Title: Field solving controlled impedance design tutorial
1How to start using the Si6000b
2In this example find
- How to graph Zo Vs H(and predict impedance
change due tovariations in laminate thickness) - (This tutorial assumes you have only elementary
knowledge of Excel)
3In this example find
- How to graph Zo Vs HKnowing how Zo varies with
H can help you increase yields by makingprocess
adjustments to compensatefor base material
variation(This tutorial assumes you have only
elementary knowledge of Excel)
4How to use this tutorial
Please run through all the slides to give
yourself an overview. Then launch the Si6000b,
and click the surface microstrip graphic simply
work through the examples yourself. If you are
not familiar with some of the features of Excel,
you may find it worth taking a brief course to
get the best from your Si6000b
5Example 1
- Graphing Zo Vs H(All the examples that follow
use surface microstrip structures which are fully
enabled in the evaluation Si6000b)
6Heres how to run SI6000 for the first timeits
simple to drag and drop the fieldsolvers in
7Drag function(you must position the cursor
carefullyso the black cross appearsas you drag
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9Click calculator
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11Watch this area
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13How Zo changes with core dimensions
14How creative can you be?
- Here is one example of a spreadsheet created by
a customer who needed to use Si6000 to graph
impedance sensitivity against structure height..
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16- Thank you for taking the time to study this
introduction.If you download the following two
presentations youwill find how easy it is to
build an example similar to the previous slide
for yourself. - Si6000Zo vs Er.ppt and Si6000 for your
application.ppt - More information ken.taylor_at_polarinstruments.com