Title: Survival Analysis Without Life Data
1Survival Analysis Without Life Data
It's not the figures themselves," she said
finally, "it's what you do with them that
matters." Lamia Gurdleneck
- SF ASA Chapter CSU EB StatisticsOct. 16, 2006
- Larry George
2Survivor Function is PLife gt t
- Survival analysis is a branch of statistics which
deals with death in biological organisms and
failure in mechanical systems. This topic is
called reliability theory or reliability analysis
in engineering, and duration analysis or duration
modeling in economics. (Wikipedia) - reliability function (durability?)
- ccdf
- Whos interested in survival analysis? Why?
- People say life data are necessary. Not always!
- Motivations the IBM way, Apple lit. search, TP
and ergodicity, shopping time survey - Methods npmle and nplse, missing data, queuing
theory, renewals, stages - Examples AIDS, SARS, bird flu, ICDs
(pacemakers), and AEDs - Questions limitations, data, kill controls?
- Progress in artificial stupidity
4People say life data are necessary
- estimation requires detailed individual patient
data on the time from admission (or illness
onset) to death or full recovery. Yu et al.
SARS - For device failures, the year of device implant
was not known. An individual patients
riskcould not be sufficiently evaluated in this
study, such as device model and years since
implant. Maisel ICD - Accurate assessment of actual device performance
is not possible based on limitations of the
post-marketing surveillance system for medical
devices. Estes AED - "The data required to provide an expected
replacement profile actuarial rates are not
automatically available at this time thus, the
expansion of this theory actuarial forecast
into full practical applications" Krupp - as well as the failure to maintain life cycle
part and labor histories at the end item level,
makes it difficult to apply standard economic
useful life models RAND M1 Tanks
5Life data (grouped)
- Suppose all you had was shipped and returns
counts (bottom line)?
6Ships and Returns Counts are Sufficient Statistics
- Ships ? nj births, sales, installed base,
survivors - Returns ? Rj deaths, recoveries, complaints,
failures, repairs, spares sales - GAAP requires ships and returns counts, without
id - Theyre population data www.who.int,
www.fda.gov/cdrh/ maude.html
7AFR is calendar-specific, not age-specific
- giving guns to children. Mensing
- AFRj ? Rj/Snk (sum over k 1,2,,j)
- Maisel published AFRj in JAMA for FDA pacemaker
and AED advisories, not failures - AFRs are averages. Age-specific reliability,
broom charts, forecasts, and SPC tell more,
better, sooner - Good news can compute ships and returns counts
from AFRj and installed base nj
8AED advisory rates per 100 AED device years
9Cdf of time from release to FDA advisories (ICDs)
10Methods npmle and nplse
- Nonparametric gt no need to defend unwarranted,
mathematically convenient assumptions - nplse Harris and Rattner, Oscarsson and
Hallberg, and George - npmle George and Agrawal, 1973
- Apple story lit. search with 1 hit, my own article
11Npmle Mt/G/?
- Estimate distribution of time in store, without
tracking individuals, from arrival times and
departure times - Light traffic gt FIFO gt departure arrival
random sample of iid times in store - Heavier traffic gt probability of FIFO, second in
is first out, and so on, as a function of cdf of
time in store - Steady state no info
12Missing data, renewals
- Often early ships returns counts are unknown
- The data are archived Apple
- We dont even know our own inventory LILCO,
http//www.lipower.org/company/relipability.html - TP and ergodic story
- M88A1 production started in 1977, data from 1990s
13M88A1 annual actuarial rate of engine rebuilds
14Biostatistical examples
- AIDS case forecasts (Harris and Rattner) from
case counts without identification - Actuarial forecast from HIV-gtAIDS-to-death
- SARS and bird flu country comparisons from
www.who.int data and CFR - Yu used time from case admission to death or
recovery - WHO data are cumulative case counts
- Pacemaker ICD (Medtronic)
- Age at failure vs. ships and returns
16SARS Weekly Actuarial Death Rate Estimates
- Data from http//www.who.int/csr/sars/country/en/i
ndex.html and Yu et al., HKU
17Bird flu survivor functions
- Data from http//www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_inf
18Pacemakers and AEDs
- ISO 5841-22000(E) requires names and dates
- Implants for surgery -- Cardiac pacemakers --
Part 2 Reporting of clinical performance of
populations of pulse generators or leads Annex
B, actuarial analysis - Many ICDs dont have serial numbers! Required,
now - www.hrsonline.org/UploadDocs/HRS_Device-Performanc
e-Recommendations-Apr06.pdf - Follow-up by name, date, and ???
19ICDs and FDA advisories
- Survival function estimates
- ICD broom charts. Why no improvement?
207271 GEM DR
217271 GEM DR nplse Broom Charts for electrical
227271 GEM DR nplse broom charts for battery
23Marquis andMaximo
- A sine qua non of scientific publication is,
publish information so that anyone with the time
and inclination could reproduce the results.
biostatistician - FDA time-to-advisories? (shown earlier) Why does
it take so long? - Ships and returns are sufficient. When to use?
- Could we do more with data? What data? SPC on
returns. Want early warning? - Why kill controls?
25Ships and returns counts may be all you can get
- Population estimates have no sample uncertainty
- Variation may be because of nonstationary
reliability from different calendar intervals - Automotive aftermarket ships and returns require
1/1000 the data as storing by VIN, part number,
dates - Ships and returns counts protect privacy
- Avoid errors
- Auto dealers complain long and bitterly about
having to enter VIN, part numbers, repairs, and
mileage every time they fix something
26Do more with data
- Look around for data. GAAP requires it. HRS wants
ages. What should FDA do? - Broom charts?
- SPC on returns?
- Early warning?
27Why kill controls?
- Were lucky to get 100 people with some of the
diseases were testing drugs for and we have to
divide them into matched control and treatment
groups. Abbott clinical trials statistician - R. A. Fisher said so, but he was doing
agricultural experiments - Why not use population estimate of untreated
group? - Limitation of M/G/? in steady state
- Works for epidemics, transplants, pacemakers, AEDs
28Progress in Artificial Stupidity
The very powerful and the very stupid have one
thing in common. They don't alter their views to
fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit the
views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen
to be one of the facts that needs altering. Dr.
- http//www2.hawaii.edu/bergen/bush.html Bush
state stereotypes - www.fieldreliability.com/ASRI.htm
- Broken down by sex
- www.fieldreliability.com/VirtStat.htm
- Weibull DoA statistics. What MTBF would you like?
- Terminate SPRT at time of fixed sample test
- If at first you dont succeed, try again
- How often do you beat your wife?
- Changing cdfs after a while
- Alison P. Galvani, Xiudong Lei, and Nicholas P.
Jewell, "Temporal Stability and Geographic
Variation in Cumulative Case Fatality Rates and
Average Doubling Times of SARS Epidemics" (June
2003). U.C. Berkeley Division of Biostatistics
Working Paper Series. Working Paper 133,
http//www.bepress.com/ucbbiostat/paper133 - Gregor Raley and Dan Raimooni, The Further
Undoing of Lamia Gurdleneck, Applied Probability
Newsletter, TIMS-ORSA, April 1986 - Grunkemeien, GL, JL Dobbs and A Starr,
Statistical analysis of pacemaker follow-up
data. Rate stability and reliability,
Circulation 197653241-244 - Karr, A. F. et al., A framework for evaluation
the utility of data altered to protect
confidentiality, The Am. Statistician, Aug.
2006, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 224-232 - Maisel, William H MD, MPH, Safety issues
involving medical devices, JAMA Aug24/31, 2005,
Vol. 294, No. 8, pp. 955-958 - Maisel, William H MD, MPH, Pacemaker and ICD
generator reliability. Meta-analysis of device
registries, JAMA, 20062951929-1934 - Mark Estes III, N. A. MD, Automated external
defibrillators-device reliability and clinical
benefits, JAMA, August 9, 2006, Vol. 296, No. 6,
pp. 700-702 - US FDA manufacturer and user facility device
experience db (MAUDE), www.fda.gov/cdrh/maude.html
- Draft recommendations report by the Heart Rhythm
Society task force on device performance policies
and guidelines, www.hrsonline.org/uploadDocs/RS_De
vice-Performance-Recommendations-Apr06.pdf - Shah, Jignesh S. MD and William H. Maisel, MD,
MPH, Recalls and safety alerts affecting AEDs,
JAMA, August 9, 2006, Vol. 296, No. 6, pp.
655-660 - Yu, Philip L. H., Jennifer S. K. Chan, and Wing
K. Fung, Statistical Exploration from SARS, The
Am. Statistician, Feb. 2006, Vil. 60, No. 1, pp.