Title: Heat Sources for Melting of Primitive Earth
1Heat Sources for Melting of Primitive Earth
- Unstable Nuclides and Gravitational Compression
2Belt of Stability
Stable nuclides have N/Z ratios from 1 to 1.52.
All nuclides that lie outside this belt are
unstable and undergo nuclear reactions until they
become a stable nuclide.
- Process in which an unstable nucleus is
ultimately converted to a stable nucleus by means
of nuclear reactions - All nuclei having Z gt 83 and a few having Z lt 83
are unstable - The emission of energetic particles during a
nuclear change is called radiation
4Types of Radiation
Buell/Girard, "Chemistry", Prentice Hall,
NJ,1994, 152
5Natural Radiation
Tro, 185
6Penetrating Power
7Equations for Natural Radioactivity
Alpha Radiation
Beta Radiation
Gamma Radiation
- Half-life is the time required for half of the
radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay - After n-half-lives, the fraction of the original
radioactive nuclei still remaining is 1/2n
Joesten et al, Chemistry Impact on Society,
Saunders, NY, 1988, 68.
10Joesten/Wood, "World of Chemistry,2nd,
Saunders,PA, 1996,122
11Estimating the Age of Rocks Based on U to Pb Decay
Oldest rocks found on surface of Earth contain
50U and 50 Pb. Estimate the age of planet Earth
Tro, 202
12Estimating Ages of Materials that Contain Carbon
Half-life 5730 yr
13Carbon Dating
Tro, 200
14Radioactive Decay and Heating of Primitive Earth
- The shorter the half-life, the faster a nuclide
decays - Radiation is accompanied by a release of heat
energy - Unstable nuclides formed during a supernova
decayed at a rapid rate, released much heat which
contributed to the melting of planet earth
15Heating of Earth Due to Gravitational Compression
Miller, F.M., Chemistry, Structure and Dynamics,
McGraw-Hill, NY, 1984, 715