path from root
- Link lta hrefadvanced.htmlgtAdvancedlt/agt
- Users navigate with links - anticipate this
19Approaches Hierarchy
- Advantages
- You are probably already doing it!
- Familiar
- Lots of support and tools
- Disk structure reflects structure of site
- Well established methods
- Easy to set up
20Approaches Hierarchy
- Disadvantages
- As sites grow consistency becomes hard to manage
- Not scalable
- Difficult to maintain
- Need to update many pages
- Cannot easily transform pages to new HTML
standards - Answer Server Side Includes
21Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Identify the elements of your Web site defined
by the template
22Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Identify the elements of your Web site defined
by the template
23Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Identify the elements of your Web site defined
by the template
24Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Identify the elements of your Web site defined
by the template
25Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Identify the elements of your Web site defined
by the template
26Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Identify the elements of your Web site defined
by the template
27Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Identify the elements of your Web site defined
by the template - Separate these out and keep them in a separate
28Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Identify the elements of your Web site defined
by the template - Separate these out and keep them in a separate
directory - Dynamically include the elements into each page
29Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Identify the elements of your Web site defined
by the template - Separate these out and keep them in a separate
directory - Dynamically include the elements into each page
Web server
GET /index.html
30Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Identify the elements of your Web site defined
by the template - Separate these out and keep them in a separate
directory - Dynamically include the elements into each page
Web server
GET /index.html
31Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Identify the elements of your Web site defined
by the template - Separate these out and keep them in a separate
directory - Dynamically include the elements into each page
lt!--include file/site/nav.ssi--gt
Web server
GET /index.html
32Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Identify the elements of your Web site defined
by the template - Separate these out and keep them in a separate
directory - Dynamically include the elements into each page
Virtual Page
Web server
GET /index.html
33Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Advantages
- Changes to a handful of files effect the whole
site - Repeated content only stored once
- Almost a database...
34Approaches Templates and SSIs
- Disadvantages
- Access management
- restricted by the file system
- No management system
- Cannot easily output other formats - XML, WML,
RSS, etc.
35Approaches Databases Users
36Approaches Databases Users
Web Interface
37Approaches Databases Users
Content Data
Web Interface
Template Data
38Approaches Databases Authors
Content Data
Web Interface
Template Data
39Approaches Databases Admin
Content Data
Web Interface
Template Data
40Content Management Systems
- ACS, AOLServer, BackStream, Broadvision, CMS,
Cocoon, ColdFusion, Communique 2, Communiware,
Conversant, DB Prism, DVP.HTMPlates Pro, EditTag,
Enhydra, FileMaker Pro, Frontier, FutureTense,
GIST, InCopy, Mason, MediaDepot, Mediasurface,
Midgard, NetObjects Fusion, Netscape Application
Server , NewsPro, Onion, PAS, Provue SiteWarrior,
RedDot,RedSnapper, Revize, RiSource, Roosh
Newspublisher, SiteBuilder, SiteEditor, Slashdot,
SmartWorker, Spectra, SquishDot, StoryServer,
Tallyman, Teamsite, Tempest, WebMacro,
WebObjects, WebSite Director, Zope - List supplied by Paul Browning, University of
41Approaches Databases Issues
- Search engines might not index all pages
- Ensure the database serves pages as though they
were flat pages - CMSs often provide their own tools
- Will all your users want to use them?
- Dependence on a single supplier
- Requires specialist software
- Who hosts your Web server?
- High cost - software and training
42Behind the Scenes Conclusion
- Look at your site and ask
- How scalable is it?
- What are the static elements?
- What are the dynamic elements?
- How do these fit together to create a page?
- How am I going to manage access?
- A Guide to Good Practice for WWW Authors,
Margaret Isaacs - http//www.dcs.glas.ac.uk/SIMA/toc.html
- Webmonkey
- http//hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/
- http//hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/99/39/index3a.
html - Composing Good HTML, Eric Tilton,
(Infostructure) - http//www.ology.org/tilt/cgh/ (the rest of
www.ology.org is odd) - Content Management Systems Parallel Session
Resources from IWMC 2000 - http//www.bris.ac.uk/ISC/cms/
- Buyers Guide to Content Management Systems
- http//www.networkcomputing.com/1111/1111buyers2.h
tml - Microsoft White Paper on Content Management
- http//www.microsoft.com/technet/ecommerce/contmgt
44Behind the ScenesA guide to Web site
- Pete Cliff
- University of Bath
- Bath, BA2 7AY
Email p.d.cliff_at_ukoln.ac.uk URL http//www.ukoln.a
UKOLN is funded by Resource The Council for
Museums, Archives and Libraries, the Joint
Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the
Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by
project funding from the JISC and the European
Union. UKOLN also receives support from the
University of Bath where it is based.