Title: The Fred Factor:
1The Fred Factor What is a Fred?
2What is a Fred? Reading Plan
- Chapter 1 Read Aloud
- Chapter 2 Silent
- Chapter 3 Independent
3The Fred Principles
- Everyone Makes A Difference
- Success is Built on Relationships
- You must continually create value for others, and
it doesnt have to cost a penny - You can reinvent yourself regularly
4 Small Group Discussion Of the four principles
related to being a Fred, which one has the
greatest resonance for you and your current
Reading First work?
5Fred Sightings
- A Funny Fred
- An Accountable Fred
- A Generous Fred
- A Famous Fred
- More Fred Sightings
6The Fred Factor Becoming a Fred
7Becoming a Fred Reading Plan
- Section Intro Read Aloud
- Chapter 4-7 Jigsaw
8Becoming a Fred Jigsaw
- Create a group of four and decide who is going to
read each section (2 min.) - Send each person to a chapter group to read,
discuss and prepare outline together for sharing
(1 minute) - In chapter groups, prepare outline for
highlighting AND highlighting key ideas presented
in the text (20 minutes) - Come back to your original group to take turns
sharing each chapter in order presented in book
(5 minutes each)
9 Small Group Discussion From what was shared in
your jigsaw group, what are some practical ideas
you can take away from the reading and discussion
10The Fred Factor Developing Other Freds
11The Fred Principles
- Everyone Makes A Difference
- Success is Built on Relationships
- You must continually create value for others, and
it doesnt have to cost a penny - You can reinvent yourself regularly
12Developing Other Freds Reading Plan
- Section Intro Read Aloud
- Chapter 8-11 Group Presos
13 Whole Group Discussion Who is the anonymous
person you are thinking will benefit most from
you developing as a Fred and developing them as a
Fred? How will it benefit their work? Where
will you start with him/her?
14The Fred Factor For the Love of Fred
15For the Love of Fred Reading Plan
- Chapter 12 Silent Read
- Chapter 13 Read Aloud
- Appendix Independent Read
16 Whole Group Discussion What will you take a way
and use from your experience in reading and
discussing The Fred Factor?