Title: Creating a System for Inspections
1Creating a System for Inspections
- Greenmarket, CENYC 2009
- Michael Hurwitz
- June Russell
- Bernadette Martin
- info_at_greenmarket.cc
- 212-788-7476
2Trust everyone, but verify
3Trust everyone, but cut the cards
4Purpose of Inspections
- What is the Mission of your market?
- Inspections should support the mission and the
rules of the market. - Support your identity, and the promise of that
identity name/logo/certification. - Inspections verify producers claims.
- Your identity gives legitimacy to producers. They
may receive contracts, restaurant business,
press. - Most importantly, the trust of the individual
consumer. - Inspections should also deter participants from
breaking the rules and assist in holding those
who are, accountable. - Inspections are a foundation for publicity and
advocacy. - Inspections ultimately should build trust and
relationships within the community.
5Part I Know Who You Are (or who you are
working for)
- What are your standards?
- Clear rules
- Establish clear rules for your market
- Models for rules.
- Farmers Market Coalition as a resource for
developing rules. - Other Markets from around the country post their
rules online. - Contact Greenmarket
6These are the strengths of Greenmarket that the
Rules must protect
Key Facet of Greenmarket Details of the Situation
Strong Consumer Brand Consumers have faith in the Greenmarket Brand and look to it for local, fresh food.
Favored Tenant of the City of NY Without the space and modest rents that the City charges, Greenmarket, would be unable to offer the attractive stands that it can offer to the Farmers/Producers.
Go-between from the City to the Farmers/Producers Organizing and overseeing the Producers so that they can sell their wares directly to the consumer, without having to go through the complexity and restrictions of the Citys street vendor program.
Vehicle for Protection of Farms and Producers Promoting and strengthening the small family farmer in the radius of the Region
Distribution Mechanism to ensure that fresh, local food reaches the City, including areas that are poorly served by other forms of food retailing.
7Long Term Purpose, Goals and Achievements of the
- Some of the things that should be considered when
thinking about Rules - Why are we creating rules in the first place?
- What is the impact of Rules on the long term
achievements of Greenmarket? Can we design Rules
that actually help us to accomplish what we want
to as an organization? - Can Rules, properly designed, encourage Farmers
to take on product and capital investment? - How do we provide Guidance for Evaluating rules
on specific topics of Product Eligibility,
Producer Eligibility, Compliance and Fees against
the Mission of Greenmarket for the future - Can we develop a research agenda that guides rule
making. For example the Orchard Rule. Should we
be encouraging ownership of cider presses? The
Grain Issue should we be encouraging local grain
8Part II A System for Inspections
- Intake
- At Market
- Managers
- Inventories
- In the field
- Confidentiality
- Preparation
- Check lists
- Follow up
- Issuing violations
9Intake The Application
- Set yourself up with good information
- Establish an agreement between market management
and producers that producers sign. - Require that producers submit
- Crop plans Product lists, (similar to ,OSPs,
Organic system plan) - Farm Maps
- Production facilities being used
- Information requested reinforces the terms of the
market place.
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14At Market
- Working with management, training managers.
Market managers are the frontline of enforcement. - Collecting information, monitoring product at
market. Knowing what is at your market is
important for several reasons. - Seasonality/ Publicity - Education
- Authenticity/Inspections
15At Market Inventories
- Inventories are key in documenting products and
volume at market and become essential in proving
when a producer is in violation of the rules. - Make inventories routine. It will help lessen
hostility and suspicion from your producers if
this is seen as routine and not indicative of
harassment, a witch hunt, a pending
inspection - Opening/closing inventories. Try to get the best
information possible. Complete opening and
closing numbers. - Units of measure. Create standards i.e.. Apple
crate, tomato box, flats. - Inventories can be a sensitive area. Be clear
with your producers about what the information
will be used for.
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17In the Field Inspections
- Who is doing the inspection? Dynamics will be
different. - In house, a staff person is a member of the
community. Ideally, they will be removed from
final decision making. - Contracted inspectors from outside the community,
can be more objective, if less familiar. - Certifying agencies NOFA, Demeter, Certified
Naturally Grown - Other farm market inspectors
- Extension agents
- Experts in a particular area or aspect of
- Confidentiality is critical to inspections and
must be practiced by both management and
inspectors. - Develop confidentiality agreements with
inspectors. - Train your staff and managers to abide by
confidentiality. - Be aware of potential conflicts of interest.
1951 Chambers Street, Suite 1231, New York, NY
10007 ? (212) 477 3220 ? fax 212 533
0242 As a Greenmarket Farm Inspector, I
agree To inform the Greenmarket Director of any
ties - past, present, or future that I have, or
plan to have with a producer, prior to conducting
an inspection of his/her establishment. To
present Inspection Reports to the Greenmarket
Director and/or the Farm Inspections Coordinator
for the purpose of enforcing Greenmarket's
grow-your-own regulations. Not to divulge to
anyone the nature and/or content of any
documentation that has been provided to
Greenmarket, or acquired as part of the
inspection process, unless I am authorized to do
so by the Greenmarket Director. Not to discuss
producer affairs with anyone except the
Greenmarket Director and/or The Farm Inspections
Coordinator without prior approval from the
Director. _________________________
___ ____________________ Greenmarket Farm
Inspector Date
20Preparing for an Inspection
- Make sure you are familiar with the
rules/standards of the organization you are
inspecting for. - Review product lists, maps, previous inspection
reports and inventories. - Compare product lists and inventories.
- Request any information you may need ahead of
time, i.e.. Seed receipts, processing invoices. - Contact producer and arrange a time.
- Allow adequate time for the inspection. For
example if a farm has an orchard, vegetable
production and a bakery, you will need enough
time to inspect all aspects and facilities of
21Items to Bring on an Inspection
- Maps of the area/compass
- Directions to the farm
- All relevant documentation farm maps, crop
plans, inventories, etc. - Copy of the rules
- Check list/templates
- Note pad/clipboard/pen(s)
- Camera
- Phone
- Dress appropriately
- Boots, raingear, sun protection
- Be ready to get dirty
- Note Clean your boots be conscientious of
tracking potential contaminants from/onto farms.
23Basic Check list
- Meet and greet farmer or person designated to
give the tour - Check fields, greenhouses, orchards, livestock
areas, processing facilities that are used. - Identify crops, acreage, assess yields and
evidence of current and future yields. - Equipment
- Labor
- Storage facilities barns, storage units, washing
and grading areas - Packing areas and packaging supplies
- Exit interview and sign off
24Categories of farm production
- Greenhouses plants
- Vegetable production
- Orchards small fruits
- Ocean or fresh water fish
- Processing preserves, pickles, baking, prepared
foods, juice cider, grain milling - Livestock pigs, poultry, beef cattle, lamb,goat
- Dairy fluid milk and cheese production
- Foraging
- Honey/Maple Syrup
- Aquaculture
25Sample Dairy Checklist
- Land (both owned and leased) while visiting each
parcel listed on crop plan verify the lease
agreement is on file. - Livestock Breed and size of herd, health, care
and breeding practices - Housing and conditions
- Feed sources
- Milking facilities and practices quantity in
pounds of milk produced each day. - Pasture and grazing land management
- Manure management and composting to minimize
environmental impact - Number of employees
- Processing facilities on farm? If not you must
visit site location. List all equipment used. - Additives or flavorings used? Where are they
from? - Single or mixed milk products? See rules for s
- Storage facilities refrigeration, cellars and
temperature control at market. - Ensuring integrity of products sold at GM are
from your own herd Indicate only if product is
purchased from other sources. - Labeling
- HACCP plan for dairy in place and being utilized
- Sample Audit Show the math here. Provide copies
of feed receipts if applicable. Also audit run
for one day and compare to days inventory at
market. - Vehicles
- Marketing how are they doing at Greenmarket?
- Exit Interview Additional Information Needed,
Issues of Concern
26Sample Orchard Checklist
- Land (both owned and leased) while visiting each
parcel listed on crop plan verify the lease
agreement is on file. - List each variety of fruit, of trees per acre
or per row, of rows and spacing) age of trees
in production. of bushels or bins harvested per
tree. - Number of employees, additional at harvest
time. - IPM, biological controls, are spray records and
certification current? Is equipment visible? - Problem pests
- Fertilization Spray, compost, or mulching
practices - Irrigation and water sources
- Thinning practices?
- Bushel baskets and bins is farm name present?
Please list if name is different. - Grading or labeling machines in use? Bagging
machines? Name listed on bags? - Ensuring integrity of products sold at GM are
from your own trees Indicate only if product is
purchased from other sources. - Cider production? Are they pressing on farm? Is
equipment clean? Can you detect that it has been
in recent use? If pressing off farm, where. See
invoices, agreements. - Labeling processed by, sold by, etc. If not
pasteurized, is consumer warning label visible? - HACCP plan for cider in place and being utilized
- Sample Audit Show the math here. Provide copies
of receipts if possible or applicable. - Vehicles
- Marketing how are they doing at Greenmarket?
- Exit Interview Additional Information Needed,
Issues of Concern
- Ask lots of questions
- Listen
- Make notes of everything
- Take photos
- Maintain respect and confidentiality
- Do not talk about other producers
- You are there to gather information and to report
- Violations can only be issued by the Director or
Board (Depending on your organization)
28Communicating an Area of Concern
- In the exit interview you should discuss any
areas of concern you have with a producer, before
you leave the farm. - Make sure that they understand any confusion you
may have with regard to their process. - Give the producer every opportunity to show you
what you need to see to clear up the confusion.
If you are not satisfied with their explanation,
let them know that too. - Follow up in a timely manner, do not let a
possible violation linger if you can help it.
29Follow Up After an Inspection
- Write reports of each inspection and include good
documentation. - Gather further information, research topics and
issues where you have more questions. - Conduct follow up inspections if necessary to
further verify products, processes, volume. - Report suspected violations to your supervisor.
30Build an Archive
- Develop baseline information about your
producers. - Establish Farmer/producer files
- Crop plans, product lists, farm maps
- Farm Inspection Reports
- Market Inventories
- Photos
31Issuing Violations or Penalties
- You must develop a system for determining
violations. The inspector should not be the
investigator, the judge and the jury. This will
depend on the organizational structure of your
market. - Within staff Director, senior manager,
inspector. - By committee if this includes farmers, then
those with a conflict of interest should recues
32Procedures Following a Violation
- Establish penalties for violations.
- Penalties should be reasonable and fair, but are
also meant to deter violations of the rules. - Notify the producer of the violation and
subsequent penalty. - Create a system for review that is available for
producers to challenge your findings.
33Part III For Inspectors
- Develop your resources
- Reference materials, seed catalogs
- Trusted advisors who are removed from your
community - Ag. Experts at Universities or extension offices.
- Advocacy organizations ATTRA, Rodale
- Inspector networks and training IOIA
(Independent Organic Inspectors Association)
34 Psychology of Inspections
- Freds speed limit /cop theory. Everybody will
speed if they do not see an enforcement presence.
People will at least slow down if they see a cop
on the highway. - The human capacity to rationalize and lie
- Perfectly likeable people will lie to your face.
- To be caught is (usually), embarrassing.
- Methods of avoidance distraction, denial
- Confrontation is difficult. Sometimes simply
asking a direct question can be confrontational,
and will elicit an emotional response. - Always stick to the facts. Do not make it
personal. - Keep in mind the impact of community and agreed
to community norms.
- People like to talk about each other
- .A LOT.
- Rumor
- Do listen to rumors but take them with a grain of
salt but know that sometimes there is a grain of
truth as well. - Falsehoods people will say terrible and wildly
inaccurate things about each other. Know that
envy, maliciousness and plain ignorance exist. - Work to develop a filter.
36Code of Conduct for Inspectors
- Support and encourage the development,
implementation and advancement of the markets
mission - Abide confidentiality agreements
- Maintain the highest possible standards of
integrity - Foster goodwill and cooperation
- Report suspected fraud
- Avoid situations of conflict of interest
37Conclusion The Social Contract of the Market
- Inspector Management reliability
- You will be wrong sometimes, make mistakes, make
oversights. You will not know everything. - Your reliability as an inspector, member of the
community is most important. Your word is
everything. - Producers must ultimately trust that you are
working on their behalf, and for the good of the
market. - Producer accountability
- Producers who are breaking the rules must be held
accountable. - Over time, the inconsistencies will be revealed
Inspector X - Consumer Trust
- Consumers must have trust in the identity and
promise of your market.
38- Greenmarket is a program of the Council on the
Environment - New York City, N.Y.
- Prepared for the Farmers Market Federation of
New York - March, 2009