Title: Hidden Hebrew Idioms
1Hidden Hebrew Idioms
2A study of the Bible must include a recognition
of the Hebrew language and unique writing styles.
3Like any book, the Bible is best understood in
its original language.
- The Bible includes many Hebrew phrases of speech,
parables, and idioms that contain special
messages from the Almighty. These messages are
lost and error occurs when the culture and
language of the Bible is not considered.
4Within the Scriptures are manyHidden Hebrew
5An idiom is a set of words that cant be taken
literally and dont always stick
out like a sore thumb.
- idiom id-ee-uhm - an expression whose
meaning is not predictable from the usual
meaning. 2.a language,
dialect, or style of speaking peculiar to a
people. 3.a construction or
expression of one language whose parts correspond
to elements in another language but whose total
structure or meaning is not matched in the same
way in the second language.
6Some Idiom Examples
7Some Idiom Examples
8Idioms do not translate properly. A person
who doesnt speak English doesnt know what it
means to kick the bucket.
9Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind
Romans 121-2
- If you are what you eat then lets chew on some
Hidden Hebrew Idioms.
10Matthew 517-18
- What does this passage really mean?
- How do most Christians interpret this passage?
- How does the truth set us free regarding this
Hebrew Idiom?
11Matthew 622-23
- What did this passage mean to the people who
originally heard it? - How do translations confuse this idea?
- How does the truth set us free regarding this
Hebrew Idiom?
12Matthew 1619
- Is this verses speaking of demonic oppression?
- What is the true meaning of this passage?
- How does context help us see the reality behind
this Hebrew Idiom?
13Mark 1332
- How do most preachers use this verse?
- Does the contemporary Christian meaning of this
idiom line up with other scriptures? - How does Torah reveal the truth behind this
14Genesis 922
- What do you think this verse is speaking about?
- How does this pasuk compare to Leviticus
186-7? - What is the actual meaning of this verse,
according to Torah?
15John 148
- Did the people who heard Yshua understand what
he was saying? - What is the significance of this passage?
- How did Nathaniel fulfil the words spoken about
16Matthew 1924
- What in the world does this mean?
- Is there really a needle gate in Jerusalem??
- Is this an idiom or a really bad translation?
- What does the true meaning of this passage teach
17 Study to show yourself approved as
a workman who does not need to be ashamed,
who correctly handles the word of
truth 2 Timothy 215
18Hidden Hebrew Idioms