Title: Go8 Advancement Directors
1Go8 Advancement Directors
- Why is Advancement important?
- What are Go8 Advancement Directors doing?
- What have we learned?
2What is Advancement?
- Advancement - alumni engagement (friend raising)
and development (fundraising) - Carla Boeckman (Queensland)
- Robyn Brown (Adelaide)
- Jennifer Bott (UNSW)
- Tim Dolan (Sydney)
- John Kearsey (Monash)
- Jenny Stephens (Melbourne)
- Campbell Thomson (UWA)
- Joan Uhr (ANU)
3Why is it important?
- Alumni are central to the life of an institution
- Mutual benefits flow from meaningful alumni
relationships - Alumni act as lifelong ambassadors, they expand
global links and alliances, volunteer their time
e.g. mentor and networking, and contribute
significant financial resources
4Why is it important? (Cont.)
Bradley Review Recommendation 39 That the
Australian Government provide funds to match new
philanthropic donations received in the sector as
a means of stimulating an additional revenue
stream from this source with the cost capped per
institution, and in total at 200 million over
three years Not supported
5What are we doing?
- The Go8 Advancement Directors met for the first
time in 2008 - Issues for discussion
- Reporting standards/benchmarking
- Training
- Code of Practice
- Promoting philanthropy
6What are we doing? (Cont.)
- Reporting standards/benchmarking
- - Office structures/resourcing
- - Definition of alumni
- - Reporting of donations/bequests
- - reporting rules CASE, Go8
- Directors Research and CFOs
- - survey/benchmarking tool pilot late 2009
7What are we doing? (Cont.)
- Training
- - Development for deans
- Its hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think
you look funny on a horse - - Adlai Stevenson
8What are we doing? (Cont.)
- Code of practice for Australian university
philanthropy - - Adopted by Go8 in 2000
- - Reaffirmed by Go8 in 2008
- - Outlines the rights of donors and the
- responsibilities of universities
- - Ensure that donors have confidence to
- give to the university
9What are we doing? (Cont.)
- Promoting a culture of philanthropy
10What have we learned?
- We can collaborate
- - to share best practice
- We can promote
- - a culture of giving
- We can make observation/comment
- - effect of the Global Financial Crisis
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15Some observations
- Fundraising is moving forward, but at a slower
pace - Big gifts are still being made not everyone is
affected the same way - This is a time to nurture donor relationships