Title: Cosmic Calendar
1Cosmic Calendar
- Adapted from Carl Sagans Dragons of Eden
2CHANGE generates additional CHANGE.
Write this on the cover of your booklet
3Carl Sagan
- Carl Sagan was an astronomer and Pulitzer
prize-winning author. - Sagan compared the entire history of the universe
(some 12-15 billion years) to a single 12-month
year. - This comparison helps us understand the vast
periods of time involved.
4All of Time in One Year
- In this comparison, the origin of the universe,
the Big Bang, occurs when the new year begins on
January 1st. - Today corresponds to midnight of December 31st.
Big Bang
5January 1, 1200 a.m.Big Bang!Origin of the
The big bang theory states that the universe
started from a single point and has been
expanding ever since.
- The Beginning
- 13 billion years ago
6February 9 First Galaxies Form
7Stars Led to the Formation of All the Other
8May 1 Origin of the Milky Way Galaxy
Earth is in the Milky Way Galaxy.
9September 9 Origin of the Solar System
10September 14Origin of Earth
11September 25 (Approximately) First Life on Earth
Single-celled organisms are early forms of life.
This amoeba, a single-celled organism with no
internal organs, engulfs a paramecium.
12October 9Oldest Fossil
- The earliest fossils are simple, microscopic,
single-celled bacteria called blue-green algae.
More than 3.5 billion years ago
13November First multicellular Organisms
600 million years ago
Sponges are considered to be one of the most
primitive of the multicellular animals.
14December 1Significant Oxygen Atmosphere
The oxygen atmosphere that we depend on was
generated by numerous cyanobacteria. Before that
time, the atmosphere was unsuitable for life.
Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are among the
most ancient organisms on Earth. They are
photosynthetic organisms.
15December 16First Worms
16December 19 First Fish
- 400 500 million years ago
- The first vertebrates evolved from sedentary
vase-shaped marine animals called sea squirts or
Tunicate. -
- Fossilized imprints of the lobe-finned
coelacanth date back to 350 million years ago
Sea Squirts or Tunicate
Coelacanth (se-la-kan th)
17December 20Plants Colonize Land
18December 21 First Insects
Insects in Amber
19December 22First AmphibiansFirst Winged Insects
Amphibian Seymouria
Winged Insect in Amber
20December 23First TreesFirst Reptiles
21December 24First Dinosaurs
22December 26First Mammals
23December 27First Birds
24December 28Dinosaurs Become Extinct First
25First Humans
Humans are toolmakers.
26December 31, 115920 p.m. First Agriculture in
Mesopotamia (Now called Iraq)
- 10,000 years B.C.
- Human settlements soon followed the use of
27December 31, 115951 p.m. First Recorded
History in Egypt
The ancient Egyptians used their written language
for religious texts.
28December 31, 115959. p.m. Space Age Begins
- October 4, 1957
- Launch of Sputnik from the U.S.S.R.
29Humans have occupied only a very small portion of
cosmic history!
- What changes to you foresee in the next million
years? - What evidence do you have to support your ideas?
- Images are from a variety of Internet sites
and Microsoft Encarta. - Cosmic calendar based on Carl Sagans Dragons
of Eden. -