Title: Language
1My Portfolio of Technology tools that Support
Anne Robichaux ELRC 4507
2About this Portfolio
- This portfolio is a collection of my work in the
technology-based area of Language Arts. A
variety of educational software and useable
teacher ideas will be showcased. - This portfolio will show my progression in
ability and skill in the use of educational
software in relationship to classroom instruction.
3About Me and My Views on Learning with Technology
- Through the years as an educator, I have
developed a great love for the students. My
overall goal is to provide an environment of
safety, compassion, and learning. When used
appropriately, technology enhances a classroom.
4Tools that Support Learning in Language arts
- Language arts provides for unlimited uses of
technology. - Research papers can now include Hyperlinks to
allow for quick reference. Lesson plans
depicting teacher/student work can be developed,
published, and shared to expedite the
working/leaning process. - Example project 1
- Example project 2
5Example Project 1 in Language Arts Using
Microsoft Word and Hyperlinks aids in the
creation of a fully developed Research paper.
6Comment on Example Project 1 in Language Arts
- As a teacher, the thought never occurred to me to
have my students use Hyperlinks to easily verify
sources. - As a student, it was easy for me to provide the
professor with a convenient tool to quickly look
at my sources. - This was a good learning experience for me.
7Example Project 2 in Language Arts This is a
sample of a student assignment from Act 1
8Comment on Example Project 2 in Language Arts
- I have presented a compete and thorough lesson
plan for Act 1 of Romeo Juliet. The duration
of the plan is approximately four days involving
student reading, writing and the use of
technology in the development of a timeline as
well as a friendship card. This plan was a lot
of work.
9Tools that Support Learning Across Curriculum
- Getting students to apply learning from one
course to the next is sometime very difficult. - I have included a WebQuest that targets young
students, but could be used for older learners.
The primary discipline is science, but several
curriculums are addressed. - Example project
10Example Interdisciplinary Project This is a
sample of student homework after completing
- I want to study ladybugs. I think they are
cute. They are a type of beetle, but because
they have short legs, it makes them a little
different. - There are 350 species of ladybugs in
America. They are cold blooded which means their
body temperature is the same as the temperature
outside. Ladybugs become active at 59 degrees
Fahrenheit, and they hibernate in cold weather. - I learned that not all ladybugs are girls.
But the girls lay eggs that can not be seen with
the naked eye. The stages of life in a ladybug
are egg, larvae, pupa, and adult. The ladybugs
and their larvae eat another kind of bug called
an aphid. Because they eat these pesky bugs,
people buy ladybugs to put in their gardens to
keep out aphids. - I liked learning about ladybugs.
11Comment on Example Project across Curriculum
- This WebQuest was designed as a tool to promote
the study of science in conjunction with language
and art. - Students of all ages are instructed to select an
insect, research that insect, gather information,
and present the facts in report form. An art
activity is also included.
12Goals in the future
- I have learned many technology tools that will
serve as new resources in my teaching endeavor.
- Staying up to date with technology advances and
applying this knowledge in classroom instruction
is something I shall work to accomplish.
13Thanks for your Interest and Attention!