Title: Genetic and developmental computing architectures: Modular robotics, Lecture 2
1Genetic and developmental computing
architecturesModular robotics, Lecture 2
Auke J. Ijspeert Biologically Inspired Robotics
Group (BIRG) Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology, Lausanne
16 January 2006
2Content of lecture 2 control of locomotion
- A review of animal locomotion
- Locomotion control in robotics
- Locomotion control in modular robotics
- Overview
- Gait tables
- Sine-based
- Neural networks
- Central pattern generators
3Adaptive motor control in animals
Coordination of multiple degrees of freedom
Visuomotor coordination Switching between motor
Learning new skills
4Animal Locomotion
Large diversity of different types of
locomotionswimming, crawling, walking, hoping,
burrowing, flying,
5Multiple redundancies
- Control of locomotion is a difficult and
ill-posed problem
- Requires good coordination (right frequencies,
phases, signal shapes,) of multiple degrees of
freedom, - despite the multiple redundancies
- Many possible end-point trajectories
- Many possible postures for a given end-point
- Many possible muscle activations for a given
posture - Many possible motor unit activations for a given
muscle activations
6Additional difficulties
- In addition to the problem of redundancies,
locomotion control is complex because it
requires - The possibility to adjust speed and direction
- Adapting to terrain
- Optimizing the gaits (finding the fastest, most
efficient,...) - Dealing with lesions, and changes in body
properties (fatigue, aging) - Good control of balance
- Trying to satisfy multiple constraints
simultaneously - Stabilizing head, maintaining equilibrium,
moving forward, avoiding obstacles,. - Note legged robots face the same problems!
7Animal Locomotion Control
- In vertebrates, three main ingredients
- Central pattern generators (CPGs),
- Reflexes, and
- Command signals from higher control centers
(cerebellum, basal ganglia, motor cortex)
8Neural control of movement
Cerebral cortex
Brain Stem
Spinal Cord
9Pattern generators
- Pattern generator simple inputs ? complex
outputs - Central pattern generators neural networks
capable of producing oscillatory patterns without
oscillatory inputs - Found in many animals invertebrates
- and vertebrates (e.g. lamprey)
- Locomotion CPGs in spinal cord
- Relatively simple control signals from higher
control centers to the spinal cord (Shik and
Orlosky 1966) - Distributed system multiple coupled oscillators,
at least one per DOF (Grillner 1985)
10Different types of gaits
- Salamander swimming and walking
- Biped locomotion walk (at least one leg on the
ground at all times), running
11Different types of gaits (continued)
12Statically versus dynamically stable gaits
- Statically stable gait the center of mass is
maintained at all times above the support polygon
formed by the contacts between the limbs and the
Center of mass
Tripod gait in a hexapod robot
Leg on ground
Leg in the air
13Content of lecture 2 control of locomotion
- A review of animal locomotion
- Locomotion control in robotics
- Locomotion control in modular robotics
- Overview
- Gait tables
- Sine-based
- Neural networks
- Central pattern generators
14The problems of legged locomotion control
- Coordinating all the degrees-of-freedom of the
robot means, for each dof, finding the right - frequency u1/T,
- phase j,
- amplitude A, and
- signal shape
15The problems of legged locomotion control
- Underactuated problem a robot cannot follow
arbitrary motion commands - Need to coordinate multiple degrees of freedom
- Need to adapt to the terrain
- Need to keep balance
- Need to modify the gait for different speeds and
directions - Obstable avoidance
- Visually-guided feet placements
- Adapting to perturbations
16Different approaches to legged robot locomotion
control in current robots
- Three main approaches for monolithic robots
- Trajectory based methods,
- Heuristic control methods, and
- CPG based methods
17Trajectory based methods
- Main idea design walking kinematic trajectories,
and use the dynamic equations to test and prove
that locomotion is stable - Use a feedback controller to track those
trajectories - Most successful approach Zero Moment Point (ZMP)
method (Vukobratovic 1990)
18ZMP Approach
19ZMP Approach summary
- Pros
- Well-defined methodology for proving stability
- Well-suited for expensive robots that should
never fall - Cons
- Requires a perfect model of the robots dynamics
and of the environment - Requires additional online control to deal with
perturbations - Transitions from online control back to desired
trajectories can be tricky - Defining good trajectories is time-consuming
20Virtual Model Control
- For each virtual element producing a force F, the
joint torque needed to produce that virtual force
can be computed with - J is the Jacobian relating the reference frame of
the virtual element to the robot
21Virtual Model Control
- Example Flamingo robot at MIT Leg LAB
22Virtual Model Control summary
- Pros
- Intuitive way of designing a controller
- Does not need an accurate model of the
environment - Robust against pertubations
- Cons
- Requires a perfect model of the robots dynamics
- Need to make sure that the virtual forces can
actually be generated by the robots motors - Finite-state machine for cycling through the
different phases is a somewhat rigid mechanism
23CPG-based control
- Main idea to use oscillators and to replicate
the distributed control mechanisms found in
Vestibular Sys.
Visual System
Balance Control
Visuomotor Coord.
24Concept of Limit Cycle
- A limit cycle is an oscillatory regime in a
dynamical system - If the limit cycle is stable, the states of the
system will return to it after perturbations
25Quadruped-robot controlled with a CPG-and-reflex
based controller
Kimura Lab, National Univ. of Electro-Communicatio
26Quadruped-robot controlled with a CPG-and-reflex
based controller
Kimura Lab, National Univ. of Electro-Communicatio
Camera control Obstacles detection
Reflex - Knee Bending To avoid obstacles
27CPG-based Control summary
- Pros
- Distributed control
- Limit cycle behavior (controller-body-environment)
- Robust against perturbations
- Smooth trajectories due to the oscillators
- Cons
- Fewer mathematical tools than other methods
- Not (yet) a clear design methodology, it is
recommended to use learning/optimization
28Content of lecture 2 control of locomotion
- A review of animal locomotion
- Locomotion control in robotics
- Locomotion control in modular robotics
- Overview
- Gait tables
- Sine-based
- Neural networks
- Central pattern generators
29Modular robotics challenges
- Efficient locomotion despite unknown
configurations - Configurations that change over time
- Distributed control
- Traditional model-based control is not well
suited - Requires specific approaches, see next slides
30Locomotion control in modular robotics
- Different approaches for chain-type modular
robots (i.e. that activate their joints) - Gait tables
- Sine-based controllers
- Neural networks
- Central pattern generators (CPGs)
- Approaches for lattice-type modular robots
- Continuous reconfiguration (we will see this in
the next modular robotics lecture)
31Locomotion control in modular robotics
- Different design approaches
- Hand-coding
- Evolutionary algorithms
- Other optimization algorithms
32Gait tables
33Gait tables
- Most modular robots use precomputed gait tables
- Idea
- Use a simplified state machine for each module
- Follow a prescribed sequence of behaviors for
each module - Usually implemented in a master-slave mode, with
a master module that - Provides a gait table to all modules, and
- Synchronizes the different phases of the gait
34Gait tables example
35Execution of the gait table
- The motor executes the gait table with a
low-level motor controller (e.g. a PID control
Desired angle
36Execution of the gait table
37Gait tables summary
- Pros
- Easy to program
- Cons
- Requires a master module for providing the tables
and for synchronizing the steps - Fragile single-point of failure (the master)
- Creates rigid gaits that can not adapt to the
terrain - Trajectories are not smooth, risk of damaging
38Sine-based controllers
39Role-based control
- Designed by Stoy and colleages for the CONRO
project - Characteristics
- Sine-based
- Hand-coded gaits
- Designed for modular robots with tree structures
(no loops) - Each module has the same set of roles
- Modules are interchangeable (i.e. gaits are not
based on IDs)
40Role-based control
- Two main algorithms
- The role playing algorithm
- The role selection algorithm
41Role-based control
- What is a role?
- a role implements a periodic motion, and how it
relates to neighbor modules - It is defined by three components
- a cyclic action A(t),
- a period T
- and a set of delays di , which determine how much
children modules should be delayed
42Role-based control
43Role-playing algorithm
- Role playing algorithm
- Performs the action,
- Sends out synchronization signals to children
modules - Resets time (t0) to respect delays with parent
modules - Note some failures in the exchange of signals
with neighbor is not critical because each module
has its own timer
44Caterpillar gait
45Role selection algorithm
- In order to have different gaits, modules need to
play different roles depending on the robot
configuration. - Need for a role selection algorithm
- Selection is based on
- the local configuration (i.e. how neighbors are
attached) - which roles the neighbors are playing
- Based on this, a set of rules determine which of
different possible roles has to be played
46Role selection algorithm
Example switching between sidewinding and
walking Four different roles are needed One
for sidewinding Sidewinder (sw), Three for
walking spine (sp), east leg (eleg), west leg
47Role selection algorithm
Example Spine (sp) role
48Role selection rules
Rules for role selection algorithm (note each
module has them)
49Role selection algorithm
Explanation of previous figure
50Role selection algorithm
- In words Change the sidewinder role sw into
- a spine role sp if there is a module connected
to the east C(e)1 or the west C(w)1 - a west leg role wleg if there is a module
connected as parent C(p)1 and the connector of
the parent is west NC(p)w - a east leg role eleg if there is a module
connected as parent C(p)1 and the connector of
the parent is east NC(p)e
51Role selection algorithm
- In words Change the spine role sp into
- a sidewinder role sw if there is no module
connected to the east nor the west -
52Role selection algorithm
- In words Change a leg role wleg or eleg into
- a sidewinder role sw if there is a module
connected as parent and the role of the parent is
sidewinder sw, OR if there is a module connected
to the north C(n)1 - a spine role sp if there is a module connected
as parent and the role of the parent is spine sp
53Example of reconfiguration
54Example of reconfiguration
55Role-based control summary
- Pros
- Trajectories are smooth (except for the
resetting) - Uses local information to generate complete gaits
- Modules are interchangeable (i.e. gaits are not
based on IDs) - Robust against communication problems
- Deals with dynamic reconfiguration
- Cons
- The synchronization mechanism (resetting) is
crude and leads to jumps in the trajectories - Sine-based control does not allow easy modulation
by sensory feedback - Creates rigid gaits that can not adapt to the
56Neural networks
57Example Karl Sims
Co-evolution of body structure and neural network
controllers in simulated modular robots Fitness
function distance covered Note the controllers
are not really neural networks, rather a set of
nodes that perform various computations sum,
product, divide,, sin, cos, atan, log,,
oscillate-wave, oscillate-saw,
58Karl Sims
The morphology and the controller are encoded in
directed graphs with adjustable parameters
59Karl Sims
Example of a neural controller
60Karl Sims
Different types of resulting locomotion Movie
61Neural networks
Many other examples of evolution of artificial
neural networks for locomotion R. Beer, F.
Gruau, J. Kodjabachian, A. Ijspeert Example
62Neural network control summary
- Pros
- Smooth trajectories
- Allow the integration of sensory feedback
- Distributed control
- Cons
- Difficult to design
- Require (some) computation
63Central pattern generators
64Central pattern generators
Idea To implement a locomotion controller as a
system of coupled nonlinear oscillators (like the
CPGs in spinal cords of animals) The gait is
encoded in the limit cycle behavior of the
coupled oscillator system At least one
oscillator per degree of freedom Coupling
connections between oscillators and between
modules determine the global behavior
65Our project CPG-based control
66Yamor key characteristics
- One-DOF
- Autonomous each unit has its own battery and
microprocessor (micro controller and FPGA) - Wireless bluetooth communication
- Arbitrary connections (strong velcro)
67YAMOR Examples
Elmar Dittrich and Rico Moeckel
68Designing CPGs
69Nonlinear oscillator model
Each unit is controlled by the following
Limit cycle
70Network of oscillators
Diffusive coupling
71Designing CPGs
xi sent as a set point for a PD controller (servo
72To be optimized for each oscillator
4 (or more) parameters per module
73Different algorithms tested
Genetic algorithm
Particle Swarm opt.
Simulated annealing
Powells method
Fitness function distance covered
74Stochastic optimization
Yvan Bourquin
75Typical gait
Yvan Bourquin
76Stochastic optimization results
Yvan Bourquin
77Online optimization using Powells method
- Multidimensional optimization method which does
not require gradient computation - Idea
- use Brents method for unidimensional
optimization - Carefully choose direction sets for
multidimensional optimization - Numerical Recipes in C, W.H. Press, S.A.
78Unidimensional optimization Brents method
Combination of
Successive bracketing and parabolic
79Powells optimization method
Method for choosing directions for
one-dimensional opt.
80Yamor online learning of a controller
Param. values
81Yamor online learning of a controller
Modifications of parameters without
stopping/resetting the robot
82Yamor online learning of a controller
Time 0.0, starting from random initialization
Marbach and Ijspeert 2005, ICMA2005
83Yamor online learning of a controller
Resulting gait after 30 minutes
Marbach and Ijspeert 2005, ICMA2005
84Yamor online learning of a controller
Another example
Marbach and Ijspeert 2005, ICMA2005
85Yamor online learning of a controller
The online learning tends to produce solutions
that are as good or even better than those
evolved with a GA
86Properties of the CPG smooth modulations
87CPG-based control summary
- Pros
- Smooth trajectories
- Allows the integration of sensory feedback
- Distributed control, easy to synchronize
- Easier to design than neural network controllers
- Fast learning with some algorithms (e.g. Powells
method) - Cons
- The control of direction is sometimes not trivial
to add (this is true for all methods) - Requires mechanisms to implement multiple gaits
(e.g. like in role-based)
88End of this lecture