Title: Giant Otters
1Save the Giant Otter
The Endangered Giant River Otter
Power Point presentation by
Rachel 15
Hurry theyre getting hotter!
2Their Description
Giant Otters have lots of useful and amazing
unique characteristics . Some of the Giant Otters
have a white on their necks to their bellies.
Even though the Giant river otter has short
stubby legs they have strong claws and webbed
feet. They have a reddish brown water proof
velvety fur and a rudder like tail used for
swimming in the water. But their built in nose
plugs also do help under water.
The Giant River Otter is located in the tropical
rainforest of South America by the country of
Brazil. The population of the Giant Otter was
once wide spread from Venezuela to northern
Argentina. But, today they are only found in
South America due to fur hunting and habitat
Giant River Otters live in fresh water lakes,
creeks, and rivers. But, Giant River Otter is
occasionally found in unusual places like in
agriculture canals and reservoirs of small dams
witch is unusual place because they prefer gently
sloped river banks with over hanging vegetations.
Giant River Otters are found throughout the
Amazon witch ranges from the east of the Andes
mountains in northern Argentina.
5Whats For Dinner?
The Giant River Otter diet consists of many types
of fish. They prefer to eat perch, catfish, and
other members of the characin family. If the
Giant Otter's food becomes scares they feed on
small caiman, crustaceans, and small snakes.
Sometimes when the Giant otter eats it eats on
the water.
6Whats Going On ?
Poachers were and still are a big threat to the
Giant River otters and they had helped them to
the present status of Endangered. Poachers catch
them and take there fur to sell. But poachers and
poaching isnt the only reason that the Giant
Otter Is only endangered. Jaguars could take
young or lone otter pups. Also pollouting water
is helping the giant River otters go Endangered.
7What I Feel we could do to Help
I think that we could stop polloution water and
stop hunting Giant River otters for there fur. We
could all try to work together and make
preservers around them and a few no hunting laws.
I think that we should preserve giant river
otters population because in the next
generations wont be able to see these wonderful
and beautiful animals.
8Who Helped Me...
GIANT OTTER HABITAT lthttp//www.cartage.org.l
tmgt 2/26/07
University of Michigan Locationlthttp//animaldiver
rasiliensis.ht... Pteronura brasiliensisgt
Gant Otters of Peru location lthttp//www.puruperu.
com/giant-otters.htmgt 2/20/07